- Post Your Cockpit Pictures Here -

You weren’t wrong though.


I don’t take many still shots. This is a video screen grab. You can check my profile for additional info. Cheers


Looks very nice
But may i ask, your instruments are they freefd panels?

Why is this being flagged??? Must be some jealous people in here…smh


Panels are from Real Sim Gear if that’s what you’re asking.

What is that seat and the hardware mounted near the headrest?

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They look very similair to the panels i used for fs2004 they called freefd and are freeware they still work with msfs2020 and fsuipc7 and widefs


The seat is a Kirkey road racing seat, and the bar and servo are part of an active restraint system. I go back and forth every few months between racing and flying. Cheers

Love the setup!

Thank you, want to swop :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Likely because it’s advertising.

My “Zero Visuals” VR cockpit, in progress. No monitor. No gauges. Just knobs, buttons and switches, placed as they naturally sit in VR. Need to adjust the heading bug? Reach for it, and it’s there! Need to program a “Direct To” airport on the 530? Reach on over and key it in!

This is a BLAST!! A few more switches and a transponder and I won’t need a mouse in VR anymore. :wink:


Hi all,
here’s my C172 cockpit.
Desktop PC with FS2020, laptop with AirManager, three Arduinos and MobiFlight.


Air Manager and Mobiflight. Interesting and strange at the same time.

Work in progress


Thanks for your comment.
Air Manager is used for the instruments display (output only), Mobiflight manages buttons and knobs (input), LCD and LEDs (output).
Why do you see it as a strange setup? Any suggestions will be welcome!

Strange that you are using an additional piece of software in MF to handle the hardware when AM can do everything. Just thought it would be simpler to keep it all together and have one less application.

What’s strange about that? We built our Cessna style simulators using Air Manager to display the gauges and Mobiflight to handle all the I/O. Air Manager was a great solution for the gauges and Mobiflight was a great solution for all the switches, encoders etc. A perfect combination for us. Made the builds really easy using this combination.

We looked at using an Arduino with Air Manager, sorry Tony but it’s just too complicated in our opinion. Mobiflight makes it way too easy!

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Nice! We like how compact it is. Impressed!