Quest 2 + 2080Ti + Link + FS2020 set in ULTRA : Best performance simple setup guide

I was mistaken - I have a Quest Rift S and was hoping this would still be good for game’s VR?

But maybe I try to sell it and just get the Quest 2?

Use mouse right click to zoom on your dashboard.

In my opinion, Quest 2 is a good choice to run FS2020. Now we still need tweaking because both sim and oculus link are not still optimized. HP REVERB G2 has a better clarity but has a little sweetspot and it is less versatile.
Both headset need a beefy machine for best results.

My Quest 2 is running absolutely fantastic now. the only thing i have changed in OTT is FOV 0.7
Everything else is OFF. And i have set the link data-rate to 250. otherwise i get an annoying sound-stutter. My game settings are between medium and high. I have enabled the onboard overclocking option , my system has problems booting now but it runs stable on 4100 once it is booted up and i think it made a big difference. I have also switched off any Temperature or Performance-montoring Software .
Ryzen 3500, 2080 Super, 32 gb Oculus 92HZ 1.7

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Ok @TheFoyalais
Ok People…
All this is very cute…
But… What is your Performance Headroom?
Please tell me…
And with that performance headroom, how the hell it could be a “SUPERSMOOOOTH” Experience?
C’mon… You people have a very strange perception of the meaning of the word “SMOOTH”.

I get 30 solid FPS but everything is very very far to be smooth.
Looking around is a mess and you feel puke.

I get -160 / -190 % performance headroom. Minus. YES, MINUS 190…
What is yours please?
Open debug tool > “Visible HUD” set “Performance”.
Put Quest on, read headroom, and report please.

With Oculus runtime everything that goes under 5-7 % performance headroom IS NOT SMOOTH.

Ha, yeah, I could do that. But lots of others have managed to get the cockpit buttons crisp and clear. And they did not mention that they were simply using their mouse button to zoom in…

Smooth perception depending on your fly type. If you fly close to the ground with high speed or if you do aerobatic fly, you will need more fps. 30 FPS is sufficient for most normal flights as the retinal persistence is between 25 and 30 fps, but if the scene changes quickly you will need more FPS.
Personally, I fly the TBM 930 most often in VFR + autopilot and I am satisfied with 30 FPS.

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so, performance headroom??

Quest 2 provide a good quality but some elements of the dashboard remain a little blurry. I posted on the forum a request to add an option of IFR flight in VR to improve the readability of the instruments even if it is at the expense of the external scene

This video explains everything:

If you can see the difference between the three things, you CANNOT say that MSFS @ 30fps in VR is smooth…
If you can’t see the difference… well, ok, seems like humans got different perceptions of reality.

When you fly at 3000 feet for example, the landscape changes slowly and gradually and even at 25 fps, you do not perceive image jitter unlike in the video where the balls are relatively fast compared to what you see from your cockpit . That’s why movie images aren’t jerky at 25 FPS. On the other hand, if you move your head quickly like an agitated patient, you will experience jerks. The gold standard of 60 fps is not valid in civil flight simulation. On the other hand, we can be more demanding in military flight simulation as in DCS. Finally, the feeling of fluidity is also a subjective phenomenon that varies according to the physiology of individuals . If not, can you give more details on your hardware and software configuration? Did you follow the guide at the top of this topic?

