PSVR2 is coming to PC!

PSVR2 will have no HDR or eye tracking on PC.

If I had one I’d be keen on seeing how it compared to the G2 for MSFS, but don’t think I’d buy it specifically. Actually have a PS5 but still don’t feel it’s worth having.


The adapter will cost $59.99 / €59.99 / £49.99

My aging G2 needs a replacement. No rush, but you never know when something like a cable can self destruct.
I feel that the market for PCVR is on the verge of getting some good alternatives.
While waiting for those, I may need a sidestep into the PSVR2 and cable, just to keep me flying until a really good solution appears. They are cheap enough used to make them viable.
My wish list is:
Wider FOV
Displayport setup

all of this is for low latency for use with helicopter flying. I feel this is needed more than flying fixed wing.

PSVR2 ticks the boxes at a good enough price used for me

The PSVR2 PC adapter has been released, does anyone have some feedback on MSFS2020 ?

I am interested particularly in the non-Steam version of MSFS.

Pondering if I should buy it.

The hesitation I have is that apparently for the PSVR2 to work, an app - from the Steam store - has to be installed. But does this mean that only Steam games will be able to be played ?..
Why is a Steam app necessary in the first place ?


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@CountedFan57061 I’m also interested in seeing how the psvr2 pans out with PCVR. There are starting to appear a few YouTube reviews out there that are probably worth watching. I like this YouTuber and look forward to seeing some of his upcoming through the lens comparisons.

Might depend a lot on your PC specs and what headset (if any) you are currently using. I mainly fly with a QPro/rtx4090 withLink at 650mbps encoding bitrate so I’ll be interested if there will be any significant differences/improvements.

I don’t really know but I guess the Steam app is necessary in order to use SteamVR as the OpenXR runtime. I don’t think it makes any difference whether or not you have msfs from Steam or Microsoft. Anyway, it will be interesting to see how well the psvr2 performs with PCVR, esp. with msfs2020. Cheers.

If we have to use SteamVR with it, that’s quite a downer as, in my experience with a Reverb G2 and Quest 3, performance is 20% lower than with other OpenXR options.

Also, I wonder how good the motion reprojection is. Motion reprojection with the Reverb G2 in WMR was very poor in my experience, with a very wobbly image and high headroom required to maintain headset divisor lock otherwise it stuttered majorly. In comparison, motion reprojection (SSW) on the Quest 3 is magnificent, being relatively artifact free and still works very well if your drop below your target frame rate.

Thanks guys. What I think we gonna need to do is wait for some proper reviews from actual MSFS simmers who know about this stuff. Shouldn’t be long.

I got the psvr2 adapter today. The headset image looks great but a lot of stuttering on steamvr. Performanc is low.

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Is there a way to do away with the Steam thing ? or just no
I have MSFS from the MS store. Not Steam.

I don’t know. I have a 3080TI and I turned down all my settings. I am hoping one of the Youtubers figure it out. The psvr2 is a great replacement for my reverb g2 but the stuttering is bad.

It does not matter where you have the game from. SteamVR and Steam are two separate things. I have MSFS from Steam and never used SteamVR.

@Marklar666 Thank you. For my education, do you happen to know why Sony would have made it a requirement to use a Steam app for their PSVR2 ? If it uses a lot of resources as suggested by @BigNYCDon above, there must be a very good reason. Or may be not lol.

I found a few videos on YouTube and it seems to me that indeed it sutters like hell.

My guess is they didn’t bother with implementing support for openxr. OpenVR is probably easier to use from developer point of view. SteamVR is just a piece of software that can use both openvr and openxr. By default it uses openvr but you can switch it to openxr, if your headset supports it.

Pimax website has a good explanation what is what
Steam VR vs OpenXR: Which Runtime is Best? (

Thank you for the intel and the link, this is helpful.

I think I am going to wait for now see if a few reviews come overnight.

  • edit: ok the link talks about the difference in perfs too

I’m able to use OpenXR Toolkit with it. On the other hand, standard resolution for 100% is way too high, you have to set it to something like 2800x2800 (or lower).

Getting it to work in an enjoyable manner needs tinkering, like usual with MSFS VR.

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Thanks for the feedback. How’s the stuttering in your case ? You say it’s enjoyable so I presume it’s bearable ?

Also I have another question. You mention of lowering the resolution to 2800x2800. But the resolution of the PSVR2 is 2000 x 2040 (per eye), correct ? I am missing something.

I have not optimized it yet, so the stuttering is unbearable.

For the resolution, I found this info:

So you should set it at 140% of the native resolution of 2000 x 2040 per eye. The resolution that SteamVR shows for 100% is 3400 x 3468, which is way too high. The notch for 140% is even at 4136 x 4216, needless to say that gets you about 2 fps with a 4070 Ti.

Thanks for the video, it’s very good intel ! I had no idea but it makes sense now.

MSFS only uses OpenXR, there is no OpenVR support.

OpenXR doesn’t automatically means “without SteamVR”. It’s up to the platform vendors to implement (or not) a standalone OpenXR runtime that doesn’t require SteamVR. It appears that Sony had chosen the simplicity of only implementing a SteamVR driver. PSVR2 only comes with a SteamVR driver. You can run your games via SteamVR OpenXR, but there is no standalone OpenXR runtime that will let you get away from SteamVR. Sony hasn’t released any public APIs to my knowledge to enable developers to use the headset outside of SteamVR.


Slightly off topic, but you are one of the only people I trust to have knownledge on this…

Where/How does SteamVR calculate the 100% render resolution for any given HMD? Is it provided by the manufacturer or does SteamVR use some sort of calculation? There has been some disagreements on what 100% render res should be on psvr2/crystal light, etc.