[RELEASE] Freeware Fouga Magister CM170 by Restauravia

Released from Restauravia, seems to be exclusively available on their site, Restauravia-Accueil (on the main page, “ICI” is the download option)

From my first flight: The interior and exterior model and texture work is quite good for freeware. The engine sounds are very menacing. The canopy opens though there is no attenuation of engine sound.

The flight model feels excellent. The spoiler is very effective allowing for steep descents at low speed. Takeoff and landing are smooth though the elevator axis does feel a bit too springy.

This is an excellent offering and a great way to bide your time for the AzurPoly payware Magister in production.

From my first flight:


This is a really nice freeware, the quality is top noch for being free.


Thanks for spotting this!

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From those screenshots it looks quite good. I’ll be grabbing this tonight for sure. If the AzurPoly offering is anything like their BD5, this will most likely be the better option anyway.

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I remember seeing one at an airshow in 2014-ish? it’s been a while, but it was the first time i saw and heard it… my ears hurt! hahaha And that was just taxiing… on takeoff it was more bearable.

Much like this:

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Definitely needs a few Luftwaffe liveries. After all Germany built over 230 of them in license and was the second largest user of the Magister.


The aircraft ships with the manual in French, so I’ve translated it as I couldn’t find a suitable English version anywhere. There may be some mistakes, please let me know if I’ve made an error. Note that much of this can’t be simulated, but I’ve included all of it anyway.

Note that M II and M VI throughout refer to the Turbomeca Marboré II and VI engine variants. I’m not sure which one Restauravia has replicated but the checklists mostly are based on the M VI.


  • Parking brake: Pull (on)
  • Seat and rudder adjustment: Check seat locked (visible mark)
  • Harnesses: Verify set
  • Helmet: Adjust
  • Radio: Plug in
  • Oxygen tank: Connect
  • Oxygen flow: Test (100% - normal - emergency)


  • Battery switch: On
  • On-board telephone: On - volume control.
  • Circuit breakers: In (except arming)
  • Lighting controls (NAV - UV - headlight): Off
  • Pressurization: Off
  • Vertical handle: push button for inflating the bladder: Pressed
  • Throttles and fire valves: Back
  • Friction lever: Set
  • Airbrakes - EMER Extend then NEUTRAL
  • Compensator - Tested and set to 0
  • Verify concordance between front and rear trim tabs.
  • BP lamp: Off, tested
  • Gear not extended alarm: Off, tested
  • Servo alarm: On
  • Clock: Set and correct
  • Servo control: Off
  • SRA: On
  • Machmeter: Zero
  • Sight: Adjusted (set up)
  • De-icing pump: Locked
  • Fire lights: Off, tested
  • Fuel gauge: 725 liters
  • Reserve compass: Course checked
  • Engine instruments:
    • Tachometer: Zero
    • T4: Checked
    • Oil temperature: Checked
    • Oil pressure: Zero
    • Lights on rear seat
  • Gear indicator: 3 green
  • Flaps indicator: Zero
  • IFF/SIF: Off
  • VSV instruments:
    • Anemometer: Zero
    • Altimeter: Zero
    • Variometer: Zero
    • Turn indicator: Correct
  • Generator lamp: On
  • De-icing: Off, lamp on
  • Gyro compass and artificial horizon: Off
  • Sight switch: Fixed + Gyro
  • 150 liters lamp: Off - tested
  • Arming switches: Off
  • Rheostat radio lighting: Off
  • VHF - UHF - VOR - RC: Off
  • TB control box: Emergency selector on normal
  • Starter lamp: Off, tested
  • Vacuum in neutral lamps tested
  • Ventilator: closed


  • Clear area
  • Mechanic with fire extinguisher present
  • Voltage < 25.5 volts or outside temperature < 10 C - use a generator unit
  • Start left engine first


  • Canopy closed and locked
  • Throttle: Reverse
    • SIMULTANOUSLY: Open the firewall valve and set ON
  • Check:
    • Idle: 6500 to 7000 RPM
    • Oil pressure: 0.5 bar
    • Generator lamp off around 6500 RPKM
    • Voltage: 28.5 volts
  • Set left engine to 8000 RPM
  • After starting right engine, adjust RPM to 10,000