around minus 100 to minus 120

As has been said, “SMOOTH” is subjective. Personally, I prefer a fluid experience that I measure by looking out to the side windows at 90 degrees from straight ahead and look a a single object on the ground as if I wanted to do a turn around that point - or do an aileron roll and note that the horizon doesn’t step. What is interesting in our VR world at this point is if reprojection (interframe image extrapolation) could be nearly perfect (without many artifacts - distortions) is that fluidity / smooth would be achievable but apparently the problem is that there is a lack of consistency of the frame period - frame to frame. One frame is 30 msec long, then 40, then 25,… and reprojection just falls apart. When I fly Aerofly FS2 with SteamVR reprojection that doubles up from 45 to 90Hz, I do end up with very fluid and aerobatic worthy results - which is not to say that actual 90FPS/Hz isn’t somewhat better since there really are some image artifacts in reprojection doubling. MSFS2020 seems to be close to providing decent reprojection (maybe not for full aerobatics but simpler motion) sometimes but both the app and the video drivers and the reprojection software just seem to be out of sync for the last few months. Many of use turn off the reprojection because it shows us too many artifacts and stutter - so we can only hope that we can return to using it sometime. I can still get fluid reprojection with other flight sims but only when their natural FPS tends to be above 50 to 60 with minor variance.

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Hello from Italy.
I’ve been following the guide at the beginning of this page in order to connect my Quest2 via Link (original cable) to my PC (i7 10700, 32Gb RAM, RTX 3080).

I set the registry for SteamVR and not on OpenXR because because I am also trying a Wi Fi connection but it looks like I only get about 500MBs while I always see people working with 1.200 at least.

I just made two attempts until now and in both of them when I switch to VR via CTRL+TAB I get a message in my Headset saying (please excuse my translation form italian): “YOU HAVE A HARDWARE PROBLEM THAT PREVENTS YOU TO START A VR APP”.
Also, I can’t use the spacebar to re-center the position of my cockpit.

Before experimenting the different settings, I think there is a basic problem… did anybody experience my same problem?
Thank you for your help

Replace SteamVR with oculus openXR : you will have to use regedit to modify your registry.
Then follow the guide on top step by step.
Good luck :slight_smile:

Thank you for your kind reply and for your advice. I’ll try that. I was confused because the guide mentions SteamVR in Step 4 so I thought that OpenXR was not an issue.

I might be off topic here but… may I ask this: in the end, which is best: link or Wi-Fi?
In which direction should I put my efforts in finding the best solution for MSFS 2020 in VR?

I can see the difference. Once I start MSFS things are not really smooth, but after half a minute my mind seems to fix most of the smoothness issues and I start to perceive the image as smooth. When I walk away for a minute and come back, I can see the judder for half a minute and then again it’s gone.

Now I do have issues when the sim freezes or has irregular stuttering, but my mind seems to be able to handle the regular juddering pretty well. As long as I’m not headbanging that is. It’s only when I start doing acrobatic maneuvers and fast rolls that I notice the judder again. Also when flying past something it can of course be noticed, especially when you look sideways, there’s just too much difference between the frames to compensate then.

So some people might be more sensitive to lower frame rates than others are. I’m also the type of person who never looks at the frame rate, it’s either playable or not playable. Once it is playable I seem to lose myself in the experience.

But for me somewhere around 30-40 FPS seems to be more than enough.

Use link. Wifi is not the better solution.

Thank you Again TheFoyalais. I’m following the guide on top of the page to the letter of the law. I think that probably I’ll have to struggle with the settings in the ODT but this will be a matter of testing…
Now, I realise that I’m probably bothering but please don’t get mad at me, as I am reading all that I can on this Forum but I still have some black holes in my mind because the discussions sometimes take unpredictable ways (mine is probably one of them).

You just told me to return to oculus open XR in the registry (which I did) but still I can see many references to SteamVR in the guides (yours “How I get smooth 30 fps with 2080 Ti Ultra settings” included).
Please can you explain why should I set up parameters in SteamVR if I’m not using it? Or I am, actually?..

P.S.: I don’t know if it matters but I bought MSFS2020 via the Microsoft Store and not from the Steam Store.
P.P.S: my ultimate goal is to be able to run MSFS2020 in VR with Quest2 via link and also to run Half Life Alyx in VR with Quest 2 wireless (and in this last case, I believe I must use SteamVR)

If you don’t have a steam version of MSFS don’t use steamvr. Use only oculus openXr .

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