[RELEASED] Aeroplane Heaven Cessna C-140

If they bring out a Yoko++ that offers a full 90 degrees, I’ll add myself to that pre-order! :slight_smile: Really, its the only downside of it.

Haha that’s really cool! Looks like he sits in a totally rotten aircraft. But it’s up to the task and he obviously knows what he’s doing.

Too bad I cannot see at which airspeed he lands.

It’s difficult to make out. As he crossed the threshold it showed this:


I’m guessing this is around 50kts when comparing that gauge to others:


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Thanks. So close to minimum speed.

43kts for stall, but I have no idea how accurate that is in the sim.

It is a 120 so no flaps.

Yes 43 kts is the book speed for a fully loaded 120. He will actually be stalling a bit under that as only he is in it.

Remember 43 KTS will be 50 MPH on our gauge .


The C140 has a hidden autopilot. If I switch it on using my controls I can change the heading bug and it follows. Don’t like that. Maybe I take a look into the .cfg files.

I intentionally ran out of fuel now on one tank, switched over and was able to restart. But I had to use the starter, couldn’t do a windmill start.

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Well it actually has an entire hidden GPS and autopilot that appears when you hit that “Avionics” switch in the lower panel. but yes its odd it still functions when in Steam gauge mode.

Found another 120 video from the same guy:


It’s really narrow in there. And I think I have to change my viewpoint position a bit up.

Looks like a new patch it up! Yay! It seems to have fixed the issues (I have yet to test though)… Thanks, AH!

I’m wondering why anyone cares that there’s a hidden autopilot function?

I don’t see any reason to remove it from the model. If you don’t want to use an autopilot, don’t. It’s not like it messes up the panel like the GPS does.

But, even there, I’m cool with it being in the model. I just don’t turn it on. I’m perfectly content that other users might enjoy having access to a GPS in their plane. Since, especially, I’m sure there are C-140 owners who have installed a GPS in their plane. Not a G1000 mind you, but, that was fixed i believe :slight_smile:


Same thing with the ALT hold in the Arrow. Just pretend the invisible button isn’t there.


I like the C140, It has character. I will probably buy it when they have fix the flaws.

Well, despite the changelog saying the electrical issues have been sorted, the ammeter is still broken. Again, if you start cold and dark, it is about half-way up with no battery on. As soon as you turn the battery on, it goes to zero and stays there for the rest of the flight.

RPM issues, lights, have been fixed.


Could be zero is in the middle and left is minus ampere, right positive. Then just the text would be wrong.

Battery off it’s in the middle, that’s zero.
Bat on it’s at the left, power is drawn
Alternator on it goes to the right, Battery gets loaded.

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There is no alternator switch in this aircraft. So to have the battery on, engine on, and ammeter all the way to the left would still not make much sense. :wink: Also, it behaves differently when it’s not started cold and dark and instead spawned on the runway with engine on.

Ammeter in my RL C140 was generally centered when the generator was working properly. There was no alternator.

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Ahh, ok! I have the alternator on a control and can switch it on. Then the gauge moves to the right.

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