[Polls] 40th Anniversary Edition/Sim Update 11 Discussion

I had the same issue. My dedicated FS2020 drive is only 500GB.

I deleted my (200GB) ‘rolling cache’ file and that solved everything. For me, It is in a custom folder so yours may be different.

All the best.


I wish the developers would fix the absolutely GARBAGE way the install is done.

my PC has ZERO overclocking for GPU or CPU or RAM right now and still the Game install crashes my PC and it ONLY occurs during install. It never happened before the update.

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I’m so glad i saw this coming, and choose to wait. Friends here in the Netherlands started downloading 3-5 hrs ago, neither of them has got halfway yet. Reporting downloads < 0,3 MB/s. This release on a friday night is a blunder of mega-proportions, absolutely ridiculous.

It’s not the release of a game update on a Friday night that’s ridiculous.

This Update is Amazing, thank you Asobo :heart_eyes:


Really disappointed - we get all this gimmicky stuff but fundamental things like weather still go unfixed. 4 sim updates now since it was broken in SU7, and the sim is still unable to render an overcast sky. EDIT: I am referring to “live weather”.


You’re on pc ? what’s your setting for clouds ? Ultra, medium ? also consider the options in the weather dialog, you can set overcast as dense and/or scattered as you want.

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Ultra on everything, PC. I am talking about live weather. This has been an ongoing issue since SU7 unfortunately.

Download smooth, yes a bit slow (min 20Mbits) at times as expected during update night. Took the Fenix for an CAT3 approach into EDDM. All good. Maybe lost 3 to 4 FPS. Updating Nvidia now.

Took a bit to download, then there were issues with connecting no doubt due to everyone on. Waited a few hours and everything works fine. Flew a bit in my standard go to aircraft, tried the gliders and helis. Performance seems the same as the previous version and no CTDs. Overall I don’t get the hype, bored already. Guess I was hoping for something special. Seems like just more stuff. Putting away until direct x 12 is fully implemented.

Download between 200 and 250 Mb/s.
No problems after installing.
Performance about the same as before.

My update from Intel i5-9600K to AMD Ryzen 7 5800x3d gave me more performance.
SU10 with new processor avg 45 fps on ground avg 60 fps in air.
After update from SU10 to SU11 about the same performance figures.
The sim is running a bit better on DX12 then before, but DX11 is still my choice.

Still offline on xbox?

Where exactly is the FSR 2.1 option?

Thanks for reporting it, hopefully it will be fix soon enough.

All - I experienced no issues seeing update once opened game. It asked to download the core install files, went fine. Then at check updates, it found those, downloaded them, went into main screen. Downloaded the Content stuff, closed game restarted PC, checked to see if it would open, moved around in game, did NOT select AC or fly. Closed game. Tried to copy back CF folder got some errors on that, so uninstalled PMDG 737, and now restarting and reinstalling that. Will try flight later on tonight and report back, but to me so far, this has been the most seamless update so far in series. Since Release.

All - I think it was me, but tried a short flight in PMDG 737 last night, and just could not get the errors cleared in the FMC FP. It was late, tired, so just must have forgotten something. Next time will use my checklist. Think altitude was wrong, but not sure. Going to recreate FP at simbrief, and then put that in correct folder and try it later on. This time downloading was almost flawless, just let it run, and went and did something else. Got home done. I get it others are having trouble, and I feel their pain.

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Great, the sim doesn’t even start anymore and fails with error code 0x80070002. No update, no nothing :rage:

Terrible Azure Servers:

Warning: Connection Lost: Online Servers are unreachable. Please Check your internet connection

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my only comment about the download/install is that some files were looping so I ‘paused’, shut down FS, restarted my PC and then restarted FS and from there things went fine.

Performance seems good and I think better than SU10. stability is good.

I was pleasantly surprised that Meigs included the rocks around the runway.

The white dot not disappearing is beyond frustrating. Prior to this update you could click up (or was it down?) on the dpad and it would disappear.

Breaks the immersion when I can’t look out the window without a blasted circle spoiling the view.


You devs broke road traffic in VR:

And please give us a toggle for this awful white dot.