RELEASE: MilViz Corsair for MSFS

If you look at the plane land on carriers IRL, even with flaps it’s nose high. This is why it was dangerous to land on carriers. Because of this, the British developed a turning approach to land on carriers. You know so they could see the deck as they approach.

The response that it is “flight modeled” only for combat configuration seems bizarre. So going that route, it probably doesn’t land as the real aircraft would! It doesn’t cruise as the real aircraft would! Doesn’t climb like the real aircraft would! At this point just spawn it in the air, fly it around, and close the flight. Because every other aspect of the flight isn’t true to Real Life. You know, because its only modeled in a combat configuration!!! All this in a non combat simulation.

Glad the concord isn’t just modeled for super sonic flight or it would never get off the ground!


It’s a military combat aircraft though so that’s how you’d model surely? as that’s what it was built for :person_shrugging:

Remember when we found the 3D model was like 10% bigger than it should be? Then we had to do this same exchange of, “Huh? What? No it’s not. It’s not being ‘fixed’. Oh, ok, yeah it’s too big. We’re fixing it.” It’s like we have to go through the seven stages of grief every time there’s an issue brought up lol. Not trying to be a jerk, I really love this plane and fly it all the time. But if the scale can be off by several feet, it seems entirely plausible that the attitude of the 3D model could simply be off by a few degrees as well.


I understand your point :+1:

Either way I love the aircraft, never noticed any issues personally, too busy having fun flying to notice.


This was funny. They said oh there’s room for a parachute. Like 3 feet of room. Then someone posted a screen shot of it parked next to other aircraft and you could absolutely tell it was to big. Yeah they are a stubborn group of developers. You gotta keep at em till the finally admit there’s an issue. :rofl:


Still hoping the prop blur gets reduced from 5 blades to 3.

That has been fixed and will be in the SP. being worked on now.


Glad to hear that a presumably comprehensive SP is actively being worked at this point. May I also assume that upon release, customers will receive an email notifying them of an update? (Or is there a more rapid and reliable avenue to discover a new SP at this point?)


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Best bet is to head to the Blackbird forums. Sometimes they even post betas there to test.

That’s exactly what happens. Beta posted to our forums (only for those purchased direct or from Orbx) and emails are sent out for the same as above

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Any word on the AOA issue? Will a fix for that be in the SP?

AOA? The “tilt”? Maybe. We’ve not yet gotten an answer on that.

Just wondering if the ability to hear nearby Corsairs (when flying with friends) will be added to the SP? At the moment they are silent and it would be great to hear those other radials coughing at start up and then humming as the rpm builds.


Coughing, spluttering, smoking lots of this please @Krazycolin :rofl:


Should be corrected next update. We’ve updated the soundset for this.


Music to my ears :slight_smile:


Just got this bird. I cannot for the life of me land her. She always wants to ground loop. Usually she begins to veer left or right and then she’ll drop a wing. I’ve tried landing fast, slow, very calm winds, tailwheel locked and unlocked, full flaps, no flaps, etc…

I watched a video where the person flying said they have to use differential braking to keep her straight when landing. Is this the only way to do it? Because I don’t currently have pedals and if that’s the case I feel like there needs to be a clear warning prior to purchase.

I can land the Spitfire from Flying Iron. The Beech 18 from Carenado, and the DC3. All of which are war-era taildraggers that can be a bit of a handful. But not the Corsair.

Any ideas?

Turn on auto rudder and that might help. The Corsair is very powerful as compared to the others in your list.

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I will give it a go as a test, though I don’t think it’s rudder. I can control the rudder with the stick twist but it doesn’t seem to have much authority at all on landing. Corsair may be much more powerful, but on landing I’m not using that power.

Maybe not but there’s a ton of torque and the wing will drop… there’s a reason this was called the ensign killer…