Hmm, something is very weird with your computer, especially if you use DX 11 with the Studio driver and get this error, but then when you roll back to your Game Ready driver and I assume you are using DX 11 with your Game Ready drive, you don’t get this error.
In theory, running DX 11 should be the same on your old driver and the Studio driver.
Im not having any problems with DX12. 12900K, 3090, DX12, no repo, default nVidia control panel settings, MSFS settings mid to high to ultra. Ground LOD 100, Textures 100, no lock on fps, getting up into the 40’s VR @LOWI in the F18 w/clouds. Game Ready driver (most recent). I don’t even know how to get the Studio Driver. If it will give me extra features, please tell me how to do it
Using the studio driver here on an RTX2080, and still seeing video memory problems. Locked frame rate of 30 fps will suddenly drop to around 20 fps, presumably when video memory needs shifting around. Then after about 40-50 seconds frame rate returns to 30 fps.
Ive been getting the same kind of thing for awhile now where the fps will drop and then start to crawl backup to where it was. I think this issue is more of a network / server issue and not the game it self per se.
The other new feature I like, is that I’ll spawn in the airport and have like only 12 fps, and if I dont just shut it down out of disgust, you can watch the FPS start to crawl upwards, 12 14 16 till it hits 20. Kinda reminds me of when I was a kid, and we’d garbage pick and old lawn mower for the engine and you’d pull the starter cord and the motor would fire and go chug chug chug argggg, and a couple of more pulls it would chug chug and start. LOL???
Out of 4 flights today (all the same flight) I had 3 that couldnt get past 16 fps, and one that ran at almost 28fps for the 1 1/2 hour session. Without rebooting the machine or restarting steam etc did nothing just ran the game … ah yes Consistency!
I know some of you guys out there have more severe problems with this SU10, but my biggest concern at the moment is the blurry screens in cockpit when using dlss, even in quality mode. Let’s Hope they Fix this together with all the other issues.
with Quality? are you sure, you should be seeing pretty crisp glass panels, try turning up AMD Sharpening higher, like bump it 50 from whatever you have it on now. You will be amazed.
My experience is that as soon as MSFS gets to the Checking for Updates screen, CTD. If I turn off DX12, MSFS loads right up. Empty Community folder, cleared all DX cache. I guess I’m stuck with DX11 cuz I’m not going to sit around all day and night trying different things and waiting for things to load over and over again.
I have RTX3080/11900K. I am using VR and installed the new Studio Driver. The level of VRAM usage in DX12 is insane. Its about a 25-30% increase on my DX11 usage. As a result, flying out of anything but the most basic locations overloads my VRAM and it stutters like mad. Went back to DX11, kept the driver for now. If this is the driver to make DX12 smooth, then it sure didnt work for me.
Might be great if you have 12gb VRAM or more or don’t use VR. But with my 3080… its stutter fest VRAM overload.
In that video, performance drops because the VRAM capacity of the card is exceeded. When VRAM is exceeded, it switches to system RAM for the remaining memory, which imposes a significant latency penalty and performance drops. What you’re showing is strictly a VRAM capacity issue.
This can be avoided by switching texture quality to one setting lower (e.g., Very High if at Ultra). This should reduce VRAM usage by 10% and avoid this issue.
There’s something interesting about the 517.40 studio driver from Nvidia. Using DX12 with a 3090, I’m seeing an increase in FPS compared to the previous driver, as well as reduced stuttering while panning. However, this seems to come with higher VRAM usage, where I’m seeing >1 GB of more VRAM usage compared to the previous driver. I suspect this is due to the enabling of DX12 memory optimization features with this new driver, as detailed in this post below. This seems to suggest the new 517.40 studio driver does actually trigger the DX12 memory optimizations within MSFS, as VRAM usage is increased and performance is improved on the new driver when using DX12.
in flight in a dense area, can you see how much RAM you are using by using task manager or dev tools? I have 32GB but the same exact configuration as you. I just want to see if adding more RAM will help anything. I’m using DDR5 6000 RAM
I5-10600K / 3070 / 32 GB here, tested DX12 with Studio Driver and seeing a very nice improvement.
Settings on HIGH, TLOD 125, trees, textures and clouds ULTRA.
VRAM usage is close to the max (around 6.9 GB out of 7.0 available). But it is fluent, steady FPS > 30 even on frame heavy airports like justsim EDDL with the BAe146 or the Fenix, only minor stutters when making sharp turns.