Really sick of it

MSFS 2020 is a game that simulates flight. Has been, will always be… why do you think it’s distributed on gaming platforms?

As re: Autopilot, you have many modes. Pitch hold, wings level, heading hold, vs mode, approach mode, nav mode, flc, vnav, fms driven.

Dont understand what is broken here apart from porpoising… most everything works … the fms part is buggy.

If by broken autopilot you mean the Garmin emulation, yes that is a train wreck. But if you plan your flights ( old school ) you dont really need it.

If you want a high fidelity airliner fms, the freeware A320 Neo is where you should be looking, and programming those ( and using them in flight ) requires some education and experience.

The autopilot is a helper… not an AI pilot.

I personally wish they had more a/c with steam gauges… FS ACOF version had the DC -3 with Sperry autopilots … wonder if the current userbase would think that AP was broken too…

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There is certainly room for justified and constructive criticism. However, I am also sick to read the same fact-free and generalized criticism from the same users again and again.

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I get that some people are having problems with the patch and need to vent. I had problems with the patch too and it is damned frustrating. It’s understandable that people get hacked off when prepatch it’s working great and post patch it’s crashing with much lower fps. I’ve been there if only with the latest update. Thankfully, most of my issues have now happily been resolved, the sim looks absolutely fantastic and fps is back to what it was i.e. about 37 to 47ish with highish settings. But I really do sympathise with those who are having real problems.

Just because my problems are solved doesn’t mean everything is great. I’m not ecstatic about the controller issue which shouldn’t really have got past QC. I still think they are rushing out stuff without adequate testing which isn’t ideal. I also think that by and large the sim is looking pretty fantastic (way, way better than the other sims) and consequently that they should now concentrate on its weaknesses. I think most of us know what these are so i’m not going to repeat what has already been said umpteen times. Although i’ve agreed with others in the past that it’s difficult to switch scenery devs. to systems work I think that the time is coming, difficult though it may be, to redirect the resources (either by rehiring or retraining) to concentrate more effort on the SDK, aircraft systems and other ‘sim’ like issues. I wonder, perhaps wrongly, if the balance of skills or the direction thereof, is currently what is required for the short/medium term benefit of the sim.

And yet, here I am still with FS2020 enjoying an immersive, enjoyable if not perfect next gen experience. Unfortunately, I can’t go back to my previous gen sim because it looks like c**p, fps is shocking, stuttering/lag is very much prevalent and there is a need to buy expensive addons for an immersive experience. I’ve now seen what is possible and i’ve have had enough of the old offerings.

So that’s why i’m still here. But what amazes me is that we still have people spending a lot of time on the forum and (presumably?) in game who from day one have been dissatisfied with the sim, are consistently antagonistic towards FS2020 and continually shout the praises of other alternative sims. Surely, if it’s that bad they should have moved on by now?

And, yet, they are still here.


Great post!

To some, whining and complaining is a hobby.


Thank you :relaxed:

Like you, despite the limitations and shortcomings, I’m having a blast. Workarounds, ‘thinking outside of the box’, and patience seem to be dying skills!


Sounds like you haven’t tried P3D at launch. It was an absolute mess, much, much worse than this for over half a year before it became close to decent, and it had the advantage to be mostly based on recycled existing code.


Exactly. As EvidenzPlz has decribed. And still, all those other sims have massive issues.

Thank you all for the input. Please remember these forums are for constructive feedback (both good and bad). Posts that are focused on just complaining do little to help. Please reference the recent forum announcement:

I know the autopilot is a work in progress, so please make sure any topics and bug reports contain specifics (what modes are armed and active, what airplane you are flying, phase of flight, steps to duplicate, screenshots, etc).