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Is this an asus portable usb A/C monitor you are using? Any good?


Hi. Thanks for your input. I have an I7 10700 + RTX 3060ti + 32gb 2666mhz DDR4

Progress so far. I’m not done yet, but getting closer to my Mooney.


Perhaps you had an incompatibility with something within your setup because I’ve been using AM for years and it’s always been great. Any bugs are generally fixed quickly. I think you got unlucky and was obviously disappointed at that but to label it buggy is just not correct when 1000’s of other users are not having the same problems.

Not sure why you’d be having performance issues with AM. You’ve got a faster system than I do and I don’t see any issues… :confused:

It is, and it works well!

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Take my money!

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Thank you N582TC!

It’s an awesome board which we have had a lot of fun developing and testing. It makes building your next cockpit so simple. No more messy wiring! Spring clamp terminals so you don’t have to spend hours crimping pins or soldering. We have built our MaxXtender system in so you can drive individual 3,4,5 and 6 digit displays along with x4 LCD displays also. All resistors are surface mounted so no need to worry about that for your LED,s and encoder signals. We have our own MAX7219 boards coming soon too and they will look great on the board. Stay tuned!

Moved away from the desk to a simpit. Still some tinkering to do…:crazy_face:


I see you are a member of the TPR pedal club. Best piece of kit I purchased to date. I love mine.

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I like your touch screens down on the desk and not up on top of the yoke. I may play with lowering mine and moving my throttle over like yours. I want to also make it easier to switch between my Homeycomb and virpal controls.

Can’t speak for other brands, but coming from the Logitech rudders, these are great. Definitely worth the investment.:+1:

Still tweaking the throttle position. I build a throttle stand for when I had my setup at the desk. Now that it’s in a pit, going to build one that works well with this configuration.


I’m sure I have posted these before. The Virpil controls are on my DCS setup. The other panel is used with Airmanager and MSFS2020. I also swap out the gps stack on the right for another touchscreen.
I also have 2 G1000”s that I’m building for a glass option.



Here is a pic of the panel in use and my first G1000 I built. This one was a test build for myself. It works great but the second set I’m building looks even better.
Also those Logitech pedals are long gone replace with the TPS pedals. So much better.


Nice setup.

Small update to my setup, I finally was able to complete the pedestal, installed the switches and all wired up and working great. Thanks to my neighbor whom help with the cuts on the wood etc. I think it came out pretty darn good. I’m now completely mouse free when flying in the cockpit short of the multi-engine start panel I have left to finish.


Nicely Done!!!

and the pedals plz…?