Thanks to this great application!
How ever, I just encountered a minor problem when playing some 3rd party bush trips, which made me having to fix the bush trip config files as a workaround. Seems bush trip manager doesn’t handle special characters quite well?
Would you please be kind enough to try importing bpic02-zyaj-zljq of this: https://flightsim.to/file/64734/beautiful-places-in-china
The problem is shown in the screenshot, a 0xA0 “space” char causes import failure.
Hey thanks for heads up. I already put various fixes around different bush trips structures. I came across similar issue with different community bush trip. Fix is on the way but currently I’m working on bigger update so will rollout all fixes at once. Please report any bush trip you had not importing either here or on discord its really helpful thanks
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Hi Thanks for wonderful application. Downloaded recently and I am at still very early stage of exploring the application.
Just a thought, it will be cool if there is an option to directly download bush trips from flightsim.to. At the moment we have to download the bush trips manually prior to importing to Bush Trip Manager.
The Flow will be:
- List Bush Trips with the Description
- Option to Import
- Yes, Import. Now I don’t know whether this can be archived using an API call
Thanks for idea. That will be cool feature. I will need to explore if is possible to do it with flightsim.to (Integration API etc). If yes I will add it to roadmap
I was looking also for way to integrate with BushTalkRadio but seems unfortunately they not offering any integration.
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Thanks for taking the idea on-board. I am to happy to test drive during the development if necessary.
Cool. DM me when you are ready. I am in the IST (India Standard Time).
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For Steam users, official bush trips are in this path and can be imported to Bush Trip Manager (BTM)
C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Official\Steam
Example directory: microsoft-bushtrip-california
Not, all the directories contain the word bushtrip is in correct Bush trip format
The folder must have this format to work with BTM.
I loaded most of the Microsoft official bush trips to BTM.
@darth0dan It might be a good idea have a search button added to the app some stage. Thanks.
Hey thanks Yeah search button is coming too and also bushtrip finder. Search around most likely locations to list bush trips to import. Also I need to look at future of general architecture. I perf tested it with 100 loaded bushtrips and was fine but I have fast SSD I may potentially make storage more efficient at some point. Quite a big roadmap ahead I hope during winter times will have more time for developing it.