[RELEASED] Aeroplane Heaven Cessna C-140

Yeah, outside of the initial test I don’t have ANY desire to enable that G1000. It will stay off whenever I fly this bird.


Thanks Jeremy great review again and will not be purchasing

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I have no idea why devs feel compelled to add those where they really arent appropriate . Its gotten to be a deciding factor for me whether i even try a plane or not. The fact that the glass pit is off by default is good, but its just baffling why its there in the first place. Why fly a classic plane if you want modern avionics?

Further note regarding audio problems. When I lowered the engine noise in General/Sound, what emerged was the MOST irritating creaking loop only when the AP was activated. Hard to listen to.

I don’t mind shooting an ILS approach with this from time to time, certainly since there is no simple navcom for VOR navigation. But this sound effect has to go.

AH’s sound package for the C140 in FSX was great. Anybody know how to lift it from FSX Steam version and replace the sound files in this FS2020 add-on?

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I’m sure they thought they could sell a few more copies to folks for whom MSFS is a first flight sim by having the G1000 option. I’d have preferred an optional 430 myself, but for now this aircraft is “wait and see” status anyway. Plenty of stuff for AH to fix; I’ll be curious to see how long it takes.

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even the 430/530 are rapidly becoming unwelcome in any pit im in as well, however id be a bit more understanding of an optional 430 rather than a pair of 1000s

Yeah, I am a big fan of GPS navigation myself, and I can see why it’s nice to have an OPTIONAL GPS unit in this plane… but really… a single 430 would have been nice. And no bloody autopilot. Who the f wants to fly this with an autopilot? I do want to know where I am. So even a Garmin Aero would have been fine. Just a GPS map, that’s all.

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my feeling is if someone wants a gps and autopilot, the 140 probably just isnt the right plane for them, as it should be.
my thing is, i dont mind the GPS when and where its appropriate. when its slapped on virtually everything, to include vintage biplanes, i start having an issue with it. flying by gps is OK, but a lot of times i simply want to get away from crutches like that and fly by map and compass (speaking of which, i wish Asobo’s map mode was a sectional chart rather than a mimic of the gps screen. also wish they would allow you to measure azimuth and distance on the map the way you can with DCS)


Just as many people say “I NEED a GPS in the plane or I WON’T fly it”. Developers are stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I have to admit, G1000?? Really? a GNS430 would have been much more appropriate, and more realistic. My bet is a the weight of a G1000 system would replace the passenger in the other seat?

But, you can turn it off and not use it, so I’m not sure I understand this as a reason not to purchase?


Like I said, a 430, or a Garmin Aero on the tablet. We have an Aero in the sim!

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I mean, at this point… just stick a Collins ProLine in it. Will look just as “at home” as the G1000. :wink: Build a center console for the FMS.


It would be nice if they could add a “laugh” emoji to the like button :slight_smile:
At least a good “giggle” one. An “I just Spit my coffee” would be useful at times.

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I suspect there will be plenty of people who feel more comfortable flying MSFS planes with G1000 so by offering it as an option the C140 also becomes more attractive to them.

It’s not what I’m looking for in a plane like this but different people like different things.


I am just happy that we can hide it and NEVER use it. That way, everyone is happy. I can fly with a map. They can pull out their G1000 and fly ILS approaches in zero visibility. :wink:


Precisely - this is a sim that, rightly or wrongly, is looking to appeal to the broadest possible audience so it makes sense for plane makers to look at ways to widen appeal for their products.

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I agree with this approach. As long as they don’t FORCE things, I am all ok with this. PMDG did it really well too. Iris nailed it with availability of non-glass variants. JustFlight did it right as well. This is the way, I think. It’s a good middle ground.




Speaking of ILS, the 140 could actually do it with just its original radio, it’s a fascinating thing.
The whole concept was based on low freq radio range and it’s a shame it’s not possible in sim (good thing we can’t do it anymore in the real world :sweat_smile:).

Info here: Low-frequency radio range - Wikipedia

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Classic and Vintage planes are all very well, but if there was no GPS or Autopilot, the developers would be inundated with the same questions from youngsters & noobs: “Where’s the GPS and how do I fly an ILS in this plane?” :laughing:

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This is my fav VFR plane as today