Record Time for SU7 Update. 5 Days!

I had wondered about this service… with streaming apps in general, let alone huge downloads.
This might get interesting.


Just curious. What do you do in the meantime?

Gold medal for perseverance, TBH.

I decided to ask Starlink Support if anyone else had reported slow downloads. They requested that I install the Starlink supplied router back on line so they could access the satellite Dish remotely. I complied and waited. In about an hour, my download started running at 5 to 10 mbits per, very normally. Six hours later all the updates were on my SD . So now I have two routers linked (Satellite Dish ->Starlink Router → Netgear) in a double nat. But it’s working, maybe I shouldn’t try to fix it.

So what fixed the problem? I can tell you tuning, netlimiter, VPN, deleting recently downloaded files, and all the other “fixes” did not help. The only change I made on my end was to put the Starlink supplied router back in series with my Netgear Nighthawk router. You’ve heard the expression, “came clear while testing”? Again thanks for all your help.

I have had a similar problem before, but using a decent VPN solved the problem…

I started a discussion concerning updates/downloads and Starlink Satellite service and MSFS2020. It’s here if you are interested.

Or maybe we can shame you into getting a better Internet connection or better home network?

My update was done in less than 30 min. Server capacity wasn’t an issue.

I’d love to have a better connection Unfortunely fate has landed me in the wilderness of Montana for the foreseeable future. Internet choices here are almost non-existent. Be thankful you have a decent one.

Totally get that, but that how would MS server capacity help?

I initially thought more capacity would help. That’s probably incorrect. When I bring up Netlimiter during my downloads, I see atleast 20 Azure upload connections that could send data in my direction. My current hope (guess?) is that the 2020 Azure downloader program can be adjusted with a configuration tweak.

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