PSA: Disable all traffic to prevent instrument, avionic, autopilot and other issues [UPDATED]

KSLC to KPVU. In the Caravan, was having problems on the flight as usual and decided to do the settings reset and had no issue after that.

I just finished PANC to KEB in the Caravan as well and no issue including taxi out… except for copilot hitting the mountain on final but that is a different problem lol.
I had co pilot manage comms and aircraft that flight so I could focus on anything going weird.

Going to do a flight now in an different craft and location and see how it goes and if goes well I will start changing settings back to what I had before the reset one at a time.

So I have set aircraft ground traffic to zero, using AI traffic and generic traffic set, the only issuse Im having now is the keyboard becomes non responsive for a short time, this is random and not often and the occasional random ATC call Im making without pushing any keyboard keys.

I recommend the King Air, that turns into a mess when the bug gets it :grin: The Caravan seems relatively unaffected (although you can hear dials clicking).

The keyboard thing is a new one to me.

The sim works without stutter, or freezes while the keyboard don’t respond?

I will try out the King Air it is not a plane I usually fly but for testing purposes I have no problem with it.
Just had another successful flight in the G36 from KAHN to KFTY. The caravan and G36 always gave me problems before which is why I have tested with them.

I have a sneaking suspicion traffic, either live, mp or both is indeed the culprit for this but I will try a test with the King Air before making any changes and see how it goes

The sim works fine while the keyboard freezes.

I’m experiencing issues pertaining to the A320Neo and specifically the trim logic. On approach and final, as soon as I set Flaps 1 - the auto throttle powers up and the aircraft pitches wildly up at 6000ft/min and the Trim logic pulls the aircraft to full down trim position.
Irrespective of my attempts to trim the aircraft out, the trim logic forces the trim back to full down.
I was hoping that this issue was tied into this thread regarding ghosts etc.
But alas, in my case - setting the Ground Aircraft to zero in settings had no positive effect.
Even the A32NX mod has had no positive effect on this unusual behaviour in trim logic.
Really hoping MS/Asobo can identify and resolve it for me.
Otherwise, this sim for the most part has been relatively smooth sailing.

Trim isn’t a thing that this can fix, unfortunately. This is related to blank MFDs, autopilots cutting out, things being switched on and off by themselves like there’s a ghost flying the plane.

Thanks for clarifying. I knew it was a longshot but had to try (just in case).

Unfortunately for me, I’ll have to wait it out until MS/Asobo hopefully resolve it.

Successful flight in the King Air from KSNA to KLAX, well other than trying to figure out how to get the right engine started after the copilot didn’t do it lol.

Going to try turning ai traffic on from the flight condition setting. It is currently off as is live traffic in those settings however everything is set to on in the traffic setting general menu. Pretty sure that is going to start the problems back up. Will edit this post with results.

edit: Surprisingly a successful flight in King Air from LAX to CNO with MP and Ai traffic set to live. \

I recommend doing a set to default of at least the traffic settings in general menu. Although as mentioned in my first post I reset to default everything. I will now try changing settings back to what I had before the reset.

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Okay weird.

It seems like the screens don’t go black… but they dim to zero. Using knob to adjust brightness of screens/autopilot/panel floodlights works to bring back the missing screens in A320neo.

For some reason the lights/brightness switch off/dims down randomly to zero.

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All settings now back to what they were before I reset to default and have had none of the problems I was. No dim or black screen mfd. No other lights dim. No buttons or switches flipping and rotating on their own ect.

Sucks to do especially if you have a rolling cache but, give it a try?

@TrewLibel I’ll try resetting my settings next. So you were still in the King Air, where did you fly?

Also, regarding your flight to KLAX with traffic set to Live - did you see much traffic? It’s not been loading for me at all since the this patch.

Exactly the same effect in DA62 once, although I could fly normally then.

Thanks… that was a great find… But I’d prefer to live through the buggy instruments as long as I have AI traffic. Hahaha…

I saw at least 6 in air from lax to cno but do not know if they were mp or ai planes. I had both on and yes in king air.

This might also help explain why i get random CTD’s on approach to my regular airports. All those errors are probably cascading to the point where my poor machine can’t handle it.

Going to give it a try, I do find the “gremlins and ghosts” idea pretty endearing though.

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Resetting all to defaults has allowed me to use ai traffic and not have problems. I now have all settings back to where I had them before resetting. Ai traffic is offline with density set to 90 for airlines and 35 for GA. Ground density aircraft is at 50 and vehicles and workers are at 1 but only because they are a nuisance. Live traffic also worked at least as far as not having instrument issues.

@TrewLibel Ok, I’m definitely going to try this when I can. Thanks for the suggestion and research. :+1:t2:

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