  • VHF - UHF - VOR - R/C: On
  • IFF/SIF: STBY - code displayed
  • Pitot heat: On (Anemo defrost)
  • Gyro-compass - gyro-horizon: On
  • Recalibrate the artificial horizon
  • Hydraulic pressures: Checked
  • Servo control: On
  • Airbrakes: Retracted
  • Flaps: Down, then 15°
  • Gyro compass: Test - set to GM
  • Radio equipment (COM/NAV): Test
  • IFF/SIF: Test


  • Chocks removed
  • If necessary, the windows are closed, locked, and sealed.
  • Pressurization on
  • Air conditioning set
  • Atmospheric pressure indicated
  • Check both engines at 15000 rpm
  • Parking brake: Release
  • Brakes: Test


  • If necessary, canopy: open
  • RPM: As required
  • VSV Instruments: Test
  • Emergency brake: Test - note tendency to creep forward


  • RPM 10,000 holding
  • Canopy: Closed, locked, sealed
  • Pressurization: On
  • Air conditioning: Set
  • Harnesses locked and tightened - carabiner latched and checked.
  • Altimeter at zero - Error noted
  • Oxygen at 100%
  • Visor down
  • Check:
    • Hydraulic pressure
    • Flaps: 15°
    • Airbrakes: Retracted
  • Check:
    • Servo: On
    • Controls: Free
    • Trim: Set (Pb at 0°, GB at -5°)
    • Fuel (Gauges - leaking tanks)


  • Aircraft on centerline: 2 x 10,000 rpm - set the artificial horizon.
  • Full throttle while holding brakes and check:
    • Engine instruments: (M VI engine)
    • RPM: 21500 +50 -100
    • T4 < 665°
    • Oil pressure: 3 to 4.5
    • Oil temperature: 10 to 85°
    • Hydraulic pressure: 250
    • Voltmeter - 28.5
  • Flight instruments checked
  • Gyro compass: QFU ± 5
  • Altimeter - variometer - horizon
  • No red lights
  • Chrono index


  • Release brakes
  • 70 kt IAS: Rotate
  • 80 kt IAS: Acceleration check
  • 90 kt IAS: Take off
  • Once fully airborne apply brakes and retract landing gear
  • 120 kt IAS - climb rate 1000 ft/min: Flaps up

After takeoff

  • Gear and flaps up
  • Fuel transfer - no damage to tanks
  • 0² normal

Every 5000 feet and every 10 minutes of flight

  • 02 - pressurization
  • Fuel - transfer
  • Engine parameters


  • (M VI) 220 kt IAS - then 0.45 mi
  • Speed: (M VI) - 21500 rpm - max continuous.


  • (M VI): Recommended RPM: 18500
  • Maximum endurance: 140 kt
  • Fuel lamp illuminates at 150 liters
  • Cruising flight on one engine: Keep 160 kt IAS for maximum distance
  • Cruise headwind: At 25000 ft up to 50 kt headwind, maintain 19500 rpm
  • For stronger headwinds, add 200 rpm per 10kt up to 21500 rpm


  • Fast descent in clear skies
  • AF retracted
  • RPM: 17000 above 15000 ft, full throttle below.
  • Speed: M = 0.75 above 15000 ft - 375 kt below.
  • Economical descent (M II and M VI): maximum range.
  • AF landing
  • Fully reduce throttle
  • 200 kt IAS


  • 230kt IAS: Extend flaps.
  • RPM: 2 x 17500 (M VI)


  • Speed: 2 x 18500 rpm (M VI)
  • 250 kt IAS minimum
  • AF extended
  • If MTO conditions permit, no GCA


  • At 140 kt IAS: Gear down.
  • Maintain 130 kt IAS - Extend flaps
  • Engine speed: 2 x 18500 rpm (M VI)


  • Full flaps 10 seconds before descent
  • RPM: Approx. 2 x 17500 rpm (M VI)
  • Vi: 110 kt - 120 kt


