Rain as advertised

And there, cutting through all the nonsense, speaks the voice of reason.

Thank you.

Hmm. Interesting post.
All the more interesting because of your real pilots point of view.

I too yearn for a time when the last vestiges of the ‘beta’ period are behind us.
And I remain firmly optimistic that we WILL all eventually get there.

Keep the ‘faith’ brother.


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Again, the voice of reason cutting swathes through the nonsense.

Sometimes I feel as if I am alone! Clearly I am not.

I myself prefer the …spontaneity of live weather.
But, perhaps for now, your suggestion is very sensible.


You’re right, I do Captain! :wink:
Happy Landings bro :small_airplane:

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Seriously man, within the forum rules I shall do exactly and precisely what I want!

Unfortunately, some take all this far too seriously. A little humor in among all the DRAMA, is a good balance - and help ease the frustrations when thing do not immediately work as expected.


Yes. I totally agree.

The difference between a shared moment of humour between ‘friends’ is worlds away from any attempt at ridicule.
Clearly, this distinction is a little too subtle for some. Shame!

I believe they’re talking about live weather rain not custom weather. Live weather rain the ground is dry

Yep, I’ve never seen rain streaking on the windshield with live weather while coming in for a landing in nearly 400 hours flying with live weather (plenty low visibility, rain on radar, ‘sheets’ of rain in the sky etc). Also only seen wet runways at night with live weather.

First time trying custom weather, immediately heavy rain on the windshield and wet runway during the day. Custom weather has random rain as well, however when you fly into something that looks like it’s rain from afar, you end up in the rain. Not so with live weather.

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Rain, and storms at MMCZ right now, live weather. Both the sim, and windy.com used to find this.

It’s not heavy but you can see rain outside the cockpit using a drone camera. I’ll try and find somewhere with heavier precipitation.

OK… back to RAIN in MSFS.

What is the most obvious place to find rain “today” … Hurricane Zeta !!

SO, yes, I just had to do it. :shushing_face:

Teleported myself into the eye (Live Weather) … Really nice calm air, but the sea was VERY rough.

Hurricane ZETA 10/29/2020 Mid-Day East Time

Then I flew out of the eye, and yes

RAIN !!! in Real Weather

1.2 Gb but well worth the download/stream

Looks Very Similar to the Microsoft Promo Video “Rain”

Yeah, you just need to look for it, instead of waiting for the weather to come to you. :wink:

Like so many things in life – not everything gets handed to you on a plate, once you leave home …

It’s definitely possible.

Using Direct3D or other low level Windows API, you can query for what connector type the display device is using:

In other words, Flight Simulator can check if you’re connected via the graphics device’s display port or HDMI. Flight Simulator can then target certain feature sets based on the result. Through the code, they could very well turn the rain effect on/off depending on if you’re connected via HDMI or display port.

I’m not saying this is the case, and it may just be a bug that goes pretty deep, but it’s also possible they’re trying to manage which features to use based on your connected hardware, for example, whether you’re using an HDR monitor, a VR device, a gaming console, etc…

And that, mi’lud concludes the case for the defense.

Rain looks great, when the Sim is loading !!!

Then you “Press any key to start” – and it make the rain go away.
I know understand by so many want that removed !!!

When flying with the Storm preset yesterday during the Community Fly-In, I flew through several rain clouds.
But what was simply breathtaking was a landing at night due to thick clouds and the rain following the airflow and reacting to the prop speed.

I don’t see that it’s not as advertised. It just depends on the conditions how visible it is.

I agree that max rain effect should be heavier, to the point it is difficult to see sometimes:

The effect in FS looks great, just need some more amount of it.

I would also like the wet effect over runways and such to be more prominent and to stay much longer after the rain.

btw, what causes the rain to be barely visible is TAA. As soon as you enable it, rain is not visible unless lots of water on the windshield. Hope they fix this.