[Polls] Sim Update 14 ( Discussion

Reading all the horror stories I set aside several hours to download but it finished in under 10 minutes on XSX.

However, the loss of mouse control issue that I haven’t experienced in several updates came back and came back strong. In one flight (with 5 takeoffs and landings) I lost mouse control four or five times. Sometimes I could see the cursor (it would stay on the screen, unmoving), sometimes not. In all cases, I could still right click and look around with the mouse. Tried it with the controller attached and also disconnected, made no difference.

I didn’t see anything in the notes about this issue but something changed.

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super smooth and fast download here in NZ, no complaints. Test flying now

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Any news on the Cessna 207 yet?

What am I supposed to do here? 7+ GB of download completed but hanging at the finishing line of decompressing. Paused it, exited the sim and resatrted it. 146 bytes left to decompress. That’s bytes, not GB, not MB, bytes. Nothing is moving and I cant start the sim. Any suggestions?

How long on that menu? I would wait it out abit.

Glad i didnt update yet.

Ended up deleting the entire asobo 787 file and redownloading it. About 1GB. It downloaded in no time and I’m back in the sim.

Once it got thru the update process (2 hours) performance is as advertised by the beta users - a bit worse overall - ive lost at least a few fps from this am flight with the same settings. Well see if it smooths out over the next few days but I am not hopeful.

is it me that I need to go to sleep or the performance seems significantly improved? (using dx12 on latest nvidia driver)

My experience was good. I emptied my community folder then I started the update process at 11:30 UTC. Took only half an hour to complete the entire update and have no third party applications installed for first test flight.

After completing the update, I re-booted my PC. Then loaded MSFS. Took only a few minutes to load and arrive at the main menu screen.

Set up a test flight where I flew for one hour and 1/2 using default Baron G58 in IFR conditions, evening departure, night time landing.

Program ran very smoothly for me. Good FPS. Not seeing any noticeable stutters, pauses and did not experience a CTD. Smooth experience all around post SU14 installation.

Next test will be in daytime conditions, large metropolitan city using Ultra settings for longer duration cross country flight in real weather. Then if that is successful, I’ll start to introduce third party files back into the community folder and see how performance is impacted.

For me, my experience has been positive. So far, so good.


Well, that’s enough for today. 200 kbps isn’t worth the power consumed to leave my PC on. I hope the Elves back at Santa’s Shop get their server/network bugs worked out overnight.

Still pathetically low download speeds. Tried to reboot, but nothing was fixed as stated in previous post by community manager. 4 Mbits/s on a 1.2Gb/s connection is just crazy. Come on Microsobo, this has been going on entirely too long. I really hope you get your priorities in order before 2024.

Anyone know if the ATR idle throttle has been fixed?

Download speed was variable from 0.00Mbps to 500Mbps. Took twenty minutes and then another 10 for Content Manager downloads. Not complaining! The SR22 improvements are fantastic! FPS and smoothness are fantastic! Just finished 2 hours in VR, you guessed it, FANTASTIC! Love this sim!

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Pleasantly surprised with this update. Download took about 3 hours but well worth it. Hope everyone can have the same results. Thanks to the beta testers and all those involved


On the livestream they said December 12

Same here. It feels like my rig is back on point

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overall performance is better here - HOWEVER - in the first one hour flight there were 4 very long pauses, enough to make me think a software crash was imminent.
Very discouraging.
I used to be able to record and post flights to youtube whenever I wanted - no issues. Now, since SU13 and SU14 forget it. I’m lucky to have one flight in twenty without one of these massive software pauses…and for the first time 4 in one flight.

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Well it’s 10:30 pm in Toronto Canada and I’m trying to download the latest update. Just opening the sim and launching the update the download speed is 1 to 3 mb/s. So I used Nord VPN and put my location as USA. And it’s 5-15 mb/s. Is this optimal? Seems redicluously slow since it’s coming from Microsoft, the king of software and gaming.

SU14 make my sim getting less fps, about -7 fps
Well done!


Download and install of SU14 went off without a hitch. Doing a flight in the 78x from KSAN to KMSP, and so far so good. I had to turn off live weather to get the correct takeoff runway. The sim seems to think runway 9 is default when the winds are calm, but KSAN always uses runway 27 unless there is a Santa Ana condition.

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