[RELEASED] Daedalus BS214 for MSFS 2020 (Compatible with MSFS 2024)

The Daedalus BS214 is a prototype experimental twin-engine aircraft. It features a tricycle high-wing design and accommodates two seats, boasting Bush STOL capabilities.
The aircraft was designed and built for Microsoft Flight Simulator, with a focus on flying it in VR.
It is important to note that this aircraft does not exist in reality.


3D model

  • 3D model matching the flight model
  • Modern Propeller Model implementing propeller lift and drag
  • Physically Based Rendering (PBR) materials for a perfect visual result
  • Highly detailed textures for special clarity including decals
  • Numerous animations, including:
    • Aircraft doors
    • Landing gear flex
    • All cockpit switches, buttons, knobs and circuit breakers
    • Fully animated seats (useful in VR) & armrest
    • Sunvisors
  • Realistic backlighting and floodlighting
  • Realistic exterior lighting
  • Detailed checklist (non interactive, no preflight inspection)
  • One livery in 5 colors (blue, red, green, yellow, white)
  • Integration of native MSFS features such as icing and rain effects


  • G3X Touch Avionics by Working Title (PFD & MFD)
  • GTN750 by PMS50 or GTN750Xi by TDS Sim VC integration (replacing MFD)
    • PMS50 and TDS Sim GTN750 are 3d-party software (must be purchased and installed separately) – PMS50 offers Free GTN750 (must be installed separately)
  • GMC307 autopilot with Yaw Damper
  • Backup Attitude & Speed instrument
  • Trim & Cabin temperature instrument
  • Anti-Ice System
  • Oxygen System
  • Simulated circuit breakers
  • Automatic A/C system & cabin temperature initialization
  • Full PFD warning system


  • Default DA62 SDK sounds plus custom sounds


  • Exhaust heat & smoke effect
  • Engine fire smoke effect


  • PDF detailed manual included
  • PDF hardware key bindings

It is recommended to download and read the manual first to understand the aircraft’s systems and characteristics (available at: Manuals – Arantis Simulations).

Aircraft is available at: https://arantissim.com


This looked good to me and a reasonable price. I have bought it. I will report back.

Despite my promise to not buy a single add-on until My add-ons are back in 2024.

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This is a really, really nice little aircraft everybody. For the money they charge it is on par with things like the DA XLS from COWS.

It is fully functional, the Circuit breakers work, the plane fly’s great and is really a super STOL plane, landed it at Soldier bar. Supports PMS/TDS and the amazing WT G3.

Defo get this plane it is a gem!


I really like the plane but the MSFS 2024 EFB is too bright at night, can’t see anything. Needs to be fixed.

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The EFB is the default sim attachment, also included in other default MSFS2024 aircraft. The issue you’re describing is a bug in MSFS2024. In the EFB settings, the brightness controls are not functioning (true for other default aircraft), so the brightness cannot be adjusted. This bug needs to be fixed by Asobo, as third-party developers cannot control or modify default sim attachments.
In the meantime, while in map mode, you can switch to other maps, such as the satellite map, which is darker.
We are waiting the SU1 update to see if this bug has been fixed.


Ok, thanks.

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Hi, I just checked and the EFB brightness is ok in the default planes at night, we can’t change the brightness but it auto adapts. The issue is just with yours.

You are right, that’s because the default planes are MSFS2024 native aircraft, while the Daedalus BS214 is an MSFS2020 aircraft. We’ll investigate this issue to see how it can be fixed. Thanks for reporting it.

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I couldn’t resist and took a shot on this in FS20. I love it!

Despite not being based on a real world plane, it feels believable to me and is delightful to fly. It looks and sounds nice as well. My only real issue comes with single-engine handling as there’s almost no yaw moment with one out but aside from that, it’s wonderful to fly in normal situations. STOL performance is incredible and it’s a pure delight to do soft-field techniques.

This is going on my delightful list and gets a strong recommend, especially for the price

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Great review and Glad you like it too. I think this plane is amazing. I have had much fun in it hoping around the airfields in the UK and doing some sight seeing with it.

I cant wait to see more from this Developer.

We are very happy to hear from all of you that you like the aircraft and enjoy flying it.

The right engine of the aircraft rotates counterclockwise, meaning the aircraft does not have a critical engine, like the Piper PA-34 Seneca, Piper PA-44 Seminole, Beechcraft Model 76 Duchess, etc. When either engine becomes inoperative (left or right), the roll and yaw effects towards the dead engine are minimal. This design makes the aircraft easy to control with small control deflections.
The yaw and roll effects are a result of the MSFS flight model and modern propeller model, which are based on the aircraft’s geometry, dimensions, engine characteristics, etc. These effects may or may not be accurate.
Since the aircraft does not exist in real life, we do not have real-world data to compare the effects in the simulator with an actual aircraft, and therefore cannot make further adjustments if needed.

Oh sure, I’m well aware of critical engine but that only means one will have more impact than the other when it fails. It doesn’t mean no yaw with one out at all. Any failure of an engine off-centerline will have a distinct yaw and therefore roll impact. Source: my own IRL several-thousand-hours in piston/turboprop multis of various sizes and styles.

In brief playing I may have even had the plane very mildly yaw towards the live engine with one out which could mean something as simple as a reversed Y coordinate in the engines.cfg. I’ll do some playing with numbers and mess around as I do to require a touch of rudder with one out and report back.

Really this is more of an edge case that only sickos like me will fully explore so it really doesn’t detract from the delight of this little plane.

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I made some discoveries and have posted them in your discord. Fortunately it’s a dead simple fix

We saw it. Thank you very much for discovering and fixing the bug. We will include the fix in the next aircraft update.

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I am very glad to see people enjoying this plane. I have flown it a lot and I cant wait to see @CpMoustache fix’s included, Also what a great Dev!
Make mooooore planes!

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The EFB Auto Brightness (day to night) works OK for the Daedalus BS214 in MSFS2024, even though the slider does not display the brightness value. At night, it behaves similarly to other default aircraft that have the default EFB attached, such as the C208 Caravan.

Doesn’t work for me:

This is weird.
Are you running MSFS2024 v1.2.11.0, or do you have the v1.3xx beta installed?
When you move and change the time slider in the Weather window, does the brightness change and auto-adjust? If not, perhaps another addon is locking the EFB auto brightness variable (since EFB is a default sim attachment integrated into VC cockpit), preventing it from changing when the time changes.
Have you installed any other aircraft, addons, or mods in your Community folder?
If so, please try to remove them temporarily to see if something conflicts.

Daedalus BS214 updated to v0.1.1

Changelog v0.1.1:

  • Effects: Repositioned the engine exhaust heat effect.
  • 3D Model: Added static electricity wicks to the wings and tail.
  • 3D Model: Fixed geometry mesh flaw on the rudder.
  • Code: Fixed an issue where the cabin temperature would sometimes fail to initialize correctly when loading the aircraft.
  • Flight Model: Fixed a bug that prevented asymmetrical yaw from functioning properly during single-engine flight.

Please login to your account on our website to download the update.
Update instructions included in the Changelog.txt file inside the Documentation folder.

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