Radeon 5700XT Driver Timeout

yeah, i forced to update up to 21.9.1 which is fully compatible with w11. 21.8.2 is not fully soported (most of the panel and features are missing on the Radeon software).

I jus did a couple of short flights (IFR on payware airports and VRF over London) and happy so far. FPS just a little bite up and all very smooth. Scenaries look gorgeous on ultra.

Also as i installed all as a bundle got CPU updates for my Ryzen 3900 and not sure for the chipsets. (B450) i did not check this yet.

I just got a black screen with my three monitors, will revert back to 21.8.2. :frowning:

are you on w11?

no, I am on w10, see my profile.

sorry , didn’t checked.

i did not get ctd, timeout errors or even black screen on 21.8 / 21.6 with w11, but those versions don’t see to be fully compatible with the new windows as all the features were missing on the AMD sortware itself.

Pretty sure 21.9.1 is just for windows11 (i’m on windows 11 pro as i migrated from w10 pro) and happy so far.

Installed the CRJ and 320FBW and no issues so far (finger cross), along with some payware scenaries.

still looking at what S.A.M is going to bring us

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I may tell some stupidity, but I saw one Brazilian guy on YouTube talking about the latest amd driver, he also have 2 more videos talking about Sam and the updates needed to keep all sistem running OK. He talks about the latest chipset update too. I am a little aware about all updates because I am a truck driver and spent lots of time away from home, but he says that all things fully updated are very stable and very good even with Sam enabled. For those which speak or understand at least Portuguese search on YouTube for candido7. He had a lot of videos and tutorials.
Hope this could help to clarify some questions.

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thanks for that Luis, i’ve made some investigations yestarday night, after work and i reckon i will need an update across the board, software and hardware.

to get the SAM enable the only thing left on my side is to run a BIOS update to allow “Above 4G Decoding” which is already on my system and the new feture “Re-Size BAR Support” to set either enable/auto but this is not present and the moment and there is no way to update my motherboard (GIGABYTE B450 AORUS ELITE v1), so i’m dealing with GIGABYTE on a workaround to get the version update.

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Maybe I misread something and I have another motherboard so I cannot check,

but it looks like if you have the BIOS version F61 or newer, S.A.M. should be available/re-size bar etc.

If not, the BIOS would require an update.

Source: B450 AORUS ELITE (rev. 1.x) Gallery | Motherboard - GIGABYTE Global

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yes, i sent a enquiry to Gigabyte and they came back to me saying taht at the moment my motherboard is not going to support via BIOS the update to allow the new AMD feature.

Also they told me that an update will be available soon but they couldn’t give me any date for such update. I’m stuck on BIOS version f52d at the moment as my CPU is a Ryzen 3900.

hopefully this update comes sonner than later to allow “Re-Size BAR Support” and i can test the SAM feature.

so far 2 1.9.1 is fine and seems stable for me under w11.

May be some one else in here will be able to test this new feature.

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i was in touch with the retail company where i got the pc and they will provide me the BIOS files needed for the upgrade to the latest version.

It seems that the version they gave me on my motherboard is preventing for an update, also they confirm windows version does not really matter here as this is purely a BIOS update. (maybe gigabyte answer was related to their app tool).

hopefully can test this on monday after work.

will keep posted

SAM enable now on my AMD GPU

I will try a variety of flights and see if there is any improve here.


had this issue disappear and then come back I think. Last change I made was update my fan speed and curves (again, think they disappeared after driver update) .

Keeping junction temp around 80 with custom fan curves in Radeon software and no crashes in a few hours now. Will get a 3070 tomorrow most probably, so that will hopefully be the end of the plagued 5700xt but for anyone else this might be a solution if you haven’t tried it.

After a few flights, I am quite happy on how the pc behaves as it is very stable, which is the most important thing for me.

@ITDreamFly not sure what SAM is giving me as i have made an important update on the BIOS as well, from version 52d up to version F63b) .

Running the sim now i can see that FPS have jummped up 5/6 FPS (this good as i was before on 32-35 and now up to 40 on all cases). I know this new feature along with others are only available on the new CPU/GPU like Autoclocking etc, but at least it did something improving the GPU performance on my 5700xt.

The good is that the pc is very stable, did not get any driver error at all (timeout, etc) all goes very smoothly which is great regardless the FPS increase which i really dont care too much.

But as i said at the begining not sure if this is just the new SAM feature, only the BIOS update or the combination of everything even the new AMD drivers.

I have installed 21.9.2 as it got some w11 improvements and all good.

Most of the times I fly FBW, Aerosoft CRJ, TBM930 and few times AsoboB787 for IFR and for VFR just Asobo default aircrafts .

I use two monitors paired at the same freq 60Mhz the 4k (3840x2160 -27") for the sim and the 1080 (23") for either aivlasfot v2 on IFR or littlenavmap on VFR with all settings as Ultra on the sim and Radeon software as default.

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Wanted to come and say it’s finally seemingly stable on my system, none of the freezes or timeouts in the last 2-3hrs I’ve played, one session was over an hour, I think my previous best was 30-45mins. Obviously it’s not much of a test, but before I wasn’t hitting 20mins reliably, now I have 3 stable sessions where before I had 0.

I’m running 21.8.2 on W10, and this driver still crashed like the rest but I undervolted, underclocked it and set the 3 power states to be extremely close so any switching between them would be a small change. I was still crashing with the undervolt until I made the power states close together.

So to explain my card runs at 2070mhz @ 1.2 volts by default. For every other game I’ve changed this to 2000mhz @ 1.1v and it’s stable.

For MSFS I had to do a bit more work. I made a OC profile just for MSFS (AMD Radeon software → Performance → Tuning → Add game profile) enabled GPU tuning and advanced control and power tuning. I set power limit at +50%, then back under voltage control I set my 3 states to be 1800mhz @1.1v 1850mhz @ 1.101 v 1900mhz @ 1.101 v.

Basically trying to make the card stay at as close to the same voltage / frequency as is possible with the power states so that if it changes power states it’s a small change, this seems to have made the game stable for me. I also lowered the freq down to 1900 vs the 2000 I have for other games, I did this at the same time as the power state change so it’s possible 2000 is stable but I’ll just leave it at 1900 for now and when I am confident it is stable I will try higher.

I also have the RT5700XT and the only way I finally resolved my timeouts/CTDs was when I installed Win 11 (in my case).

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I am still on W10. 21.8.2 was stable for me, 21.9.1 was unstable, but with the current 21.10.2, I don’t have any issues. SAM turned on.


Note: The driver 21.11.3 officially adds support for MSFS SU7.


It would be great to have some kind of idea what AMD think that actually means in the real world :slight_smile:

@RealMatch Indeed.
After the update of the driver, launching MSFS manages to shutdown (no CTD) my complete PC immediately. Would be interested if this is only the case on my PC… Will role back the driver and see if that removes the issue.

Unfortunately I cant say if I’m seeing the same problem as I currently can’t update MSFS to new release version - something won’t let me get the update.