PMS50 GNS530 mod

Thanks – CRITICAL information to know … but how do you know it. ?
Trail and error, word of mouth … there seems to be so little in the SDK about most things MSFS !!

So, in theory, I could make a “trivial” mod, that all it did was say “set a single different value in aircraft.cfg”, and provided I called that mod ZZZ_FIX-it chances are it will load last, and that would be the value the sim used.

Would this Mod limited to no DRM planes, or, can I say mod a parameter in aircraft.cfg of a plane that has it’s aircraft.cfg in a fsarchive encoded file. ?

The $64,000 question !!!

I believe not only alphabetical order but also timestamp (the “date” value in layout.json).

You might be able to publish the same file with the same name but with a more recent timestamp so that FS2020 uses the most recent one.

Timestamp … so my Year 2080 mod will override everything else !!! GOOD TO KNOW

Where does all this Undocumented knowledge come from so quickly ??
(he asks, looking a Tech Alpha Insiders !! )

I’d guess if there is provision for a timestamp in the layout.json file, it must serve a certain purpose and in this case it would be a good purpose. However I don’t know whether they are actually using this date value in any way but it would be sensible to use it this way, and in this case you are right, you shall be able to publish a community mod no other one could override then!

I can see some case when that would be desirable… like if you want something specific to remain the way you want it, and you did not want a Mod to be changing it.

Obviously to be used with some care, if you are going to effectively blindly overwrite something in a newly update mod that you have not checked if your forced Mod will upset !!!

Re_installed ModManFX64, and now ALL Mods are displaying Version and Authors…

Does show a few have not updated that info from the Defaults (like AUTHOR = <> or Asobo Studio.

Your, of course, is 100% right :slight_smile:

Ok, will be done.

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Great work so far :+1:t2:

One small (or maybe not?) request. I’d love to see a working OBS mode avaliable. Either connected to the HSI/NAV 1 course selector for input, or manually enterable on the GNS would be fine.

Completely agree. The OBS is one of the main missing functionality. it’s on my todo list from the start.

Will do it if I can.

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It’s major functionality missing across the board. It’s absence from the G1000 is a pain, and we may not get a resolution from Asobo until Update 9, if memory serves.

A great plugin…thank you for this!
It makes flying the Mooney lot of fun for me :slight_smile:

But i found three issues…not sure if they are the fault of the GNS mod or of MSFS:

1/ Whenever i choose an approach, the last waypoint in the flightplan before the destination disappears.
The waypoint is still flown, it just doesnt appear anymore in the list. (for instance the CANYN wpt in the screenshots of problem no.2). If i remove the approach via the GNS menu, the waypoint appears again in the list.

2/ Some (most) of the waypoints on the GNS map display flicker heavily at times or disappear completely. Update rate in the MSFS config for MFDs is set to medium.

3/ Sometimes the Garmin creates strange pathes (usually arcs) between the last waypoint of the flightplan and the first waypoint of the approach. These can lead to CFIT.
There are also always arcs created for turnpoints in the flightplan ( i think this is even the case with the default GNS), but these are just displayed on the Garmin but not flown…the aircraft will fly to the waypoint and make a sharp turn there like expected, and not fly the arc.
With the first approach waypoint this is different - the arc is really flown by the aircraft, and sometimes its huge. I attach two screenshots, one from the Garmin and one from Littlenavmap, showing the expected and real flightpath.



I want to add, at the FPL page at the DTK column all Approach waypoints show without magnetic variations added to the course and it is different from DTK at the NAV page.

These arcs are an Asobo thing, they occur in every aircraft… And they are not correct.


Ah, right…doublechecked on the flight planner page and can see the same giant arc there already.
One of these totally strange bugs…i mean, why create an arc if you just need to draw a straight line,
and how far away from any aviation knowledge can one be to even come to the idea in the first place.

Would be so great if the GNS mod could fix this…not sure if this is possible.
Will zendesk the issue btw.

While confirming the KSFO nav data being missing, I found the modded 530 would hang if you try to add a direct flight plan to it. It is in the database on the nearest page, but selecting it does nothing. Manually entering it into Direct causes the 530 to lockup, and even a power off, and on won’t clear it.

The Arcs are very strange, and most annoying, Someone at Asobo must have spent a lot of time & effort DREAMING them up and programming them, when they could have been doing far more productive work, completing the Garmin code.

Must be the same person that decided a LDA Approch had to route by a 5 mile extended runway heading, and dis-guard the last few fixes on the Approach Plate - yet got the similar Rnav approach correct … Where was QC that month ???

It’s this MADE UP, Fantasy world stuff, that I find so upsetting about MSFS - IF you are going to branch out from Fantasy games to Real World Simulation, get advise & guidance from Professionals in that world, rather than just code Fantasy.

The thing that boggles me a bit, is the fact that they partnered with Garmin. Why not then get permission to use the G1000/3000 trainer software, and the G530/430 trainer software, in the sim? No need to re-invent the wheel, just need to code the interface.

Forgetting the ARC !! I find what is happening at CANYN even more disturbing, !!
I cannot even imaging what Made Up Intercept processing is going on there …
Please tell me that was Pilot Intervention !!!

Now been starting at it for over 5 minutes now, and I cannot imagine what the Asobo Garmin was thinking as it approached CANYN.

It almost reminds me of those #$%$#% car drives, who when wanting to turn, swing out the other way, to make the final turn less of an angle ???

That’s EXACTLY what it looks like !!!

This plot seem to show very clearly, a similar response to other times when I have been on Asobo Garmin AP, and it has done an “unexpected” track through a turning point at a fix.

Yes, that was pilot intervention…i had not acitvated the approach yet (i assumed that it would be activated automatically when passing the last waypoint…i did read it somewhere but i dont know where that was), but the AP just switched to the next waypoint, which was the airport.
So i quickly did activate the approach and the aircraft turned to follow the arc.
Sorry for the confusion ! XD

Regarding the waypoint flickering, if you’re using Navigraph data that’s a known issue with that currently.