RELEASED! Just Flight Bae146 "the Little Jumbojet" April 29th

Yes that is how I set pitch. I get that there is no autothrottle, but around 250 kts when the airspeed is stable shouldn’t VS hold the vertical speed stable? I could keep my airspeed stable but the plane should keep the vertical speed stable right?

In your case, I’d have ALT ARM at 3000ft, IAS mode engaged when my airspeed was at 250kts, then throttle back to idle, and airbrake on in stages until the desired VS (say -2000ft /min) is maintained.

I am sure I could find ways to keep the VS stable at -2000ft, however, why doesn’t the AP hold it when both AP and VS are engaged and the speed is stable?

The aircraft can only change pitch automatically so in VS mode to maintain 2000ft/min say, the aircraft will try to change pitch to match. Which minus throttle or speed brake interventions will only slow or speed up the aircraft as the pitch goes up or down accordingly.

First of all, thanks for the replies. To try and make it clear, I am keeping the speed stable around 250kts. Maybe around + or - 10kts. But the VS goes up and down by more than 1500ft per min.

Minus an autothrottle that is impossible I’d have thought. Even with autothrottle enabled airliners you often have to use speedbrakes to hold a steady airspeed during descents, otherwise airspeed will likely increase. If you find you want to descend at a certain VS with less airspeed then either start the descent earier/shallower or use airbrakes to bleed off/maintain the airspeed.
This aircraft is very like the CRJ to fly it too only has automatic pitch control and no autothrottle.

Here’s the way I do it. I’ll hit the VS switch on the panel, engage the “sync” command (the afterburner key in the bindings"), and then pull the throttles back to idle, gently pitch down until I get to the desired descent vertical speed, and finally turn off the autopilot “sync”. At that point the system does a good job of maintaining the VS through pitch changes. Airspeed can be adjusted through throttle changes and extending the speedbrakes.

It sounds like you may be trying to maintain 250 by changing pitch which will throw off the AP. Don’t make any vertical adjustments using the yoke when using VS mode on the AP.

I have mostly figured it out thank you guys for the input. I believe what it comes down to is; AP gets thrown a bit easily, it could well be how it is supposed to be in the real aircraft. I think it does have to do with the lack of autothrottle too.

Another thing i found: it is important to be quick with the SYNC on AP.
If you take too long it throws the AP. I am not %100 sure about this but I think you can not just push SYNC and have it off for many seconds and push it again to resume it. Somehow things go south. I am not sure if that is how SYNC should work. But in my experience it responded well enough if i push it, set pitch and push it again within a couple of seconds. However, when i took longer it did not respond as well.

So, for future reference for anyone who might read here the moral of the story is: keep a close eye on your throttle as well as your speed and be quick with the SYNC on AP.

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I have my Bravo bound using some stock MSFS bindings and some MobiFlight bindings. I’ve only had a little time with this new update but it seems to be working, arm altitude, press and hold sync while adjusting pitch (does seem to be any timescale implication for me), hit VS and use my Bravo dial to pitch or descend without issue, also I’m not hitting the correct armed altitude so previous bug fixed for me.

I find that it also seems to depend on rate of change of VS when using sync, so if you are say in sync mode and have a quickly changing VS and as soon as needle goes past say -2kft/min and you suddenly disengage sync mode to set it, it will perform a whole lot differently than if you moved VS there in a more controlled manner to -2kft/min and hold it there for a second or two stabilised and then disengage sync mode to set it. The second scenario always yields a more steady VS rate than the first.

What is the Ver speed which is presented on the flipchart ? Thanks!

I don’t know about you people, but after all this awesome 146-time I’m getting rrrrrrreally curious about that F28 Just Flight is working on.


No blog update since Jan. Looks interesting though.

With development photos going all the way back to, well… Almost a year ago… and some quite significant photos too… In the similar build up and fasion that has resulted in the BAE-146
I wonder if it’s alot closer than what we think… I’d imagine that it would be similar or maybe less complicated than the BAe… VOR-VOR radio flying …

Can’t wait!!! Let’s hope a F100 could be a quick fire as well…

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CYYT today, 1/4sm in fog and gusting to 25kts


Oh wow! Nice photo and great flying in these conditions. I actually arrived in cyyt yesterday for visiting, it was quite the foggy landing irl too.

Cyyt can give some challenging landing conditions eh?

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We’ll have some more news on the F28 in the coming weeks.

Martyn - Just Flight


So glad you guys are taking feedback and making fixes/changes and still keeping the perf up. With the Airplane page in the EFB updated this plane will look boss.

I still often wonder about the perf tick though and what script is managing that slight dip in fps. I want to remove it entirely. Moving forward this plane could use another variant with some glass too. Even if just one panel it would make the difference.

Again kudos to a job very well done on this aircraft and continued support with quick updates.

Final into Queenstown (NZQN).


You guys are on a roll !

Thank you for the full-on support you have given this add-on.

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