[RELEASED] Aeroplane Heaven Cessna C-140

Well now I’m sorry I linked that information on the quick fixes…that won’t happen again.

Absurd reactions can’t be predicted

This isn’t about you linking those. The notion is very much appreciated. It’s about encouraging the developer to use their own official channels for distribution of solutions. This is likely an interim fix, so I am simply hoping it will get rolled into an official version and will be waiting for that.


I appreciate a developer getting a quick fix out by any means — if the purpose is to enhance the customer experience as soon as possible. I imagine the “formal” update will be forthcoming very soon.


To be honest most of the other forums are much more pleasant places to be, people are helpful and polite. Avsim might be an exception to that they can get a bit toxic over there as well.

This MS forum is a bit like a steam forum lots of conflict and people being abusive, demanding, complaining and entitled. Not everyone of course but enough for it to be common a theme.

Not to matter, now that someone has linked the config changes I was too lazy to work out for myself I am going to happily wander off and go fly a 140.


Totally agree. The expectations of developers is very high here. At places like Sim-Outhouse, they are considered “acquaintances” (with some occasional exceptions at times :wink: ), and work is appreciated and not expected as much.


V1.2 now is available also on SimMarket. I use it and put in the changes suggested at SOH. My C140 suffers from too low an RPM. So I copied the engines,cfg from V1.0 and performance now is ok for me.

Just open the door and click on the wheels.

Didn’t work in 1.1 but was fixed in 1.2, as I noted in my post following that update :wink:

Also, got notified on 1.2.1. I have it installed but, haven’t had a chance to check it out yet. Will be able to soon though.

Any chance to retract the water rudders?

At the end of a flight the engine of my float version quit. Ok, granted, I forgiot to switch to the right fuel tank, but there was enough fuel in the left tank. The engine was dead when I touched down.

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Maybe they have the unusable amount of fuel set too high?


Haha! Being one of the few who took care of this beauty in real life, I can tell you that keeping it shiny like this was not an easy task! :wink:

Here are some pics of mine of HB-CAD, nicknamed “Papier d’Alu” (alu sheet paper) and bearing our “Miss Ravioles” pin-up.^^




Those look great! Was the last one a long exposure due to low light? I’m going by the streaks in the sky, which are either stars or falling snow. :slight_smile:

That’s right, the streaks in the sky are stars, from the long exposure :wink:

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I had a quick search for the 140B POH, specifically the B, and didn’t immediately find anything, but Wikipedia has a page on the 140 in general.

  • Fuel capacity: 25 US gallons (95 litres), of which 21 US gallons (79.5 litres) are useable

So in theory, assuming there isn’t any difference with regard to the fuel tanks between a 140/A/B you should have had 4 gallons left in the left tank.

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They do, you run out of fuel at the top of the red zone. No biggie stay above the emergency reserve, you should be anyway.

If you do forget to switch and have enough height you can switch tanks, dive and restart the engine.

Still totally loving this aircraft.

Now they have it all sorted again my remaining two wishes (neither important) are:

  1. get rid of the tiny little floating rubber things that appear when you open the pilot side door
  2. the plane is modelled as if it is fitted with a Saitek/CH yoke with 45 degree aileron and 4" elevator travel which just feels silly it is like driving a child’s pedal car

THIS is the actual Yoke movement on the real thing in the video linked above by @fusionhorse151


As long as that’s only an animation issue, and doesn’t effect the actual handling. My Yoko+ only has 45 degrees roll, but it does have far more travel than 4" on pitch.

He has crosswind because he uses ailerons for takeoff. And there is no side movement whatsoever.

Nice vid!


I thought the Yoko was 90 degrees like my Fulcrum, the Honeycomb and the Brunners? Interesting, never knew they were 45 degree…

Not to matter, off topic.

Matching the Virtual Cockpit to what people have in sim hardware, rather than what the real aircraft has, is just plain peculiar.

It is however a very minor issue. Just looks odd. Though I believe some aircraft actually do have 45 degree Yoke movement, just not Cessna’s.

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For some good bush flying in a 120/140 check this one out: