Rain as advertised

It could be an issue on your end (or the new TAA they have implemented in the last update, which I didn’t have tested yet), because I use TAA since the beginning and I can the drops in the windshield even when the rain is really light.

Well, I can see some rain, just not as clearly as when TAA is disabled. The smaller drops are very difficult to see though. Examples.





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Never noticed. It seems to be more jagged (which, of course, it’s expected) with TAA off, so it’s easier to notice the drops. But in my opinion it seems more accurate with TAA on.

I think it is not working correctly when TAA is enabled. Look at the darker lines of the rain strips, they are completely missing with TAA, that’s what makes it difficult to see the rain.

Would like to add, that the rain in the sim tends to make things way too foggy. Only in extreme rain would it look so foggy, but even in heavy rain, there shouldn’t be such a dense fog due to water. Right now, even a very slight rain will cause a foggy curtain of water.


I think in those pictures the Non-TAA one with the black is actually the incorrect one. Where is this black coming from that’s being reflected? looks all around foggy /cloudy all around. with DAA it looks way better and realistic in my opinion. Open the No TAA version full size, and you’ll see 100% black pixels.


the black is comming from the cockpit and other parts as a reflection. It wouldn’t be there without TAA if it shouldn’t be there. FS20 uses a good amount of real time SSR, which means that most things, including the rain fx, will be taken into reflections (unless out of the screen limits). There are also complex transparent bodies effects, like the ones in the air entries and Im quite sure the rain strips too, so if rain strips look like that without TAA, I think thats the accurate version (except with jaggies of course). TAA is very picky and can make odd effects with certain things, I think thats one of them, in fact, the effect is barely visible so I dont think thats intended.

I don’t think the 100% black pixels should be there in the non-TAA example. Looks completely unrealistic to me. It might be easier to see the effect, but not realistic. Maybe there should be a middle ground between the two.

The current “Foggyness” seems quite in keeping with Video of RL aircraft flying in Rain.
The Foggyness is the effect of the water layer on the glass, as much as precipitation in the air.

Just depends on the conditions and time of day. Just took this screen shot last night, looks great!

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I’m willing to bet you’re running over an HDMI cable. In which case, you’re not going to see a problem are you? Read the whole thread if that makes no sense.

Just to add another data point using a DP cable with 2070S on High graphic settings and having manually preset the weather to rain. During the short final the rain recided and during the flare the sun came out … so seeing less of it at this point is completely fine.

I think it is nice if not to say great even… I can only assume the described issue has more to do with the live weather sometimes being inconsistent with the METAR, but that is another story and most likely does not conincide with the monitor cable :wink:

… and as the TBM costs a bit more than the C172, I also did not see any rain inside the cockpit :wink:

PS: (BTW. METAR and Live weather was perfectly aligned today at 12UTC in EDDF, wind SSW17kts, temp 22degC, press 1013hPa).

PPS: Before one asks I run the working title G3000-pre1 mod.

Well, definitely the AA makes difference on the rain appearance. Images from TAA to OFF, in order

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I was experimenting with forced precipitation yesterday in my 172. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get a single drop of rain or snow. Eventually I quit to main menu, changed windshield settings to high (instead of medium), loaded the Cessna again and voila, now I had rain.

Using DVI cable btw.

Yes, Medium windshield setting, you will NOT see rain effect on the Windscreen.

But even at Ultra, its not as strong an effect as one might expect.

Hmm OK, I didn’t know that. I remember seeing rain once and I thought I was in medium settings because this is what I’ve been using for my past 100 hours of flying. But perhaps I was mistaken and I was toying with higher settings at that one time. Anyway, good to know I can have rain now, even as a mild effect which doesn’t really affect near visibility but adds a notch to realism.

Try Florida recently – they had some massive rain storms over the past few days…

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Wtf are u sure rain works with HDMI and not Display Port?

For some of us who were seeing no rain no matter what (even manually selecting rain as the weather), it seems to fix it. In our case, we saw zero rain. No wet ground, no drops on windows, nothing, despite hearing the rain hitting the plane.

Other people didn’t seem to have that issue at all. But for those of us who did, a switch to HDMI seems to have fixed it. How exactly, I have no idea. It shouldn’t make a difference whether it’s VGA, DVI, DP or HDMI. But it’s fixed the missing rain for several of us.

If you’re using something other than HDMI and you’re seeing rain, this will do nothing for you.

Well luckily i never had this issue, i’ve been using a DP cable for my 10 bit hdr monitor for quite some time.
But i’d like to see rain animations to be better and wipers to actually wipe rain drops.

Live Weather Rain is not a Myth …

Tropical Storm Eta (Florida) 11/11/2020 3pm Eastern Time