PMS50 GTN & TDS GTN - We Need a factual comparison, pro / cons, Product A verses Product B needs to be clearly defined & Listed

Any update regarding this particular topic ???
I am sure others besides myself are curious about the current status of TDS 750GTN 750/650 since it has been updated quite a bit in the last year and also recently in 2024.

I am sure someone out there is well versed on both products mentioned in the topic/subject line. I am certainly not well versed.

So whom ever replies to this please share your detailed knowledge so we can all make a decision on acquiring TDS , the PMS50 or both product’s current versions based on raw facts. So now , in June 16, 2024 what is the difference between the PMS50 or TDS product??? Which interface has more features??? . Plus we need a comparison listing pro’s and cons . I will share that I myself have the PMS50 75OGTN interface/ module.

Thank you for your help whomever shares factual , detailed , factual/ real comparisons and product 1 verses product 2 information . Your concise information and efforts will be appreciated by all . Currently, as of today when searching the internet. “no” up to date comparisons, factually and fair ***pros and cons *** nor ***1 verses 2 ***** exists in —>-June 2024<—- .

Whoever answers this inquiry (I mean the first person to answer ) should be well versed and please don’t share in “ my humble opinion” however , note that “””IMO type of replies””” —-can follow —-so to be later shared with others because they too are sort of helpful to some extent. But the***first reply *********************
*** to this inquiry needs to be factual and others using IMO should follow.

Whomever answers——->>>> your efforts and time will I am sure be appreciated by all who have the same interest in needing to know .

Thank you .

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Existing thread found using Search.

Which interface has more features? We are talking apples and oranges between the two GPSs. The PMS50 is a depiction of a GTN 750. The TDS unit is a GTNXi 750 based on the Garmin Trainer and functions like the real unit.

You will get a multitude of answers for Pros and Cons. There is nothing to compare. Maybe you should be asking specific questions targeted about the TDS GTNXi if you already own the PMS unit. Both units are well supported by their respective developer.

I happen to own both and rarely use the PMS unit. That does not however mean the PMS is subpar…I much more prefer the TDS GTNXi. Especially when it comes to integration on to my RSG Units.

That’s as much detail as I am going to give.

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A comparison checklist for example would be a good start. Also , Pro and Cons should be factual information based on for example , what planes each product supports at this current time. Another Pro may possibly be that one of the product’s features needs to be opened & ran in the back ground on a PC while the other may not . Again we don’t know these things so someone perhaps like yourself knows. But, facts first should be listed and the IMHO type replies need to be shared thereafter because like your comment above — which it does too share an important thought but really doesn’t answer what most need to know about the two products. Below this message is an example of what is meant by comparison chart .

Here is another example both products now support Navigraph , ……

We need help here from knowledgeable users. We are certain that someone in the MSFS 2020 community knows .

In advanced Thank you for your time and efforts.

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As you wanted facts rather than opinions, why not just look at the websites and freely available manuals and create your own comparison table that is suitable for your needs?


Because researching for ones self requires work and time and it is easier to have someone else do it for you. As I said before pro or con is in the eye of the user. Download a GTNXi Pilot’s guide and read it all 500 plus pages. Other than working radar which the sim does not support at this time you will see what the unit can do.


Because we don’t know what to look for. Hey the TDS has evolved over the last year. Most of us here go with facts shared by others that are truly aware . We learn from someone perhaps like you. Especially for example the more experienced person could be a real pilot who has used something very close too the 750 units incorporated into MSFS 2020 and from this knowledge they will be able to compile info based on what they know and then share that with us . Too there are more experienced sim pilots here that are also more “”overall””” software experienced. From our research and we may be certainly blind ( lol) there is no definitive information available for example on what planes the TDS supports and all upcoming products they will eventually support. I am sure someone within the community knows . Perhaps you know. I believe PMS50 clearly list the planes and more. Again your share is welcome. One more thought there are some really good comparisons from creators of educational videos for MSFS in the world of YouTube , plus, in this community sharing facts about SayIntentions and Beyond ATC. Where is the current information in 2024 on comparisons regarding PMS50 and TDS? Also for example there are ongoing updates for multiple important products and there are multiple users of MSFS that are software professionals, perhaps real pilots and just really smart users of MSFS that are more naturally knowledgeable about MSFS add-on products regardless if the product is third party or sort of directly provided by MSFS because they spend much time and are life long users of MSFS . They are just much more experienced.

