[RELEASED] Avitar Series | Got Friends

Ill check when i get home later today

No default MSFS aircraft will show you the copilot in the cockpit

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It’s just the beginning of the mod series, we do plan on expanding it further with all types of characters. I wouldnt look into it from that perspective… All things said, we initially choose to put in partners that have helped support our team showcasing releases. Its no surprise that there is a disproportionate gender metric for flight simming on the content creation side. I’m happy to say I finally managed to convince our partner AvAngel to send us some shots for a character in her likeness though, so with any luck, we’ll have our first female custom model soon!


Please be sure to give her Avitar some lovely angelic wings.

Physical wings would clip through smaller aircraft cockpits, and if they were small, clip through the seats. Gotta think about that sorta stuff. :wink:

Apologies.Didnt know that.Assumed the default ones would be the ones to have them in.I guess just some 3rd Party aircraft then.

HoloWings. It’s the future man! We’ll all have them soon :wink:

Would be COOL (maybe creepy) to be able to change the avatars clothing, provided, clothing was not optional !

Barbie Avatars, with clothing kits !!

Haircut seem to not be an option !!

Nice Hair Howard !!

How come the streamers don’t have headsets? They’re streamers, they always have headsets, flying or not!


I just have the mans best friend mod, more spesifically a cat sitting in the FO’s seat in the 738.
My issue is that the texture is very bright, doesnt seem to get affected by ambient light or night/day light much at all. Is this because the lack of emissive texture or whatever its called?

Loving this project and especially the Valor avitars (warbird pilot here). Haven’t had a chance to purchase yet but will as soon as I get through this workweek plus other distractions.

Not to get greedy, but… for a future expansion, any chance of Pacific Theater/CBI warm-weather aviators? Hate to think of my Pacific Wildcat, Hellcat and P-38 pilots sweltering in those leather jackets.

Grateful that expansions are planned - hope those get on the list.

Thanks in advance!

yes, 100% agree… very rare for two pilots sitting in most aircraft, not to be BOTH wearing headsets

Is it possible to do a mod to “dress” the ground crew, workers in the airport according to the weather?

Love the TwoToneMurphy avitar-currently got him selected when I’m flying the ATR:

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and remove their sun-glasses at night … but you cannot do that, as Asobo were lazy, and did not give them any eyes !!


maybe that explains why they keep walking into plane props ?


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns regarding our current Avitar Series. We appreciate your feedback and would like to clarify our decisions.

At Got Friends, our core expertise has always been aircraft development. Our venture into avatars is in response to the community demand for such content, and we’re excited to explore this untapped opportunity. This exploration comes at a time when newly discovered technology allows us to introduce avatars into the game, something many players have wanted since the game’s release.

Our Avitar: Streamer pack represents our Twitch Partners who have been steadfast supporters of our work throughout our aircraft releases. The current lineup of our Twitch Partners is all male, not due to any gender-based exclusion, but because they represent individuals who have actively engaged with Got Friends during their streaming careers and have reached out to us directly expressing interest in joining our network.

Our Avitar: Valor pack was constructed around pre-existing 3D models we licensed during development. We have also emphasized racial diversity to reflect our commitment to inclusivity. The decision to exclude female avatars in this specific pack is not rooted in discrimination but based on practical 3D modeling considerations, historical accuracy related to male aviators during WW2, and our primary focus on delivering warbird pilots, which fulfills a long-standing community request for WW2 pilots in-game. While it’s not the first-time era-specific avatars have been introduced to the game, this is the first “universal” attempt at adding WW2 Pilots, and it may explain why it’s the first time we hear the community raising concerns about the exclusion of female avatars in a WW2 context.

Our Avitar: Man’s Best Friend addon introduces pets into the game, drawing from the well-known term ‘Man’s Best Friend’ often associated with house pets. This naming choice was never intended to imply a male-only context. Those who interpret it differently may have misunderstood our naming convention.

We understand that discussions surrounding the exclusion of female avatars have raised concerns within our community. Our intention is to foster a positive and constructive environment for further dialogue and feedback, which will help us improve our Avitar Series in the future.

Our goal is to create a more inclusive and diverse avatar selection that resonates within the flight simulation community. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us shape the direction of our Avitar Series to make it better.

While we’re committed to this improvement, it’s also essential to acknowledge that without support for our current Avitar Series and the additional diversity it has already provided, it becomes challenging to allocate additional resources and effort into making future Avitar Packs. Without the support, our determination to offer deeper variety is pushed-back. Therefore, we appreciate your understanding and continued support as we work to enhance our offerings for the community.


Thank you for your detailed response. I reckon that I did not realize “men’s best friends” as a conventional name, and understand that the majority of the streams are indeed male. Thanks for letting us know the reasons behind choosing what models to use, since I wasn’t aware of the logistics behind your development. I am looking forward to your further creation whatever you venture into!

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I can see many of us appreciate flying with our feline friends so I’ve made a thread for flying cat lovers to share their appreciation…

Thanks to the awesome Got Friends group for giving us this opportunity!

I hope one day that Parallel 42 adds some cats to their Campout utility product alongside the dogs they already have. Then us cat lovers would be able to take our copilots camping too.

WIP on AvAngel for an AviTars update. AvAngel has been a huge support to many flight sim developers in reviewing content releases. She’s beta tested for GotFriends, and covered many of our products at launch, helping us reach an even larger audience. If you haven’t yet, check out her channel on youtube @AvAngel


Precisely the generic vintage pilot model I’ve been waiting for… trying out the Got Friends “WWII” pilot avitar in various applications. It’s great to be able to see a vintage-themed pilot in the cockpit of these types now, especially the antique/open-cockpit types (no more baseball cap or bone dome).