I’ve seen some live weather rain as well, however nothing like this ever
Also the runway does not look wet in your video. I have only seen wet runways in day time with off line weather (which also creates far more water on the windshield, but still not as pretty as in that video)
The rain on surface and windshield live weather works with the amount of clouds coverage, height and precipitation level, hence manually you can control it as you want. Aircraft speed is another factor.
The video you show was before even alpha started, still in development, rain appears with rainshaft behave under low level clouds, coverage, height, thickness and precipitation level.
I think I may have figured this one out. I’m 90% sure it’s the encoding of the video going to the screen. It’s likely the encoding via HDMI is better/different than the encoding via DP cable. I just happened to read this thread last night and thought: huh that’s interesting. So I hooked one monitor up via DP cable and another via HDMI, then mirrored both screens. I saw rain just fine…
I recently purchased a couple of DP cables, to replace my DVI cables. I also uploaded a video to YouTube a while back of me flying through a thunderstorm with lots of rain. Are you suggesting that if I now watch that video back over DP that the rain will be gone from that video?!
Just checked the video, and yes, I see rain, both drops at low speeds, and streaks at higher speeds.
Not sure if this thread is serving any purpose, but is entertaining if nothing else.
Well, rain windshield effect still doesn’t show well with the max setting of Anti-Aliasing applied. I didn’t find necessary to open a topic for this, but maybe that way it will find more repercussion.
With AA off, or the first two settings, it looks fine, but with TAA, rain is almost invisible. It’s more noticeable in a video, but you can see the black shadows of the water much better on the first one.
Yeah I’ve noticed an improvement in the last couple of months. I still don’t like the way rain is generally depicted as a grey low-vis area with some windshield streaks…it’s almost like the dev doesn’t wear his glasses outdoors and thinks rain is supposed to look like that.
Don’t laugh, I’m serious. I went to school with a guy who, 30 years ago, decided to get his eyes tested and found he needed glasses. His first reaction was “I thought trees were supposed to look like fuzzy green blobs from a distance!”
AND I once had heated argument with an ex missus who refused to believe you can see raindrops. Mind you, she also refused to believe that such a thing as a cheese knife existed. But I digress…
I’ve also noticed an improvement. I am generally satisfied with the effect. it’s fun to set it as partly cloudy and hundred percent rain, and then dive under clouds. If you set the temperature to below freezing your windshield will instantly freeze. The effect looks like you are hitting a wall of water as it freezes on your windshield. Looks pretty cool.
The only thing missing for me, that I can see, is your window does not get misted when flying through clouds, and water doesn’t get your plane wet
There are plenty things still missing. No spray effects at all for example. And little bugs like when you move the drone camera inside the plane, the icing effect disappears and the windows are clear from the inside. And the pilots will wear sun glasses on the darkest of moonless nights