Release SU15

This forum has a Code of Conduct, like some other forums, in which we all agreed to follow when we first joined.

Freedom of speech is a principle that applies to government. We are not the government, and this is not a government entity. This is a privately owned site and the use of and discussions herein are subject to the Code of Conduct. While we do strive very hard to create a place for constructive feedback and open communication, it is not “anything goes” here. It is everyone’s concern to engage in discussions in good faith.

No member of the forum can hide or delete a post, other than deleting their own. Flagging a post does not hide that post (see exceptions in How and When to Flag a Post) or delete it. Only those on the moderation/community managers team can take action on flagged posts. Those actions are based on the Code of Conduct, otherwise, the flag is rejected.

If you have a question as to why your post was hidden or deleted, you may send a DM to @moderators.
