RELEASED! Just Flight Bae146 "the Little Jumbojet" April 29th

@NORTMAR Would it be possible to give the aircraft page on the EFB an overhaul as well? The rest of the EFB looks really good, but the aircraft page itself is not as nice as the rest.

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Changes look great and with PAX being saved I’m sure at some point I’ll come back to the plane after a few days and realize that I left 75 passengers just sitting on the ramp the whole time :smiley:

The aircraft page is due to be redesigned to match the rest of the EFB (which is much newer from a GUI perspective) but that won’t be included in v1.5. That will come later with other new EFB features.

Martyn - Just Flight


Very nice!!!

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I actually quite like the slightly dated efb, fits the slightly dated aircraft :slight_smile:

The FMS does seem to have a problem with quite a few NDB/ILS approaches, which as I said earlier the WT CJ4 also has the same problems with - is the FMS a temporary insertion while a full RJ fit is being worked on, or are you going to branch it from the WT one & hopefully improve it?

Also, what was in the real jet where the FMS is in this one? there’s something with large buttons in a bunch of photos.

Think you could sneak TACAN into the RAF ones somewhere, if they had it?

v1.5 is now available via your Just Flight account. We will be sending the update to the MS Marketplace team for processing shortly.

Martyn - Just Flight


I accidentely bought on simmarket and they are still on v1.3 :disappointed_relieved:

Up-up and away

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Ok, v1.5 is also available on simmarket now :grinning:

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My auto pilot altitude capture is leveling off ~100’ short of set target now(v1.5).
Did a full flight and it held pretty steady at ~19,890’ when set at FL 20,000.
altimeter set at 29.92 w/IAS and ALT ARM set.

I think it was v1.3 where I was getting a consistent ~300 feet short.

I checked the replay. it did get to 19,960 initially …pretty close… and then faded down to a steady ~19,900. that is not terrible. maybe that is just how it is. At least ATC isn’t bugging me about it.


Everything about this airplane is groovy:

:space_invader: :joystick:


My left thumb can still feel that old school controller button if I take a deep breath and concentrate! Thank you for this. I am leaning towards the 146 as it seems to fit my style these days! And I can dig how groovy it is!! Haha!

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I quite like the simple efb like someone else’s mentioned, it suites well with the era (I mean, they didnt have these things back in those days…:woman_white_haired::person_white_hair:) where this aircraft came from, this aircraft was traditionally flown with the needels, the FMS is a great option and is just enough automation for those who want to fly the BAe but just want to load ‘autopilot’ and fly when they have things on…
You want to fly in an area where VORs no longer exist…

Once you have all the important improvements done and dusted… It would be great to see an option in the future for some tailored ground vehicles, especially rear airstairs, especially for those who don’t enjoy the generic MSFS ground vehicles and want a seemless flow within the EFB without having to use addons or like mentioned, the in game ground vehicles.


Well… it is still flying ( the 146, not just the RJ ) and a bunch of them have been retrofitted with FMS - to be honest I expect all the currently flying ones have - but I agree there’s something pleasantly simple about just using radio nav, which is why I do it a lot in other aircraft. Sometimes you just want the a/c to fly an approach for you though…

Like my mother would say… you cant have a cake AND… eat it… never really got that saying anyway… or you “cant have both… a hotdog and hot chips…” well guess what i did with my very first pay check… I learnt a very valuable lesson that day​:nauseated_face::money_mouth_face:


Exactly mate, I do hope that once they have settled any bugs, weather radar being a priority for me once the developers please the “Asobo gods” they develop a real world FMS for those current operators that have a FMS capable BAe.

Definitely, the FMS is very handy for those nights when you have to give your family ‘some’ attention that flying VOR to VOR will never allow as well as doing VATSIM stuff such as SID and STAR that VOR can’t give you. It’s also nice to fly this bird in the “automatic” mode while you have to attend to “real world” stuff…

I was seeing this last night too, sitting 100ft short of target alt for a while(see pic), then it eventually got there (longer flight) and stayed so I thought no more about it. Definitely different from previous version but not quite the -300ft and ‘wobble’ of v1.0.3. Other than that v0.1.5 seems fine so far.

Can we have a keyboard in the chart page please? Needed for VR.

Also a VR solution is needed for the note pad

Guys I need a hand with the VS function of this aircraft. Either I am doing something wrong or there is an issue with the aircraft. The issue is simply the plane will not hold the vertical speed.

I am trying to descend to 3000ft, AP engaged, VS engaged, LNAV engaged, ALT ARM 3000ft, airspeed around 250, I am trying to hold -2000ft per minute.

Vertical speed goes up and down all over the place. All the way up to 0 and above. What is going on?

How are you changing the pitch? Have you tried using sync mode to set pitch?. I’ve been engaging VS then engaging sync then using stick to set pitch/VS then disengaging sync which then holds VS.
I find that using IAS mode works better for limiting under/over speed conditions though the aircraft will then change pitch to maintain that speed, so you can then say on a descent set IAS mode then reduce throttle until desired VS is reached. You can also use the airbrake (to varying degrees) to increase/decrease the VS descent rate if you are descending too slowly/quickly.
Obviously with no auto throttle you have to determine/use your own throttle levels for climbing and descending too.