[RELEASED: 3rd Aug 2023] Cessna 162 Skycatcher | Cockspur

Cessna 162 Skycatcher by Cockspur

Not seen this mentioned yet – it just came up in one of the Discord channels I follow.


Neat little plane, my uncle got his sport pilot license in one. But if it’s got the Asobo g3x, I’m afraid it’s a no-go for me.


What is g3x?

Garmin G3X avionics

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If they made it accurately it should have the Garmin G300.

Personal Observations and Comments

Unless they built the FMC from the ground up, it’s probably going to be the G3X Non-Touch in Portrait Format just like the stock Pipistrel Virus 121.

Its out on MarketPlace.
Just wondering if its good and how she flies.

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Pictures make it seam it has a G300, is this correct?

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Oh hey this came out on Marketplace! I can’t help myself I’m gonna try it out. :wink:


Looks pretty nice. Let us know what you think after you’ve put it through its paces? Have fun!


I picked it up last night - After about 4 hours of working with it (A bit of cross-country and some pattern work), I’d give it a solid 7/10. Flight model is predictable - Very stable and easy to trim for hands-off flight. All of the systems work as expected. Nice checklist that pops out. Sound is enjoyable! If anything maybe a little quiet inside the cockpit. Now onto the problems… Texturing is hit or miss. Overall it’s fine, however some areas could use a bit more detail. Would especially love to see a more refined prop disc, since that’s what you’re staring at while flying. My biggest issue at the moment is performance - Something seems wrong here. No matter what, I cannot get this to cruise above 100 KIAS, as indicated in both the aircraft performance stats and checklist (normal cruise should be around 109 KIAS). I’ve experimented with various weight as well as power/mixture settings, and I cannot get a stable cruise above ~85 KIAS.


I think it’s using the stock sim’s G3X 7" implementation, but that’s probably close enough for the price point. :slight_smile:

How was the climb performance? Close to book?

It looks great IMO and flies nice enough. Will have to track down a manual and start seeing if I can hit book numbers later. :wink:

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i can get you those if needed

I really liked this aircraft, when i bought my 152, i really wanted to buy the 162, but was too afraid since the parts are non-existent and i was worried if that glass panel died, I would have a dead aircraft. I had found one in arizona that had a lot of hours on it and needed a new alternator, but i chickened out and got the 152 instead.

Cruise performance is actually pretty accurate. I flew this aircraft at Rainier Flight Service for my Private Pilot’s license and it 100% advertises over a 100KIAS cruise, but we never got there, unless we were in an emergency descent. Our normal cruise was 85-90, maybe 95 if you were lucky.


Anyone got any screenshots (or video) of it? :slight_smile:

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Oh this is excellent info to have - Thanks so much for the real-world input! I couldn’t for the life of me figure out if there was something wrong with me, or the aircraft. Glad to know performance is indeed accurate (and realistic).

I mostly concur with the general consensus having flown it to match Skywagon University’s fittingly-timed 2-part release on the 162 this week.

The oil temperature was off the charts on my flights and couldn’t be brought down, even coasting in idle so I suspect that’s a bug. I found was that on the ground it seems to be controlled directly through rudder pedals. I had the impression they were going to model the free-cantering nose wheel and differential braking but unless I missed an optional setting, it didn’t seem that way to me. I also found it to be difficult to trim out for level flight. I was being knocked around a good bit even in mild settings, and with a 7kt quartering wind, I had a hard time with it.

That being said I do like it and am happy with my purchase.