Poll: How many MSFS users have a VR headset of any kind?


Oculus shows where VR and AR can go towards. One big pain point in VR is the cumbersome aspect of a kneeboard. There are good apps, but nothing beats paper. Yet Oculus has a way of opening a “window” to the real world while still wearing the headset, using it’s tracking cameras, which could absolutely be used for documents and airport plates.
Right now the tracking cameras are monochrome for better light sensitivity and fairly low resolution (again, for light sensitivity, more pixel area = more photons per pixel per unit of time = easier to flood read noise) so not quite practical for documents. But it isn’t hard to imagine a full VR/AR mix in the next few years.

I think VR has a lot of potential - and it will only be a gimmick if investment in it stops, or FB gets too much of a stranglehold on the market and changes direction (its infinity office project lays the foundation for AR/VR mix, although as a huge introvert I can’t say I’m happy with the social updates they put in their headsets).

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I use the Quest 2 with the offical link cable…Sometimes i have a great experience with it…other times its a lag fest…Have a top end PC too, It needs optimizing for sure

I used to use TrackIr and thought it was amazing. I had two difference versions of it… so good!

Last year I bought three, identical 43” 4K TV’s - even with image stretched across the three screens, the immersion is fantastic.

Just a few months later… the three screens became obsolete… when I bought a Reverb G2. Wow!!! Such a game changer.
I had previously owned a Rift (CV1) and I also now have a Quest and a Quest 2… they are all brilliant, but for MSFS the Reverb G2 is second to none. The feeling of flight is unbelievable. I could never go back to flat screens.



And we have learned that the majority of the people who clicked on this topic have a VR set.

I’ve been using VR since 2015 and I still get these “wow” moments everyday.
Everytime I hop in one of my Carenado aircraft I usually sit there for 5 minutes admiring the interior textures pop out at me in stereoscopic 3D. I don’t have the wealth to acquire a business jet IRL, but I sure can sit in a digital model virtually and enjoy it’s craftsmanship.:beers:


When using a quest 2, is it possible to interact with the aircraft buttons using the VR “hands detection”? Or I will always need to hild the VR controls? Thanks

Valve index, never a problem smooth as butter on RTX 3080.

True, but I think it’s interesting that the overall ratio of ‘Yes’ to ‘No’ votes has remained fairly consistent since very early in the voting. While that’s not proof that there’s no bias in the poll results it does in my opinion lend credibility to them.

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Show me one poll that doesnt is suggestive. The question is always asked with the answer in mind.

Of course not. It is still exclusive just for the price tag and we are still early adopters. But there is one and only future and this is VR. The step is the same as from turrican to doom. Flatscreen is a dying species.

The headsets will become smaller, lighter, smarter, better within a few years and I dont want to think of what AR can do.

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I have a Reverb G2 but rarely use it. My experience with it the few times I used it was good. However, I do prefer to fly in 2D as I can really expand the graphics and LODs. Its a tough toss up between 3D and looks good to 2D and looks amazing. It is my first experience with VR as well using MSFS. I did also try Starwars Squadrons and it was a nice experience.

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MSFS does not support VR controllers at this time. You’ll need to use traditional controls, like a game controller or joystick or yoke, and the mouse and keyboard.

Yes, this is hard when you can’t see them or your hands. :slight_smile:


Yes, I’m quite surprised by that myself. Not so much as a temporary swing to either side so far.

I can’t create a new thread with a Poll across the devices (guess I’ve not been good enough!), to get a better idea of what users are using I’d do something like this (without VR in the title which as mentioned above can skew the Poll results):

Title: Which Display device are you using for MSFS2020?

  • Single Screen (Curved, 4K, CRT etc)

  • Dual-Screen

  • Triple Screen

  • Track-iR

  • Virtual Reality (VR)

  • Projection

  • Other (Please State)

I’d also add in the caveat that if you have multiple display devices (as VR users can also use flat screen for example) that people vote for the one they use the most. (I’ve probably forgotten another common device but those are off the top of my head.)

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If indications above are anything to go by, the answer would till be a 65/35 split, with the 35 spread across the remaining options.

Except what you need to deal with now is voter apathy as they are presented with yet another poll. :wink:

With MSFS I use both, my screen and my hmd. I do all the planning and setup in 2d and the actual flying in vr with the push of a button. With msfs, its actually amazing to have both worlds right at your hand. Im not aware of another sim supporting vr in this way. I really like the concept.

X-Plane, and DCS to name two.

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Reverb G2 here and will never fly MSFS2020 in 2D ever again. I have always wanted to see Meteor Crater in Arizona so a flight in VR out of Winslow was breathtaking. To look down at the crater was incredible. I also recreated a flight I have done for real a few times from Booker to Sandown on the Isle of Wight in live weather. Threading my way between Farnborough and Blackbushe was just how I remember it.

Playing IL-2 in VR is absolutelty amazing as well,

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Pre-ordered the Reverb G2 last year, received it in December, but don’t use it with MSFS as the performance is too poor even with basic graphic settings and reduced render scale, and even after SU5 (though my performance improved in 2D). Unfortunately the GPU shortages had kicked in by the time the late-release of the G2 happened.

I can just about get by in DCS with it but sadly it’s not getting much use at all - waiting on a GPU.

What I will say that the VR implementation of MSFS is good as far as convenience goes - being able to switch back and forth without a game restart. That aspect beats all the other games I’ve tried so far :slight_smile:

66% Uses a VR headset! :smiley:
Something tells me this is skewed. A bit :wink:

If it’s true, there should be some issue-priority shifting.


That’s what I do too.