[RELEASE] CYOO Oshawa Executive Airport | Ontario, Canada

Just wanted to say that your airports are well optimised for Xbox. Flew out of Ottawa with no issues which was great.

Keep up the good work.

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Thanks! I always try to get the best balance between visual impact and FPS impact, and I optimize my models and textures as much as possible without sacrificing the visual quality.

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I really appreciate it. I’m currently trying to get some recognition going for Xbox users and the amount of addons that cause system crashes is far too high and it’s leaving people not sure what they can trust. So stuff that you do goes a long way to helping them.

Can anyone on the release verion of MSFS confirm they see single or double windsocks? I am on the SU11 beta and I am seeing double windsocks.

There’s something going on, as while not common, a couple of people told me about double windsock, and even a complete double airport (default airport visible together with mine). Obviously this should not be happening, but maybe the last MSFS update glitches sometimes. I suggest to empty rolling cache and reboot.

I turned off rolling cache and cleaned out the FS cache scenery files. and the double windsocks are still there, untill i disable the addon.

I checked CYOW/CYKZ and all seems fine there, from what I can see. Just occuring at CYOO.

I too have double windsocks and also, 2 control towers (Roman’s one + default scenery) since installing WU 11 Canada… I don’t use any rolling cache. MSFS SU10.

I don’t have the WU Canada installed. I removed it, due to how badly they updated Toronto.

They weren’t there before WU11? If so, I’m status there’s not much i can do, but I’ll take a look in the next update…

I cannot be 100% sure that they were no double windsocks before WU11, but I flew regularly to CYOO before WU11 and never noticed any double windsock before. I just tried to revert to SU10 alone by uninstalling WU11 and restarting MSFS and strangely, double windsocks and double control towers are still there. I wonder if the uninstall left some file from WU11 that are causing that, but I cannot be certain.

It does not prevent me from enjoying your CYOO, just a bit visually weird to look at those objects :wink:

Starting with SU10, when you go to the beta, you should make a copy of the Official folder
before hand and when you go back to the regular release, you’ll need to replace the Official folder. Learned that the hard way. :slight_smile:

When I reinstalled, i copied the Community and Offical folders, but this time, I didn’t install any of the WU’s, so if it was normal before, then something changed with SU11 beta. I find it strange, that so far, only CYOO is affected. I just never noticed the windsocks before the update.

The reason i checked, was someone posted that they fixed the 180 degree issue with the windsocks.

UPDATE: Forgot to mention, you only have to do the above folder copy, only if you have the Community and the Official folder in a custom location. Otherwise, I belive it does a complete reinstall.

I did a clean install, back to the release version and the double windsocks are there.

It would be nice to know if anyone else has this problem. I don’t see it so far, but since I coupld of peopel reported seeing duplicate towers and hangars at a couple of airports, there’s some MSFS glitch happening. I will double-check when I get to the update, but I don’t think ther’es anything I can do.

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Just out of the blue, I now have 2 control towers as well. This is really weird. Last weekend, there was only the one, and the double windsocks. I tested the older version of CYOO and the same thing. I removed everything except for CYOO and the same. Not sure what is going on. Running only the regular release, without the Canadian update. Other than playing with FSLTL, I haven’t touched any of the scenery addons. Something online must have crept in. Its only CYOO. CYKZ and CYOW are just fine here, the last I checked.

I’m looking into that with devsupport…

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Roman, have you heard back from DevSupport at all? It is on their end. There are other airports, that others have made up, and some of those have the same issue. So far for me, it’s just the windsocks and control towers.

I did get an email from another airport developer, who said that since they fixed the windsocks (more or less), he just removed his for now. But it is strange that only Oshawa was affected.

Yes, they did get back to me. It’s not certain, but based on what they said it looks like there is now a separate flag for removing the default tower. The flag existed before, but it either wasn’t working correctly or the default was “true”, so that the default towers were removed with the rest of the airport. They now changed the default or fixed the flag so suddenly unless tower is specifically excluded with a separate flag set to “true”, it’s not removed by default. That is why some sceneries have the same problem, while others don’t. This wasn’t a requirement before, and now I think it is. This is a guess on the dev support’s part, so I need to test it, but I think it sounds right. The only think that is strange is that I only have 3 people contact me with that problem. Either others don’t notice it or only some people have this bug. I can reproduce the bug now on my sistem on SU11. So I will soon release an update for my CYOO that has this flag forced to “true”, along with some other fixes and extras. That should fix the issue for those who can see it.

Thanks for the update Roman. :slight_smile:

I think a few of the crew might need some training. :slight_smile: They are facing the wrong way.

It’s unavoidable: if I set the start position this other way, you would start in it facing the wall, and it’s not fun.