Yeah sorry for that. I think im gonna reinstall the whole thing. Even when i start with engines on. Pfd shows xxx
Just found this while lurking on the github. Its prerelease so use at your own risk…
It seems y’all found the pre-release. Here is the official one:
(It’s no different from the pre, so if you already grabbed that there’s no need to download again.)
No real changes in this version, as major changes to the UI are still in progress, it’s just a compatibility update. Let me know if you have any issues with it.
Its what happens when I go snooping for fixes… Thanks for what you do! (whatever that may be)
Hahaha, no worries! Anything that we post as a release on github is fair game for folks to play with, as long as they understand that a pre-release is a pre-release for a reason and could possibly have some issues that would be sorted in a final.
Appreciate the small details not mentioned in the feature notes like the arrow pointing to next waypoint on flight plan rather than just stating 2 waypoints on the PFD.
However I think I may have found a bug - the flight path pipper on SYN VIS has ceased to exist…
EDIT: I take that back. I didn’t think with the amount of crosswind I was getting it’d push the flightpath pipper out of view. Everything is working as intended. Please disregard my post
First of all, thanks a lot for that great mod and all that continuous effort you put into it. Cant be appreciated enough.
In future, is there a chance to integrate a proper “direct-to” function? At the moment you always have to enter the waypoint character by character. As far as I know, the real G1000 gives you a selection of all waypoints in your flightplan. Furthermore, you can select a direct-to out of the flightplan-page by hitting the direct-to button after selecting the waypoint. Would be extremely handy especially in online IFR flying
I have same issue now after installing latest update on the 172, G36, DA40 and 62 and caravan! This is the first time this has happened! It has been suggested elsewhere this is because the default aircraft might have been modded but these mods mostly related to liveries! So presumably est to log this as a bug?
Absolutely. We’re working on a major overhaul to flight management that is going to go into all Working Title mods and it will include that functionality. It’s also on the list of things I’d like to add in an interim update if it looks like the major one is going to take a while yet.
Sorry, what issue are you talking about here? If it’s the one that @k3nstr1092 mentioned, they’ve since updated to note that it was just an oversight on their part.
It’s probably too early to ask this question, but since Jorg’s reach out on the Dev Q&A, has WT team reached out to MS, and is there anything you can share with genpop on what the approach might be to integrate/coordinate your changes going forward? Inquiring minds (well, what’s left of mine anyway ) would love to know!
We are in communication with them, yes.
I can’t really say anything more than that now. And that’s not (just) me being coy, there’s also not much more to say at this point. These things take time, but I don’t have any reason to doubt that they are 100% sincere in their intention to increase their collaboration with the community.
When and if there’s some news to share, it’ll be posted here for sure.
Happened to me as well…
Update to the newest version.
Blockquote Update to the newest version
Already did, 0.3.2, still the same issue
setting Vertical Speeds is f*cked up too…
setting a FL leads to unexpected results too …
Sorry for asking this here, but I didn’t see a Working Title G3X Thread, but maybe there’s commonality since it’s by this same group? If there is a thread, please point me to it and I will re-post there! Thanks in advance.
For FPLs that span more than one screen, how do I scroll down to the next screen? I’ve poked and prodded at that two-tier knob at the bottom but for the life of me, I cannot get it to scroll to the next page. Thank you for helping the clueless.
Make sure you get the latest version of the G3000 and G3X if you have those, too.
I can’t start the sim to check right now, but you should be able to do it via the screen itself, either via a slider or arrows. (I’m not sure which it is on that particular page.)
I opened a G3X thread yesterday:
I’ll give it a try the next time I’m in the Pipistrel. Thanks!