Also Note that in some cases detailed information on products aren’t shared on a manufacturer’s website or elsewhere — Nor is the information clearly defined but a knowledgeable person can tell us more just from plain experience. Another example —-someone like yourself may share a side note that the TDS GARMIN trainer needs to be opened and running in the background , and later a software specialist may add in their thoughts. Thus person may happen to be a MSFS enthusiast plus a professional PC specialist that later may interject ——>> and say the TDS is loaded with realistic features , but some of our computer resources such as the cpu/ processor and RAM will sort of be affected to some extent. Who knows but the more advanced person will know the facts because they are specialist and just plain and naturally smart/.

We don’t know these things and I myself will admit slow to catch on. LOL.

We are enlightened by knowledgeable people because of their experience . You may be that person. We learn from someone like you. Again thank you for your help and sharing your
thoughts. All is appreciated by us. A comparison chart would be a good start from someone could sharing factual info could compile for us. Again only for example and not limited to just this —“what planes TDS supports in comparison to PMS50 . “ Another example , Details on WX , Which system —PMS50 or TDS is currently supporting more areas worldwide . We are sure there is someone using both products that is familiar with just this topic. I myself don’t know what to look for in a product like this. But I’m sure if someone told me I will then be more aware I don’t even know where to start. Most regardless of me are without a doubt in the same situation. But a comparison chart of a sort would be very helpful and we would be able to learn from there. We don’t know where to begin in order compare . For one important reason, the comparison information for the PMS50 verses the TDS product has not been updated in detail for quite a while. However If it Does exist it’s not easily found by just using search .

Note that pulling information about a real to life 750/ 650 GTN is not a comparison because it defines the system based on its facts in a real plane . . We need a comparison on the systems true to life operations in the World of MSFS. That’s our reality . At least We kind of know from others comments in the past that MSFS TDS device is sort of close to the real GARMIN . But again a comparison chart would be fabulous showing this info. We’re not asking on how TDS operates because only a real pilot can tell us that but at least we can get close or kind of close to what a real pilot will tell you. Real pilot and flight instructors survival also depends on it. We need a feature comparison chart basically on the real GARMIN verses the MSFS TDS and TDS verses the PMS50 . Learning On how to use TDS and PMS50 in the world of MSFS can be learned best from information gathered from creators of PMS50 and TDS since the products were made for MSFS. The real to life manual can be used as guide for extended knowledge and sort of a comparison to its’ real features against the MSFS version.

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One notable difference is that there are mods available on PC for the PMS50 that replace GNS 530/430 units with GTN 750/650 units, enabling GTNs in planes that wouldn’t otherwise have them.


Same for the TDS GTNXi 750 and 650. People are always making integrations for both PMS and TDS.

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Thanks to all who have shared their thoughts here. I/ we are just trying to make it easier for MSFS 2020 enthusiasts to know that there are two option’s available. One option is the PMS50 which my friends and I have and the other in short is the TDS version . But what are the differences between the two options so most of different needs can validate their choice. PMS50 representation of the GTN is very descriptive and they share their WTT/WT versions and what birds they support (( ( Native or otherwise) like one person shared over Father’s Day weekend here in the USA it’s .( Thank you. That person knows who they are) PMS50 GTN in summary is not exactly true to the actual unit but it works well. The TDS version from our perspective and overall historical comments over a period of time through different sources we gathered information from ( mostly from MSFS enthusiasts) is close to the real deal . However like (I - being me) ( I / friends of similar interests are blind) there is not much up to date info (being in June 2024) ( yes) on what is now supported ( for example what birds are supported. Which is just one thing ). However to compile info on the two ( which we shared a non related comparison chart we think someone in this community can be more accurate than most especially against us being I and acquaintances) to share in table a check off list comparing the features of the PMS50 Version with the TDS version. That Knowledgable person can if they will , than compare the TDS Microsoft 2020 version with the real deal that actual pilots use . Unfortunately if you do some research here on our side of the world can’t track down any recent YouTube videos ( June 2024) or elsewhere. It seems like the interest died .

