PMS50 GTN750 Project

If I change planes or a avionics I exit and reboot.

I also use Addon Linker to load only what add-ons I need for that flight.

yes Addon-Linker is a game changer for managing the community folder.

Difficult to imagine trying to use MSFS without it now


Just installed everything from scratch again today.

The RSG bezel does work. When you put the Pen Mount software in Mouse emulation mode you donā€™t have to tap twice for a click. The soft-buttons work great.

I donā€™t seem to get the hardware buttons to work though. Maybe thatā€™s not possible?



  • Bugfix: The sim may change the current leg while loading or removing an approach.
  • Bugfix: The sim may change the autopilot NAV mode after canceling a direct TO.
  • Bugfix: stuttering issue if used with a low specs PC.
  • Added a mitigation button to help adjust brightness control with very bright betzels.

November 6th and 7th

We offer a temporary test license which starts on November 6th and ends on November 7th.

The test license is: 64d8136fe21f7b888a43385c8c8e31f9

Please check the documentation on for instructions about license activation.
Be sure to install the latest version.
The license will not be active before November 6th. (edited)


Iā€™m having trouble getting RNAV approaches to work consistently.

  • I make sure the NAV/GPS switch is set to GPS
  • Iā€™m at the FAF published altitude
  • Approach autopilot is selected

When I pass the FAF the autopilot wonā€™t always descend down the glidepath. Sometimes it performs flawlessly other times it will pass the FAF without initiating a descent. I have no idea if this is user error or not.

For what itā€™s worth, Iā€™ve been flying with the Carenado Mooney with Navigraph and I double checked that the RNAV approaches Iā€™ve been flying are RNAV/LPV although I donā€™t know if that matters or not in MSFS.

Edit: Seems like a workaround is to turn off ALT hold when you arrive at the FAF. Enable vertical speed mode and nudge the nose down a bit and then the AP will fly the glidepath.

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We have just tested RNAV approach with the M20R and the GTN750. We didnā€™t find any issue. The autopilot brings us to the runway.
Test flight plan: LFRK/LFRG Approach RNAV 30 transition GODOV. Activated Approach mode after IRG30. FAF FRG30 at 3000ft. The aircraft starts its descent correctly just after the FAF.


Thanks for the reply. That approach worked as advertised but Iā€™m still having trouble with an RNAV approach in my neck of the woods.


2000ā€™ for JIRAG, descend to 1500ā€™ for SEBAE, Approach mode activated before SEBAE. Once I pass SEBAE the autopilot wonā€™t capture the glidepath. User error?

This is likely due to a long-standing bug in the sim. Itā€™ll only capture the glidepath at the last waypoint before the runway instead of at the FAF and in this case thatā€™s WUDRO. As a test to see if thatā€™s still the case, you can try to get down to 700ā€™ before WUDRO and see if itā€™ll capture there.

Yup, that worked. Got down to 700ā€™ with approach armed and it successfully captured the glidepath.

Annoying bug but also a big relief it wasnā€™t pilot error!

I take it a bug like this will be rectified once the NXi is complete and its code is incorporated into the sim?

Anyway the GPS doesnā€™t manage that. itā€™s at the simā€™s level.

Quick question, canā€™t find it with search: can this unit fly holds and missed approaches?

No, these 2 functionalities are still not available in the sim. Weā€™ll implement them as soon as they are available in the SDK.

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The WT G1000 NXi can, and create them on any waypoint. Hopefully WT will soon expose that code to the SDK, then everyone can take advantage of them. That might occur when they decide it is good enough to replace the Asobo default G1000.

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This must be reported to the sim kernel and the SDK must provide the necessary functions to manage the new functionality. Until now, WT directly manages the autopilot instead of letting the sim doing that and provides their own flight plan. Hope will get all that in the sim next year without a completly renewed SDK.

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So I have the premium version and Iā€™m really enjoining it, amazing work, worth every penny, but so far I only used it on my Carenado Seneca V.
Is there a list of compatible planes (payware or freeware) and how to setup the GTN750 on them?
edit: awnser: yes itā€™s in the official website.


With the Justflight Arrows you get the 750 and 650 as backup.

Can someone tell me what the cause of the darker shaded portions of the panel is caused by?

THis seems to be a map issue in the sim. Do you have the same in another place and/ or with the toolbar panel GTN750?
The traffic aircrafts are also strange. Maybe you have some other Mods in the community folder?
You should try without any other Mod in the community folder.
Also be sure to use the latest version (2.0.22 currently).

Isnā€™t that caused by the Seasons Addon?