  • Check:
    • Remaining fuel
    • hydraulic pressure
    • harnesses secure


  • Crosswind - 1000 ft - 240 kt IAS:
    • 45° bank
    • Throttle reduced (TNS light on)
    • Flaps extended
    • Adjust N: 2 x 15000 rpm.
  • Downwind:
    • 140 kt: Gear down - 3 green
    • 130 kt: Engine speed about: 2 x 18500 rpm (M VI)
    • Hydraulic pressure checked
    • Landing light on
    • Flaps down
  • Base
    • 120 kt IAS min.
    • Check gear - 3 green <> flaps 40°
    • Reduce throttle as required (M VI): 2 x 16500 rpm to keep 120 kt, minimum altitude: 300 ft.
  • Final:
    • 110 kt IAS - 100 kt IAS when passing the beacons - reduce throttle.


  • Aerodynamic braking up to 60 kt.
  • Put the front wheel down and progressively apply the brakes.


  • Clear runway
  • Compensator: Neutral
  • AF up - Flaps up - Headlight off.
  • If necessary: Pressurization: off, boots down, canopy: open.


  • Chocks in place
  • Display (M VI): 2 x 10000 rpm.
  • VHF - UHF - VOR - R/C - IFF/SIF: Off
  • Viewfinder: off (eventually)
  • Oxygen 100%
  • Gyro-compass on CM
  • Pitot heat, gyro-compass, gyro-horizon: Off.
  • Servo control: Off.
  • Pressurization: Off
  • Bladders: Deflated.


  • Firewall valves (L and R): stop.
  • Rev counter passing 5000 rpm: stopwatch.
  • Read the left and right TAR.
  • Battery switch: Off.


  • Canopy: Open
  • Radio and oxygen sockets: Disconnected
  • Parachute carabiner: Disconnected
  • Unharness (close the buckle afterwards)



That sounds a lot like the T-37 - so much so that I had to look up both to confirm that they used different engines!

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Have a spin from cold & dark.The plane works very well.I Have never heard this plane before,but I would like to fly it frequently.
some questions: how could i change the view to Co-polit ? there are panel ,but I can only access it buy moving the camera.
And the checklist seem quite complex form the plane in game.
And Thanks for sharing this as a freeware.

Thanks very much for sharing this, and translating the manual.

Really impressed by the new Fouga. Remember seeing them when I was a kid as they occasionally visited LOWS.
Could anyone make a livery in the Austrian Air Force (Bundesheer) colors?

Many thanks in advance!

I tweaked the takeoff procedure to say rotate (raise nosewheel) at 70kt and lift off at 90kt. This is based on a Magister pilot’s own words translated to English. Your mileage may vary! I tend to rotate at 100 kt but I’ll have to try these lower speeds. From videos I’ve noticed Magisters tend to stay in ground effect for a bit before climbing out, which probably affords the pilot time to ensure they are reaching the appropriate speed/climb rate (120kt and 1000ft/min) to raise flaps.

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What a Fantastic Aircraft ! We can’t believe that this superb Rendition is Freeware.
Thank you so much for this Christmas Gift.


It really is very good. I think this will cause a lot of people to skip buying the AzurPoly payware Magister.

I hope it causes AzurPoly to focus on some areas where this one lacks, being freeware. Namely, if they model more systems since many of them are INOP (though essential systems are functional.) If would also be nice to hear what they might have done with the sound. The Magister is a notoriously noisy bird, and while I don’t want it to be TOO accurate (lest we all go deaf) it’d be cool if the sound transitions were smoother and if the whistling of the engines could be more present (at reasonable levels) after startup. Otherwise this freeware is definitely good enough for me!

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Thanks to the Restauravia team for creating this aircraft for MSFS. I’d been using a fsx portover up until now, but it wasn’t very functional from the cockpit due the the lack of clickspots.

I’m hoping that @pby5a turns his virtual paintbrushes to this one and creates an Irish Air Corps Silver Swallow livery. :slight_smile:

Itching to see a Six Day War livery for this as well. With so many users in its lifetime, this plane has a ton of livery potential!

Nicely crafted freeware aircraft, very enjoyable to fly.

I look forward to fly this bird. Thank you to the team :slightly_smiling_face: