Release SU15

if that is the case (havent read the whole thread yet) then yeah… those people need to relax and try to enjoy the game

Hi all.

I’m on the xbox x and on the beta. I have noticed improvements in performance like no avionics black outs with add on aircraft around add on airports, YAY, but the thing that caught my attention was: I thought there was supposed to be an update to the liveries of ai aircraft.

My questions:

Is that for xbox??

Is that for ai traffic or on line real world ai traffic?

and if so, why am I not seeing it?

The ai aircraft look the same with the semi psychedelic paint schemes.

Not sure if I’m missing something, thanks in advance for your help.

I’m not disappointed with the delay of su15, because players can participate in the su15 beta at any time and experience it without waiting. MSFS2020 is already transparent to players. The weekly developer blog enables players to get the latest game opening information in a timely manner. On the other hand, xplane12, another simulation flight game I like, I really can’t roast about it. They announced 12.1.0 last year, and there is no beta version yet!!! I am too disappointed. The developers of XPlane seem to dislike posting messages and blogs to let players know their progress. The community often sees complaints and reminders

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Are you are referring to this improvement mentioned in the v.1.37.2 (PC) / 3 (Xbox).0 release notes:

  • Initial work on improving plane and livery model matching for live traffic aircraft. It will now try to partially match aircraft types of the same airlines, if a specific livery or model is not installed. As a last resort it will try to fall back to an airline that generally serves the current airport or region.
  • Known Issue: The nameplates of AI traffic can show a wrong aircraft type ICAO.

AFAIK, there are no changes to the actual liveries of the aircraft.

Awesome, thank you.

I watched the last Developer live stream on YouTube and they mentioned the ai update, but I do not recall them going into much detail about it. I am over the moon happy that I have been able to fly my tube-liners (domestic US routes) and not have black screens, radio silence when real world traffic is on, stuttering on take off and approach with the dreaded ctd’s.

Thanks for the info.

Happy flying!!

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About 2 days after release?!..

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Hi folks,

I want to repeat everything @Hester40MT wrote here for emphasis.

We do not currently – and never will – remove posts simply for expressing a negative opinion about Microsoft Flight Simulator. All feedback is very important to us, whether it’s either positive or negative.

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GotFriends has 11 plane updates pending SU15, eleven!
I think we are going to be flooded by updates and even new products as soon as this is released.

Go play X-Plane if you don’t like the product.

I’m not about to put it as bluntly as that but some people act like they don’t have choices. Is the sim flawed? Yes. Is it possible to thoroughly enjoy it with those flaws. Again, yes.

Apparently both XP and P3D have better physics and systems… but they both look pretty awful and we have to admit to ourselves that visuals are part of the immersion in 2024. I don’t particularly fancy flying a true study-level airliner, only to look out the window and see cities so badly rendered that they look like Duplo Lego bricks.

MSFS is still miles ahead of anything else, as an overall package. But I do think the constant moaning is at least indicative of people’s genuine love of and concern for the sim — even if whjat they type seems to suggest the exact opposite. If people really preferred the alternatives, they’d leave MSFS without fanfare.

For me the only physics that need work are the ground friction effects (apparently improved in SU15) — particularly on wet or icy runways — and in-cloud turbulence. I’m not 100% sure if MSFS has mountain turbulence but I’ve certainly been buffeted about at times when flying in the vicinity of mountains!


Agreed. The amount of complaining from some people never ends. If I hated the sim as much as they do, I would have uninstalled it a long time ago. Obviously, MSFS2020 is not the sim for them. I will predict the future - they won’t be happy with SU15. Time for them to move on.


:smiley: very well explained, hope I’m not pushed to this group :smiley: :wink:

You’ve missed the point entirely. I LOVE the product, the experience when it works, is astonishingly good. Right now, its not working well at all, for many many people.

Why not voice this? Why go along to get along. Who is it hurting to tell things as we see them? No need for a reply, I already know the answer. Perhaps you can answer it privately, to yourself.

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The fact that the upcoming SU has been delayed more than once, is a good sign; it tells me that they’re determined to get it right. With FS2024 coming up, they need to put all their energy into that, and not have to worry about the current sim for a while.


What I don’t understand is that some folks aren’t happy with getting an update that breaks the sim. I was very vocal about that. But are you suggesting that any update good or bad must be on time??? Surely it’s better to wait until it’s right. If after the delay it’s still bad then go for complaining.


Thank you for all of your feedback and comments regarding the release of Sim Update 15. We have taken the decision to close this thread to prevent any further derailment from the specific topic of this thread.

The MSFS Team