I am sure both the serious and casual enthusiasts somewhere out there noticed this too.

We being my acquaintances /I learn from you . I will certainly claim we do follow those who are in the know , but again we are not as aware and smart . But we enjoy local connections here with similar interests. It’s strange that the interest and up to date information YouTube is soo old for the MSFS TDS . Fortunately PMS50 keeps their product ( on their own ) up to date. A lot they do. TDS has up dated their product but their site is not as informative as the others. But we are sure there are members here in this community may even be close to the TDS developers and perhaps do beta tests . I would think like other developers/manufacturers of Msfs planes share with some of the more popular YouTube Msfs 2020 video / learning creators , we believe they being TDS and PNS50 share their products so it can be beta tested and — compared to— before it’s released . These people we think would know the differences between the two products and when the MSFS TDS is compared alongside the real unit someone who is also a real pilot but a MSFS enthusiast must know the comparison too. For sure. Anyway. I myself am traveling and using a small virtual keyboard to painfully type this. But again your true and accurate comparison will be appreciated that is if it’s informative and factual. We enjoy researching the forum and other forums where othered share their knowledge using facts not opinions. It helps us here more so. We enjoy using PMS50 but need more info on the MSFS TDS version since It has I am certain evolved more so since it was introduced to the MSFS world. Like we shared over the weekend the TDS version of those real model GARMIN ‘s where here is close in it’s representation and I am sure tge manuals are very informative for an actual pilot that without a doubt needs that manual . But the real life GARMIN (s) is I am certain not the MSFS b version but it can be tool to an limited extent with the sim world versio

What don’t you understand about the fact that the TDS unit utilizes the Garmin Trainer made by Garmin. It functions just as a real GTNXi. Read the manual!!


I haven’t used the PMS50 version in ages, but I do have the TDS Pro version, so my comparisons are quite likely out of date.

From memory it seems snappier than the PMS one. The interface is really fast.
It can import/export flight plans external to the sim, which works great when doing a multi-export from Littlenavmap.
You have a choice of terrain alerts, which the PMS50 didn’t have at the time.
Autozoom depending on your flightplan, so it zooms out for longer legs, and zooms in again for shorter ones, and when taxiiong. Getting around airports is easy with this.

Some downsides are:
No Nexrad
No MP traffic, though it will see AI/Live traffic
No crossfill, even between two 750’s or a 750/650
No WTT code as I am aware
No autopilot code

I opted for the TDS because you can’t get closer than the real thing, and the thing that was putting me off until recently was its inability to update its nav database. I think two years or so of work went in to getting that to work, and that was the point I bought it.

If a dev. has already take the trouble to integrate a PMS750 into their cockpit, I believe it is very little work to get the TDS to work. I did that in one plane, and all it took was changing out two lines in the panel.cfg. The downside was the bezel buttons, and knobs didn’t work, but again probably not difficult for the dev to do a “if X use these functions, if Y use these instead” configuration.

If you want to find what it can do, review the Garmin documentation. It will have features present that would require access to real hardware, which of course this virtual one doesn’t have.


You can also download the Gamin Trainer and try it out.

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Ummm. So the latest updates ( that is if those updates are actually available in 2024) didn’t include what you mentioned above. However the good news is that Navigraph is now supported

Thank you for the advise. You are correct.:+1: I

What does that practically mean?

It means that the PMS unit comes with a custom autopilot panel.