[RELEASED] Aeroplane Heaven Cessna C-140


We’ve just had another update from Aeroplane Heaven for their MSFS Cessna 140, which is now v1.3 and provides the following updates:

  • Corrects the electrical gremlins with what we hope is a complete solution for battery charge state
  • The panel base has been remodelled to remove artefacts.
  • Fuel gauges have been recalibrated.
  • Kohlsman read-out has been recalibrated for correct reading
  • Control yoke travel extended to correct 110 degrees in each direction.
  • We have now instigated the version control system the game uses so make sure after downloading to check the version number in the content manager of the sim.

I can confirm that the electrical gremlins are gone, indeed.


110 degrees control yoke travel. So, if I deflect my yoke 100% the virtual yoke deflects 110°, is that as it is in the real C140?


Still no tail lights since v1.3.0 … Fantastic plane though :slight_smile:

Yeah, the remaining issues to be fixed are very very minor.

Seems like the electrics are fixed though the master switch is now inop and always on, the yoke aileron deflection is now realistic but the elevator movement in and out is still a bit shortish and there is still a tiny graphics glitch when you open the pilots door floating at about top of window height.

Basically overall though - they have fixed virtually all the initial teething problems in record time.

Really like this plane.

Engine sound still is way too loud.

This probably isn’t too fair, but… I just flew the Just Flight Warrior and I couldn’t help but think “why isn’t THIS one as enjoyable to me”? It just feels like the release could have been more polished. The autopilot (granted, it doesn’t HAVE to be used here) remains a hot mess. It just doesn’t come up to that quality standard I have been spoiled with from Just Flight. These things just take away from my enjoyment of the aircraft. Thankfully, the electrical issue is handled. I still can’t find a way to regulate COM volume. But yeah, just KNOWING that the autopilot is a complete mess nags me (even if I don’t use it, I know that should I CHOOSE to use it, it will be a bunch of nonsense). I really hope more work will be done on this aircraft and I hope the DC-3 won’t have a ton of these issues when it’s released. At the end of the day, THAT is the aircraft I am really looking forward to and I hope it won’t be released with a ton of these issues - electrical, autopilot, comm, etc. These are rather essential things.


Well, it’s a different plane. Different enogh for me to enjoy it greatly.

Bought this after reading the battery issue was solved. Quite like this plane. Noticed a few issues though: engine noise a bit too loud, could barely hear the radio. I heard some barely noticeable looping sounds whilst in cruise as well, seems I’m super sensitive to that stuff as it rarely gets mentioned. Sounds seem to be legacy as well, no changes when moving head around cockpit or when opening and closing the doors and windows. I did a hour and a half flight and had no problems with the battery cutting out so that does seem fixed. Yoke animation seems a bit off, like when you pull back the elevator is at full up or down position when the yoke is only half way back, same with the ailerons, they are at full up or down position when the yoke is only about half way left or right. A bit odd.

I quite like how it flies and bounces around in the air, feels very good. Trims out pretty nicely as well and I found myself just steering gently with just the rudder for parts of the flight. Seems to be very forgiving on the ground though, maybe a bit too forgiving? I mean either my landing skills in tail draggers has massively improved over the past few weeks or this plane’s a bit easy to land, no bouncing or drama like I get from some other tail draggers, but then again it is a pretty slow and low powered plane I guess. But aside from landings maybe being a bit too easy I really enjoyed flying this around, both whilst cruising along on steady course and finding a few valleys to have a bit of fun in. It does require a bit of rudder to coordinate the turns or even to initiate them which is nice to see. Clicking on the wheels to change from ■■■■■ (edit, lol this forum censors the word ‘náked’), fairings or bush amuses me a bit but I did end up accidentally clicking on that hotspot a couple of times. Haven’t tried the float model yet.

Model and textures look great. I love the look of the cockpit, very 1950s USA. Instruments mostly all look crisp and readable apart from the compass which looked a tiny bit lower res than the other bits but it wasn’t too bad. I like how the keys move during flight as well but shame the radio receiver cable is stationary. That vintage radio also looks pretty good!

Overall I quite enjoy it!

Oh, actually one thing that does annoy me and it is very minor and petty: The PDF manual. Not complaining about the contents of it but the page layout. It shows two pages side by side as one page when it seems to be formatted so each individual page should show up nicely on a 1080 monitor:

And it’s not my page layout settings as I have it set to show single page only and the front cover is displayed just fine like so:

As I said this is an incredibly inconsequential and petty complaint to have but it irrationally annoys me lol. Aside from that the manual is visually quite nice and whilst not that detailed explains most the things you need to know about AH’s rendition of the plane pretty well and the rest is covered by the in game checklist either the one by the passenger side or using the actual in game checklist feature which is nice to see as not all devs bother with this!

Oh and I really like that tail wheel model.

edit: removed some stuff about flaps being wrong as I was somehow mistook a clearly labelled handle lol.


Perhaps that’s a matter of interpretation?


(I don’t own the plane, and I think you’re right, I was just trying to be funny. In any event, I always look for these.)

Cessna C120/C140 Operation Manual.pdf

If it is a normal Cessna, you pull the handle up to deploy the flaps and lower it to raise them again.

That POH only says flap HANDLE raised not flaps raised. Where are we seeing the instruction to pull the handle to raise the flaps ?


Gotta love the Johnson Bar! :slight_smile:

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With all due respect… no 140 I’ve ever heard of has an autopilot. I’d bet well over half of the 2500 or so still flying don’t even have a Mode C transponder. Some of them likely don’t even fly from a paved runway. (I find the “option” in the sim for a Garmin 430 to be ridiculous.)

A 140 is good for flying low and slow, suited for the flat Midwest and the flat Central Valley in California. Along with the Piper Cub and the Bellanca Citabria, it would seem to be the ideal tailwheel trainer.

I think AH has some “teething issues” to overcome. I’ll give them a pass for some of the things wrong upon release. The fact that they communicate well, and push incremental patches out very quickly speaks highly of their team.

I like the 140 quite a bit. It’s a fun little Cessna… it looks like a 50’s diner with wings! :slight_smile:


Especially the ones with Pink Yokes … this one does have an AP but a really old school one …

In actual fact the C120 version did not have an electrical system AT ALL the generator was an optional extra that no-one bothered with back in the day …

Cessna 120/140 - Aviation Consumer Standard equipment did not include an electrical system, although a generator was available as an option. The International Cessna 120/140 Association tells us that none left the factory with one; however, most 120s have an electrical system these days.

I like to fly the one with the General Electric radio… the one that looks like it has Bakelite knobs, and could tune in Hopalong Cassidy while you fly. :slight_smile:


I agree with all that there… Except they DID put the autopilot in. So if they did that, why not make it work properly? :wink:


Fabulous article… thanks for sharing!

Just a massive brain ■■■■ on my part lol.

come on fárt is censored? lmao


Different enough from say an Arrow III at high altitude with gear failure?