I don’t think a Fortnite character skin (one model, or possibly just a texture skinning for an existing model) is fairly comparable to a large software & modeling project like the DC-6. It’s not at all surprising for the more complex product with a small niche audience to cost more.
Calling this nonense and your idea to limit the price shows that you apparently don’t have any idea about how much time and money the development of such an aircraft costs.
Here are some more examples of pricing for high-fidelity simulations:
Milviz KingAir 350i - $80
QualityWings 787 - $80
Leonardo Maddog MD-80 - 95 Euros (base package only)
So… if you really expect PMDG to be anything below THESE, I don’t know what to say. Why would they sell their product short?
This kind of reasoning is backwards because it looks at the equation from the wrong end and ignores the volume of copies that are being sold. Flight Simulator is actually ridiculously cheap because the player base is enormous. A niche product will always cost comparatively more because it sells a lot fewer copies. Imagine if somebody commissioned PMDG to make a custom, private use airplane. It wouldn’t cost $80. It has to be worth the developer’s time.
So then what you’re saying is, in order to justify the low price tag, nobody should make an add-on aircraft unless it can either sell a million copies, or it doesn’t exceed x thousands of developer hours. But folks are willing to pay for a niche product or an extremely high quality product, so why not let them?
Yep 50 Bucks is my max
I will buy if it is below $100, but have to consider very hard if above $100
PMDG 737 at any price ($140 or above) will be insta-buy
I am a new simmer and never owned any of their previous products. This is by reputation only.
I also don’t get it when people complain about price. We are free to choose and pay what we can afford.
So I guess you will have to pass
Funny topic. If you’ve been in simming for as long as some of us, you know very well that some of the greatest addons have in the past and will in the future cost more than the base sim. And of all the developers out there, PMDG is the one that has the least interest in worrying about the price of their products. There are a lot of people who will pay a lot of money to enjoy the best this hobby has to offer, and that’s just a fact.
Frankly, a more interesting survey would be, on average, what’s the lowest price an addon aircraft can go for and still be likely worth buying (ie. A PMDG, Aerosoft, Milviz, Justflight level of quality–cos I’m not sure why you accept less)? I guess that list has its own answer, about $40-50 USD.
Just curious why some of you think this offers more depth than the crj? That seems like a pretty highly detailed plane to me.
My opinion is the crj has set the current benchmark for complex aircraft pricing, I feel you overshoot that mark by too much and your sales will take a hit due to perceived value. I mean how can an old prop liner be more complex than a modern airliner… (I don’t actually think this but it’ll be a common line of reasoning)
Any way I’ll wait and see, I’m thinking of buying it but it’s going to be a hard sell at 70usd.
Also not sure where this silly elitism that filthy casual simmers won’t be able to handle this plane comes from. It looks very accessible with the flight engineer automation. I’m sure they’ll be able to figure it out.
It is not the overall complexity of the aircraft, but how deep you go on simulating subsystems…
Ah, a scalper in our midst
I cannot believe there is so much theory and guess work related to the pricing. And so much anger based on people’s guessed pricing and value.
PMDG spent a certain amount of time and resources developing a product. They will then price accordingly to pay for time spent (covering their costs - software development CAN be free but can also be expensive) and of course like any other company they will want to make a profit (not just covering costs - companies as a rule should want to grow).
It baffles me how this is the biggest point of discussion. Hardly anyone is talking about the product itself which is a shame. Why don’t we talk about what we have seen in action in the tutorial videos or screenshot and complain about the price once the price isn’t the figment of someone’s imagination?
For me: seeing the oil pressure react to temperature in the Startup tutorial really shows what kind of bird we are dealing with. We also know that as soon as the particle system is better documented and updated (should be soon looking at the E3 videos) they are going to make her belch smoke as each engine comes to life. Love a good startup procedure and what I’ve seen so far is most definitely a good startup procedure!
Nicely said. There are now several threads speculating what the price will be, bickering over the whys and wherefores and downright arguing about what the ‘right’ business model is.
The folks at PMDG must be laughing their socks off…
laughing absolutely ClayishCoast9
to those that think there’s some sort of comparison to the crj, well you’ve not experienced a pmdg addon , the experience will be an education
Hi all,
Although it looks like a fantastic DC-6 model and propliners are my preference, I’m not willing to pay more than $50.00.
I can’t wrap my head around paying almost as much for one aircraft, as the entire MSFS flightsim cost.
I’d say Maybe $50.Definitely at $30.Appreciate all the hard work but I have a limit for payware aircraft.That’s all.
Not buying at all.
I am far from having the spare time and dedication to learn how to operate an airliner. Also, large planes just are not my thing.
It’s cool that PMG releases their stuff for MSFS now, though.
I’ll buy it anyway… take the pain if the price is higher than $ 70. But this thing looks just to great, and if I imagine the hours I will be enjoying myself with this beauty, the rate per hour will be really low (way less than $1/hr).
But also really appreciate that this might be a lot of money for others that don’t have this luxury. I guess that’s with everything in live that costs money though.
This thread was inteded to be a poll but it has become a thread where the OP is trying to convice other users about the correct price in his opinion.
As this is supposed to be a Poll I would answer you that I would pay whatever the price is to get a PMDG radial engine simulation.
As a former PMDG user I know it is worth any penny.
I think you have already said multiple times you consider this expensive. Your oppinion is well known now and respected. Just do not buy it.
There is not need to try to convince the rest of us.
There are and there will be more addons available for MSFS, different developers, quality, price…so everyone can choose in accordance to his taste, interests and expectations for an addon program.
As a simmer for many years and a professional pilot for more than 30 years I will be happy to invest money on this wonderful study level addon with the PMDG quality label.