Can you elaborate?
Should I use the MSFS flight planing? Or some 3rd party utility?
I did not find info on this subject in the KA manual.
Thanks in advance!
Can you elaborate?
Should I use the MSFS flight planing? Or some 3rd party utility?
I did not find info on this subject in the KA manual.
Thanks in advance!
Check out paragraph 6.3.7 Kinetic Assistant - Touching Cloud [OFFICIAL MOD PAGE]
@StanTGM That’s the right place to start - you can use GHOST REPLAY tab to record your own towplane flight, then rename result GPX file and place it into TOWPLANES folder. After KA restart you will see your custom towplane track in the list.
I stand corrected - Can’t believe I fell into the RTFM trap
Anyways, thanks for the hints, will try that track recording tonite!
Else, KA is a superb program! I enjoy those thermals a lot…
Keep up the excellent work!
New update for Kinetic Assistant v0.17.3.0
– New world map icons: airliner, rotorcraft, vehicle, boat
– world map icons filtering by selected type on EVENTS tab
– icons color logic changed – it does not rely on the server now, only on aircraft
– XCSoar issues fixed: 0 heading value, wrong wind angle
– XCSoar port can be set manually (NMEA tab)
– System folder OPEN button for quick access (Settings tab)
– towplane taxi on the runway before takeoff (if Realistic Restrictions checkbox ticked)
– world map mouse buttons swapped (left – drag, right – set teleport marker)
– event name added to world map aircraft info window (if competition is active)
– dedicated sounds for turn points passing notifications (start, turnpoint, final, finish)
– decreased chances of active pause false detection during competition
Freeware version Kinetic Assistant - Touching Cloud [OFFICIAL MOD PAGE]
Payware version simMarket: KINETIC ASSISTANT+ MSFS
Hi, I sent this mail but I’d like to post it here too.
Firstly - Thank You :).
I discovered this tool in this week and its a “game changer” for MSFS soaring for me.
Today I bought payware version to support you :).
I have 2 questions:
1/ is it possible to add any kind of key (shortcut) for spiral or radar map (hotspots)? To turn it on/off (personally I would like to see possibility to on/off spirals from keys). I fly in VR only so its a little hard to use it from software on the desktop or from the top menu. It will be very helpful for VR users. If its not present now, maybe in the future update? Pls think about it.
2/ I visited only one hotspot (short test only), but I didnt noticed any bird. They are present in hotspots always or not in each lift? In settings I have like on attached screenshot.
Thank you for great tool!
Ok, I did a little longer flight, met 3 next hotspots and I didnt noticed any bird in lifts. Any ideas? I checked also Flora settings and my slider is on 100%. I fly in VR mode only.
And KA birds are custom models inserted by SimConnect, not related with Flora setting anyhow.
no hotkey for the spirals and birds, sorry.
Thank You for reply. Ok, is it possible that you will add this possibility in the future, hotkey for visualization of spiral as “on/off” (or “2D radar” window)? It could be very helpful option for VR users . Pretty please think about it, it could be in payware version (it could bring some of new customers too). Just idea but very helpful option.
birds visibility range is limited by rendering engine
So is this the best option to check and spot birds?
Maybe VR engine has problem with those models? Did someone notice birds in VR mode?
Ok I found this option - with highlight you can see “bubbles” so it’s easy to check it.
The problem is that I saw birds not in each “bubble”, so maybe this? I dont saw birds in green and yellow, I saw birds in blue, pinky and magneta marker.
The next thing is the hight - they was present near 2000-2500 meters (6560-8200ft), not too high for all birds? Maybe the good idea is to have birds between 300m to 1000m AGL mostly in plus, see this EASA 1990-2008 report, according this report only 5% of collisions with birds was around 756-3030m.
Just idea
btw. did you see the new trailer? Looks really nice, SU11 will bring:
Do you have a plans to rebuild the KA after this release to match KA to this update and new features? I thik still KA could improve MSFS, even with those new features. I hope that KA will not be put to death.
Yes, VR may be a problem as it has, usually, lower details so rendering engine show birds at the shorter distance than in the flat mode. That’s okay if some spheres left without birds as these are hawks I believe - only 3 per group should appear.
You are right, birds altitude is mostly random - will be better to standardize it so at least they will appear on expected altitude.
Yes we have seen latest trailers. It’s hard to tell how good these features will be but highly likely winch and towplanes will be better than in KA. We are still going to evolve competitions system, and maybe will be able to improve new gliding features somehow as well. We’ll see.
Hi I have a questions about Ghost Replay, I cant use it (is it a bug or I miss something?). This part isnt explained too much in the manual ;). Id like to use it but … when I did recording (I see green and red button), nothing heppened. Where the save track is stored?
You can add your own towplane track – record flight from takeoff moment to the final altitude by Ghost Replay tab buttons, then copy GPX file into TOWPLANES folder and rename like you want.
This is my log:
2022-09-01 14:23:37Z: log copied to clipboard
2022-09-01 14:22:05Z: Recorded track saved, length: 916 seconds
2022-09-01 14:22:05Z: saveTrackfile: The format of the given path is not supported.
2022-09-01 14:06:48Z: Track recording started
2022-09-01 14:06:43Z: Kinetic Assistant connected
2022-09-01 13:59:55Z: Kinetic Assistant+ loaded
2022-09-01 13:59:55Z: MSFS Path: C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState
2022-09-01 13:59:54Z: Community Path: P:\MSFS\Community
I used this button to record the flight:
I have MS Store version of MSFS.
Btw. maybe here is a problem: “The format of the given path is not supported.” ? It looks like KA didnt save a file when I pushed red REC button.
You were looking for a recorded track file in the folder? …\Community\touchingcloud-tools-kineticassistant\RECORDINGS
Hi. This folder is empty. According log, the KA has a problem to save a file. I use for example SkyDolly for recording track and no any issue, so according me looks like KA issue with SU9 maybe? I dont know.
Yes, program can’t save file for some reason. Maybe EXE file placed inside of the system folder?
When you change some settings parameters and restart program - are they loaded properly from assistantSettings.json file?
You can try to run program as administrator but normally it not required.
Also I can send you EXE with extra debug messages so we will know what is going on.
Thx. I’ll try to run KA with admin rights, I didnt try it yet. KA isnt on C disc (so system disc). What is important, I havent MSFS (MSFS store version) on C disc with default path but on different disc so maybe this? But no any issue to recognazing MSFS. The other functions of KA work ok for me - thermals, tow, winch etc. so no problem with Simconnect I suppose.
Maybe I found a reason. Is it possible that its a problem of the other addon, not KA? So I took default plane (Zlin Shock Ultra) and … was fine. I saw the track was saved. Next I took different plane but from Community folder (payware addon) and I see this: “saveTrackfile: The format of the given path is not supported.” So looks like something is wrong with this plane maybe? What do you think?
to reproduce this, you need to give us more information. What payware plane did you try, and is it just that plane that has the problem or does any payware / community folder based plane not work? Is your Community folder set up with addon-linker or similar? If you could also try to identify the track file path that it’s attempting to generate if the error shows it, that would help.
Does kinectic assistance work with Asobos default gliders?
Yes, all features works same as before, including multiplayer towing (but it still uses custom towrope model and script though).