Just a quick update!
Work and testing continues on this project. There’s been many refinements and debugging and we’re steadily approaching beta. Flight dynamics are being dialed in very nicely, as is fuel burn. Some documentation will also be available to help get started on flying this bird.
I promise you, this is one aircraft you don’t wanna miss!
If you’d like to study up on this aircraft prior to release, you can view/download the AFM here: https://caisatech.net/uploads/XXI_3_HONDA_H51_HDJT_O_AFM_R2_3MAR2017.pdf
The handbook here: https://caisatech.net/uploads/XXI_3_HONDA_H51_HDJT_O_POM_R2_3MAR2017.pdf
Happy reading! We’ll continue to provide you with regular updates here, but you can also join the discord channel here (this link will expire in 7 days from this post): https://discord.gg/nwAQPJ5H