Real Environment Xtreme Announcement | REX Weather Force Weather Engine

If you are having FPS issues, I recommend that you if you are running 4K that you reduce that to see if that improves it.

Hi, the right QNH is loaded as soon as your plane is moving. Little bit irritating but give it a try :wink:

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Oh, great, thank you very much for your post. It works! It was very disappointing first, as you have to set “Clear Sky” first, where the QNH is 1013, and then the altitude didn’t match. But I have just tested it again, and, yes, as soon as you start moving, QNH gets corrected, and you can set your altimeter.

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Today I was flying over the sea before approaching Oslo and entering Norway, and despite the weather over that area was cloudy, I continued to have a completely clear sky. During the flight I interrupted the synthesis of the real weather a couple of times, and the third time after having reactivated it the weather that was supposed to be suddenly appeared. Does anyone else have this problem?

Try to restart and wait. It happened to me a couple of times and it helped. However, if it is there is a problem on the REX server, you will just have to wait for another time.

Thank you for your response. No not running in 4K. It mainly happens during really dense/misty cloud with next to no visibility. As someone earlier said, just stop synthesis and restart it and it tends to be ok for a while. A minor irritation, but no biggy.

My approach into Burlington this morning with light snow. Snow on the ground! :grin:

Thank you for that information. Can you provide your system specs?

I am very sorry to hear that. Can you advise if there are any files in the LOG folder where REX is installed?

We have a major fix coming that this will be resolved in Technical Update 1.3 that is coming.


I think you are hearing from a few here that have some what of agenda. Over all from most of our customers we have been seeing great results.

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Right now this engages when the aircraft start moving, but this will be fixed in Technical Update 1.3 that is coming out.


Nice! Thanks, guys for continuing to improve the product. I prefer live weather from the sim when it works, but sometimes it doesn’t. Now though, I have a lot more reason to fly with Rex due to snow accumulation.

I do have a question though
 I seem to only have one layer of clouds when flying with Rex. I don’t know much about what METAR provides, but does it allow to have multiple cloud layers?

Capture2 Capture3

Any good?

Ooops, a bit patronizing if I may say so. I merely stated that on balans there do seem to be quite a few
negative reviews so, like the build in version, you also seem to have your share of issues. I obviously did not limit my information purely to this forum. All I was saying is that I will wait to invest in more add ons until I see a final settled version in MS 2020. Having looked at several reviews on youtube and elsewhere, right now I am not sure your product is different enough from the build in version.
Just my opinion but I have no agenda. Indeed I have bought Rex products in the past.

Multiple layers have been supported from the start. If there are layers reported in the metar in close proximity, then they tend to blend in and you wouldn’t notice the separation as evident if the layering were further apart in altitude.

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think it’s funny this discussion.
If I look at what the real weather forecasts make of it, you cannot expect a simulation to do better. they have to rely on their data.
let’s stay true and don’t expect miracles that cannot exist

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An agenda? I’m curious. What kind of agenda? :thinking:

Got an interesting idea, people: Post screenshots of NICE results with REX but only regarding LIVE WEATHER, no presets. Let’s see what you guys are seeing

(Because I’m still stuck with one layer of flat clouds after the latest update on multiple locations

I have only one layer of clouds and flat as well , latent version of REX.

The only reason to use REX is when live weather does not work. For me it is just a simple temporary replacement. It does nothing better or more accurate than default weather.