Thanks, must have been icing indeed. I also started a flight in SLLP and got up to 20,500 feet. Patience is certainly a virtue!
I then went back to SKMZ where I tried to get onto the hills west of Manzinales Colombia, put the weather to clear and got up there just fine, beautiful scenery up there btw. So I guess I may need to switch Icing Effect to visual only in the settings if I want to fly in mountains because it’s so much fun to fly this in clouds between mountains and although not realistic I don’t want icing to spoil the fun when it comes to this bird.
Some news:
detailed screws on hood with some dirt
callsign on tailboom (not editable in sim, texture must be changed)
warning signs on tail
Next step will be some dirt in cabin and rework of existing clor variations to this design.
Awesome, looking forward to more real looking textures. This little thing is an absolute must have for any VR users!
Does it have a mixture control? I didn’t see it anywhere but the biding on my HOTAS for mixture would cut the engine off when pulled back.
There is a small dial center/bottom, that’s the mixture.
2Ragingbeard: Thank you
Yes, as TOGPixella described, knob in the middle with sign “lean” is mixture. It is because Rotax 582 when uses optional mixture control it has exactly such valve (it is closing fuel line). It is 3rd party tuning in real life. The FS2020 game engine is very sensitive to mixture (more than in real world) so I recommend to use it most of the time. You can significantly reduce the fuel consumption (fuel flow on dashboard).
Another new texture updates:
- Tires with new more realistic and worn marking
2)dirt on oil reservoir and muffler:
- added rivets to muffler body:
Great job,
I like those little details
I just add new version 1.31. on Simmarket, you will find it here: simMarket: V.G.P. - POWERSOLO MSFS or if you already own it, you will get e-mail notification.
G’day from down under,
Just purchased this little beauty and have been flying around for the past few hours! Such great fun I’ve had to chime in to say my thanks for this gem of an aircraft!
A lot of fun to fly…although… too many places to put her down, I am spoiled for choice
Many more hours of low & slow adventure await!
Here are a couple of shots before I go
Really fun little aircraft, and a very reasonably price.
Low and slow is extra fun in MSFS.
Nice update on the visuals there, keep em coming. I also since learned that setting icing to visual only doesn’t work as I still could not get high with this bird even with icing off in anything other than clear skies Other planes behave the same though and there are other posts/reports about it. I hope Asobo tackles this in the next patch because I really want some clouds around me without having to deal with icing conditions.
Yup Asobo engine walks on strange routes sometimes. But if you want send me mail to we can try to compare my and your simulator under similar conditions (discuss it on discord or teamspeak or whatever). I really can get over 14000ft, not fast but can.
You may have missed my reply the other day as I certainly can get very high without issues and without icing!
Thanks, must have been icing indeed. I also started a flight in SLLP and got up to 20,500 feet. Patience is certainly a virtue!
I then went back to SKMZ where I tried to get onto the hills west of Manzinales Colombia, put the weather to clear and got up there just fine, beautiful scenery up there btw. So I guess I may need to switch Icing Effect to visual only in the settings if I want to fly in mountains because it’s so much fun to fly this in clouds between mountains and although not realistic I don’t want icing to spoil the fun when it comes to this bird.
I then found out that I was still having issues in cloudy weather but I didn’t want to point the finger at anyone without further testing so yesterday I was taking a flight from Copenhagen using the Mooney, heading south to Greece for an onair mission and found myself dropping out of the sky packed with ice. I knew this was not right as I had disabled icing so after some digging I indeed learned that ‘visual only’ isn’t working properly currently. Definitely not an issue with the PowerSolo.
Ahh sry and thank you
I love this little aircraft. So much fun, easy to fly, and great for sight-seeing.
It is the best value for money plane I have purchased up to now, due to the quality and the amount of time I have already flown it. It is so different from anything else.
Thanks for fixing the camera views in your last update!
Do you have plans for any other projects?
Im really glad you like it, thank you. I have lot of projects in my head, but need to slow down for a moment, and spend some time with my wife and kids I was working for last five months on projects to FS2020. Did also two scenery enhancements Radio transmitters of CZ and Germany
and have many other transmitters across Europe prepared, but have no time to finish it. Id also like to start with new aircraft, but not sure which. For sure some propeller, but… time will show.
Good stuff! I flew this all over Alaska this morning. Please keep up the good work!