RELEASED! Just Flight Bae146 "the Little Jumbojet" April 29th

This is actually my only WT plane that I fly or plane with a WT FMC at least.

I should also note that I tried to import the flightplan “from the simulator” into Navigraph and it doesn’t look great there either. So it could be a world map flight planner issue with that route, but doing the same with the CJ4 may provide an answer
 or maybe just more questions!

Posted a new livery for the 100. This aircraft is just such a looker - I love it

BAe 146-100 BEA Retro G-AVRO » Microsoft Flight Simulator


anyone know if save restore works well like the 737 including FMC . An absolute must before purchase.

I think its ugly and i like it.

Hello! By any chance anyone knows how to:

  1. List item get the heading/CRS bugs moving faster when inputed with their respective LVARS?’s accelaration does not seem to work contrary to other airplanes

  2. List item Get the AP knobs (heading, alt, CRS especially) move when used from the LVARs? The buttons such as the flight director work, but not the various knobs

Thanks a lot! Regardless: outstanding aircraft I am in love with!

Are there any improvements to the FMS / LNAV planned? it really seems to hate NDB teardrop procedural approaches ( try EGTE or EGJJ ILS 26 ), actually seems to hate them more than the CRJ does(!). I haven’t tried the WT CJ4 in a while to see how that is doing these days so I don’t know what the baseline is.

Thanks for the BEA, donka, I’ll quietly put my 75% done one away :slight_smile:

Edit: tried the WT CJ4, has exactly the same behaviour at EGJJ ILS26 as the 146, unsurprisingly - sequences too fast after tthe fix ( JSY ) & turns right instead of straight on & then left.

Well at least it wasn’t missing waypoints like the FBW however I did notice route corruption when trying to fly with the ingame planner on these oddly propagated routes. I guess I could hop in the stock Asobo 320 and see what the planner is doing. Been a while since I flew a stock bird.

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The main problem with the WT FMC in 146 is that when you have incomplete routes that need fixed, it’s a pain not having a PFD that you can plot them onto and review/visualise them on. So you have to resort to flight planning maps like Navigraph to see what’s happening. The only other alternative is to do like we have been doing ie. deleting discontinuities and removing duplicate waypoints, which admittedly isn’t hard to do, and it’s not unexpected to have to do this, but it is a pain when you can’t see the plot of the plan without using 3rd party apps to do so.

Its not even that we have to edit the route it’s propagating the data incorrectly. You noticed you could fix that route but you end up deleting the fixes with minimums already programmed because the leg data is backwards.

There is no way around it unless you do it via SB and it propagates correctly. I will try the stock 320 on that route at some point today and see what the planner is doing. It could also be the WT FMC here causing the problem but again I have not tested the stock Asobo on this recent database either. Fun fun fun!

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New day, new trip in the 146. Landed on the most narrow runway yet. Quite interesting, but she handled it like a champ.


Does anybody know how you can set the Vspeed indicators at Vref for landing automatically?

When I click the Vspeed paper, it just sets all the bugs to around 200 kts.

I remember wondering the same thing until I was watching 320 simpilot

I know “pre 1.3/4 update” you had to wait till the aircraft decelerate to the first indicator and when the co-pilot announced “flaps 18” you had to click that flip chart in the landing option and do it each time you you got an announcement and actioned it
 i.e “gear down” (you put your gear down then click the flip chart and the little bugs moved

Now after the update, you don’t need to do it anymore, you have to click an actual flap option and it sets them all

Turn the flip pad option on in the efb options aircraft settings “cog” to enable the clicks on individual flaps configs to change the speed bugs to that position. You have to be precise with the mouse to select them. The default is/was originally to set flaps to say 18deg then click the flip pad to set the bugs to the speed for that flaps. You can now set the bugs in advance if you enable that option in efb settings.

So for example if you have the option enabled, then you should be able to click on flaps 18 on the flip chart (while still having no real flaps set) and the bugs will move to show speeds for flaps 18.

If the option is disabled in the settings, clicking any part of the flips chart will only show the speed for the currently set flaps config.

This option was a new feature released in v0.1.3 / v0.1.4.


Thx, will check if the option is enabled in the EFB!

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Make sure that option is checked as well as the latest update, make sure you click in the relevant flap setting box

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I also think that every new update resets the FLAP flipchart option in the EFB back to disabled. So if you had it enabled in v1.0.3 it may be disabled again by installing v1.0.4 etc. Worth checking.

How do I move the pilots seat up/down?

Manual states that “The crew seats are mounted on floor rails and the seats are manually operated to provide vertical and horizontal adjustment.”

“Click-and-drag or use the mouse-wheel on the seat handles to move them into the desired position.”

^^ This works 100% for forward/back -movement but for vertical axis I need to do exactly what? I haven’t found any details on this in the manual, except that it should work - just -how-?

Yes, thx all! Option was indeed unchecked!

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Ahead of its release, I’ve posted the v1.5 change log: Update change logs - v0.1.4 released (edited 1/6/22) | Just Flight Community

Martyn - Just Flight