PopOut Manager not working with Beta

I don’t use the auto-start feature so it doesn’t matter to me, but when I updated to SU12 and updated POPM and copied the button-skipper package into my Community folder, MSFS would continually crash on start (never got to the first credit screen). I couldn’t work out what was wrong, but in an effort to undo recent changes I removed the button skipper package and the sim started correctly.

I can’t say for sure that the button skipper actually broke the sim, but removing it certainly fixed it. YMMV.

Hi Stanley, I updated to the new version yesterday, I’m so happy and happy again. Thank you very much for your great work.

Do I understand correctly that your program will group popup windows. I have less fps drop with window grouping.


Grouping is a thing of the past. POPM doesn’t group popouts.

And agreed. Sim performance is worse now with popouts than it used to be. That’s something Asobo needs to get sorted. It can be done, because they had fixed it in the first beta of SU10. But it was rapidly regressed.

So far, there seems to be very little interest on their part to fix this.

When you base fixes on votes, many things are not going to get resolved as not enough people being affected

Normally I’d agree. But this popout performance issue has had enough votes to be in the feedback snapshot list for the last year or more now, but it never makes it. Issues with fewer votes make it to the list and are fixed. This one seems to be that red-headed step-child of an issue they just don’t really want to deal with.

In fairness, last year in a Q&A, Seb claims they put a fix in place that would help “some users” but not others. I’ve still not credibly heard of a single person that had this issue where this was suddenly fixed.

Like I said in my last post, they actually fixed this issue in the first SU10 beta. Then they reverted it for the subsequent betas and it’s been the status quo since.