[RELEASE] SimFlyLinker A320 SD Plus Plugin| SeeingSky


  • This plugin requires SimFlyLinker version 3.6.6 or higher, which you can download for free from flightsim.to.
  • This profile is only compatible with the StreamDeck Plus version.


    1. Download and extract the plugin, then install:
    • Double-click com.seeingsky.simflylinker.streamDeckPlugin
    • SimFlyLinker_A320.streamDeckProfile to install the plugin and the profile.
    1. Download SimFly Linker, run it, go to the Cockpit Controls page, and click to install the Core plugin.
    1. In the SimFly Linker settings page, check the StreamDeck API.
    1. (Optional) Depending on your aircraft type, go to the SimFly Linker Cockpit Controls page and select either the FBW A320 Profile or the Fenix a320 Profile.
    1. Start the game, load the A320 aircraft, and click the Start button on the SimFlyLinker homepage to begin.


  • Operation and display of SPD, HDG, ALT, and VS on the FCU panel.
  • Adjust values using the knob
  • Short press for Push, long press for Pull
  • Tap the screen to switch the corresponding display units
  • Various buttons on the FCU panel.
  • Operation and display of EFIS BARO on the CAP side, and operation of ND MODE and ND RANGE knobs.


  • If your StreamDeck is connected to another computer on the local network, you can connect by modifying the Global->SimFlyLinkerIP in the button properties.
  • Do not modify other KEYS on the action property page.

To learn about the product of SimFly Pad, view this post .

Discord: SimFlyPad/SimFlyLinker
Support Email: ethantoken@gmail.com
AVSIM Support Fourm: SimFly Pad Support Forum - The AVSIM Community
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPiUW74RD_aAH4RXscRVbmQ