Quest 2 + 2080Ti + Link + FS2020 set in ULTRA : Best performance simple setup guide

I followed the setup exactly. I have an RTX 3070. I set up a flight from Talkeetna, AK towards Denali and was quite impressed with the quality. It was quite smooth -had no problems. So I kept all the settings for FS2020 the same and switched to virtual desktop mode. It looked and performed identical. Then I repeated for a flight from LAX over Santa Monica. In this case it is a little more graphically intensive because of all the buildings (on Ultra), but virtual desktop definitely performed a little better - smoother and looking a little clearer. I think the difference is due to the higher compression with the link cable. I have the Oculus link cable and it transmitted about 2.5 Gbs in the test. This is different than I experienced earlier, but I had the same problem many others have - stuttering because of varying latency. The problem is the router. I had a fast AC Netgear router. So I replaced it with a highly recommended TP-Link AX21 and everything became perfectly smooth, even HLA. So wireless can be just as good or better than the cable if you have a good wifi6 router and you dedicate the 5Mhz band to the Quest 2. I had to disable the useless access points on my ROKUs to avoid any interference. Be aware that some wifi6 routers can’t handle it smoothly, such as the TP-Link AX50. Give it a try. You might be surprised, and wireless is a big advantage.

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Thanks for these settings! Worked really well with my RTX3070. Being able to have clouds on ULTRA just changes everything, had an amazing flight over Nagasaki in the rain (I live nearby), the immersion is great. Pretty stable 40 fps the whole time. Great work, thanks again!

I9 9900k
32gb memory running at 3000mhz
Internet is running through Ethernet

My specs above, and followed every single setting to the detail, and still having numerous problems, just keep getting crashes in the headset to the oculus home through loss of link, I have replaced the headset, I have 2 cables (official + recommended 3rd party) using usb-c and usb3 depending on which cable I test, sometimes I can get s decent flight In the vl3 or cirrus on ultra but most of the time it crashes and after that it’s a mess, either not connecting or black screen with crashes to oculus home. Anyone else with similar specs have the best recommendation? Cheers

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I thought my headset had an issue, I got the same transparent pink band at the bottom of the screen, but not only on MSFS, it happened also on Eurotruck Simulator 2. It must have been an Oculus issue then.
(By the way, you can actually see those bands all the time, if you look at something dark/black, and move your head up and down, you can see several lines across the screen, must be the Quest 2 hardware limitations)

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I exchanged my Q2 at Best Buy because of that transparent band issue and also my passthrough didn’t work. Thought it must be defective.
All was better with new headset until it happened again, and again and again. Sometimes, if I go out of vr then back in, it may vanish but then it fades back in. Same if I turn off and on headset quickly (side power button), it vanishes only to return. Sometimes if I turn down Oculus setting to 80 or 70hz, or the slider lower to 1.4 or 1.2, it often will correct. Otherwise I must reboot entire computer.
With my new high-end system, I’m at a lo$$.

So it’s still happening? I haven’t seen it again on mine since the Oculus beta V27. :confused:

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Here in Toronto Canada, I’m still eagerly awaiting the v27 release. I’m hearing some amazing improvements with this update.
Wish they’d release updates all at once. Afterall, it’s the 21st century and we take advantage of speed-of-light technologies🧐

You should have it already. Stupid question, but are you sure you opti-in for Beta? In Settings > Beta?

Yes, I’m in beta, it’s turned on in Oculus menu settings.
After it downloaded those 10 files, it shows v26 at bottom. Is there perhaps a way to force the download?

I turned off beta, rebooted and turned back on, which forced updates. Finally have v27!
VR seems more stable.
Did a flight from Cleveland to Columbus Ohio, all was great for about 50 minutes, then all of a sudden out of nowhere, everything stopped and spinning clock came up, it jerked and flashed a bit, then CTD! WTF??
Game over!
This is getting ridiculous. Since last August, with virtually hundreds of issues, bugs and CTD’s, I’ve become kinda PTSD on this simulator. I’m getting turned off. It’s not a joy anymore. It’s bringing anxiety, anticipation of pending disaster and a feeling of hopelessness, to ever have a stable and smooth experience.
I wanna sell it all (if only one could) and get back all my money and time :cry:

If you’re getting PTSD from an aviation simulator because you can’t get it to work properly than you need to go see someone about something because that’s ridiculous.

If you feel the need to analyze and respond to such a sarcastic and obvious lark, then perhaps you yourself might calm down and appreciate a bit of humour amongst these big issues so many of us are experiencing. Why the need to “start-up”, and days later yet?
That said, after latest Oculus update, things have settled down and I’m getting very smooth performance (right now). :slightly_smiling_face:

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I find nothing funny about PTSD.

Just ignore him, he’s trolling. He just signed up an hour ago and these are his only posts. He dug up an old thread just to post that for… whatever reason.

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You know nothing of my background, my service and hardships. Lay off!!
Shame on you trolling😥

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Please keep topics on-topic and not on each other.


Hey, thanks for taking the time to put this together, this has worked really well for me as a base setting. The results with this seem to outweigh trying to use OTT.
Really pleased with how my rig is running using this, so once agin - Thanks :slight_smile:

What setting in the Nvidia panel do you set for Virtual Reality Pre-rendered frames? Under Program Settings? Your screen shot doesn’t show the settings below the scroll bar.

You can use default or control by 3D app parameter

Having just come to VR today with a Quest 2 I humbly offer my warmest thanks for this guide. Having done a brief flight (without seeing this guide), just because, I was amazed by the immersion, even if it was a bit glitchy. Posts like this offer simple steps to follow to start newcomers off. It is invaluable and should be pinned to the top of the thread so all others can find it. I look forward to setting everything up correctly. :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: