Radical change of course for product development

Had an awesome flight last night from CYVR to CYDQ in the Baron. Weather was clear with 20 knot winds out of YVR. Wind picked up to 40-50 knots as I headed north. Ran into some rain squalls and heavy overcast as I headed north into a cold front coming in from Alaska. (IRL, they got snow just east of my route)

Started picking up some very light turbulence as soon as I headed over the mountains just north of YVR, The intensity continued to increase all the way way home. I had to hand fly the stretch from CYXS to CYDQ as the AP was trying too hard to maintain altitude and as such was bouncing me between 200 knots and 100 knots with 1500 fpm adjustments. Once I took over I was using about 500 feet of airspace battling the up/down drafts. Wished I had recorded the last 20 minutes. Black, windy, rain squalls and a 400 ft ceiling on approach. Shut down at the ramp and actually had to remind myself to breathe. :slight_smile:
Here was a clip I grabbed just to record some of the cloud early in the flight. You can clearly see the light turbulence at this point.


I’m not sure you know how corporations/companies/business works. MS hired Asobo to create the simulator. Just as if a company hires you to run their store. You run it with all your expertise and knowledge and skill in hiring the right people under you…which is why you were hired. But the company tells you when you must run specials. They tell you when you must cut costs. They tell you what advertising you must run and put in the store. They may listen to your concerns but they have the ultimate decision whether you like it or not. You have 2 options. You do what they tell you or you leave.

In the end, I 100% guarantee you MS OWNS flight simulator. NOT Asobo. If they were to stand up to MS (and I am sure they do on many issues) and however it happened the partnership ended…MS would simply carry on as they did with FSX after they disbanded their own FS Game division.

And I know personally 4 people that worked in that division. The stories they all tell (and have publically a few times) about how that division fought with MS big wigs many times about vision. That team wanted to fix all the issues in the software as well as add some amazing new goodies (stuff that X -Plane has been doing for years) but were constantly shot down. MS has a record of this. So the idea that they are telling Asobo what will and won’t be done and what is top priority is beyond believable.



So maybe its the live weather in Europe maybe?

You’ve misunderstood completely. If you told me that I have to build a house for you with 3 rooms and I say I want to build a house for you with 4 rooms and you say no, I want a house with only 3 rooms. Now it is up to me being TOLD to deliver you a house with 3 rooms. I am being tasked regardless whether it was my decision or someone else’s. Now when I deliver the house to you with 2 rooms and there is no roof, I am pretty sure I had a say in what was delivered. Now do you understand?

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Well, I guess it’s like I had a say when the corporation I was an exec chef for told me to do something THEIR way. I said it wouldn’t work in the city I live in. They said it works in NYC, Boston, and Miami so THEY KNEW it would work in the small midwest city I worked in that I lived in my entire life and worked in for over 30 years at the time. I had the say that they were idiots and I left my job. That was my say. So yeah, I get they have a say. But in fact, they do NOT have a final say. And THAT is our point.

By the way, the “experts” at the corporation I worked for did it their way. The restaurant shut down 4 months later because they lost over 80% of the business I had built there. No one in the companies that were located in that building wanted to eat there anymore. So that place kicked out the corporation I worked for. Hmmmm… Sometimes, a big corporation hires someone based on the fact they know their job, know how to do it better than anyone else, and then decides THEY know better. It’s a POWER thing!!!


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Don’t know.
Maybe try a CYVR departure in the Baron. 360 @ 12000. I just did that and encountered light turbulence about 5 minutes into the flight. I will concede that it is not a bumpy as I would expect IRL, but it is there.

This whole “Simulator for Everyone” approach is a mistake, in my opinion. I can’t name one product that is considered a success trying to be everything to everyone. One of the very first realities any project manager needs to get comfortable with is that you can’t please everyone. You just can’t. We are seeing this very thing happening with MSFS right now. It tries to please everyone and ultimately ends up being not very satisfying in a lot of aspects. The gamer crowd is lacking their missions etc… The serious simmer crowd is lacking their IFR flying because procedures and weather are not there yet. The PC simmers aren’t happy that their systems aren’t utilized to their fullest extent because the thing must run on XBox. XBox simmers not happy that they can’t get a bunch of third party products cause those don’t work on XBox.

This is the result of the whole “simulator for everyone”… It ends up inevitably being “simulator for no one in particular”. What really needs to happen, in my opinion, is they really need to make a decision in terms of the direction and where they are gonna go from here. Because right now there seems to be a lack of direction. It’s all over the place.


I would not say better my self. Well said.

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You are totally right.
We often say “When we are everywhere, we are nowhere”, it is the same with people. When you do for everyone, in fact, you do for no one

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You’re right. I don’t blame the developers as much as I blame management. If you don’t have a good core, enhancements are like putting lipstick on a pig :slight_smile: I’d be really interested to see their regression testing scripts. Some of the stuff they’ve done must have been done while completely ignoring or bypassing thorough testing.

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When you cater to only a niche group, you end up with a niche product that doesn’t get the funding to keep growing.

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DCS has an option for realistic flight or game mode. Seems like a simple enough solution for Flight Simulator.

The flight sim niche market is accustom and eager to shell out hundreds of dollars on extras for their sims and will do so for years, whereas the casual player will likely not. They shouldn’t abandon the customer base that made this title legendary and kept it alive for decades. I’m not saying they are, I’m just saying that it would be a bad business move.


I’m not saying they shouldn’t improve the sim aspects but it shouldn’t be their sole focus like some here seem to want.

I agree. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

never read people asking for sim aspect as sole focus, just people asking for a solid (working) sim base before adding gaming stuff and secondary features.


It’s sort of what MS/Asobo was implying the simulator would be when they marketed it to us. Thus the reason many people went out and spent $1000-$5000 on a system and hardware that would run it and simulate those planes and systems.


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No city would have a busted sewer system (that broke because they added too many homes and buildings before the infrastructure was secure enough to handle it) with all that implies and entails and instead of fixing it build 10 more high-rise buildings. And then when 4 of those buildings fell down ignore that and build a stadium for 110,000 people. Remember, the sewer system they built is still broken!

This is exactly what MS is forcing Asobo to do. Screw the bugs that have been there since day 1 or after 2 and 3 of the updates…keep adding new stuff.

And if you think you can have one team adding new stuff while another team works on bugs and those 2 things don’t clash…you really have NO CLUE about how coding works. Please know, YOU in this paragraph refers to ANYONE…not the person I replied to. YOU is general…not specific.

What we want is for the CORE SIM to be fixed!!! It was delivered broken and while some things were fixed, many more were broken. And some things they fixed (saving and using Aircraft registration between sessions) are now broken AGAIN!!!

I am and have never complained about flight models. So please, people, stop saying that’s the thing people are complaining about if they complain about the state of the core sim.


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I said it before and I will say it again …and again…and again! MS needs to wake up, see what’s being said by users and SPLIT the simulator. Make a game for the Xbox and keep the SIM on the pc. Not saying both can’t have aspects of the other…but they need to allow the PC to use the full force of the hardware we have and will invest in to use it. This also then allows them to DUMB DOWN the Xbox version some so that more FUN code can be added. Allow military aircraft to use their missiles and guns. Add explosions if they slam their planes into a building. (I actually want this on the PC side, just sayin…)

This would benefit EVERYONE. The Xbox users will never pay $120 for a flight sim. So they should not get anything close to what we expect and were promised for OUR $120!!!

Just my .03



You are so wrong… and i will say this again, again and agian… especially for guys like you. There are enough simmer on xbox… but guys like you have a very fixed mindset and liiving in their own little world.

just sayin and just my .5 cent… :wink: :wink: :wink:

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