RELEASED! Just Flight Bae146 "the Little Jumbojet" April 29th

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EFB is still soft locking with charts. Only now it’s soft locking during the flight instead of just after starting the engines. So while on the ground you can get past the soft lock but in the air the plane just dies. Ever since the first update to the plane when you “fixed” the charts this problem has been present. I suspect you coded a crash bug into the fix in the first update. I only missed it on v1.04 because I was already airborn with my destination chart up.

Back to the FMC issue I reported with the built in flight planner on v1.04 - I am now seeing the same issue with SB. It’s not generating flight plans properly on either now. I am wondering if it’s because it took part of my ingame planner and merged it with the SB import. Will test again later today by spawning cold with no destination and create a plan on SB.

Please report back, there is another thread relating to FMS/ flight plan issues, people are having issues

As these issues are not affecting all users and can’t currently be reproduced here, we’ll need you to submit a support ticket so that we can investigate further.

The same is true of any performance (FPS) issues.

Martyn - Just Flight


Hello Martyn, click points are much improved in VR, thank you, there is a conflict when scrolling Simbrief data on EFB (see photo), also the Map on EFB gets a little clunky and even goes blank (black) when zooming in, am I missing a setting?

Enjoying the 146 for some flights today and yesterday.


I normally like to fly in chill weather with the beautiful fluffy MSFS clouds, but sometimes I change it up to keep things interesting and accurate to the real world. Here’s a hazy, sunset approach into Hong Kong International - I could barely make out the runway lights on final, so was really relying on the ILS.

I love this plane so much!


Thank goodness for ILS. Such a soup over the UK.


Escaping the bad weather

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I’m not a Bae 146 flyer (might be in future, though my time is mostly too limited for airliners) but those of you that love the aircraft might be interested in this:

The book can be ordered here:

I’m not associated with this project in any way - just thought it might be of interest.

Mods - if the sales link violates forum policy, please delete - or let me know, and I will.

To all - enjoy!


Took the 146 on a trip in Alaska this evening. Gave me an oportunity to admire the contrails as she usualy flies too low for that in warmer climates.
The departure was nothing short of spectacular with high mountains right after departure.


Hi! I really enjoy learning this aircraft. However I find it difficult to monitor the gauges in the virtual cockpit while flying. Has anyone found a solution for being able to display them (or the data on them) on another monitor?

If you have a separate android tablet, there are a couple of apps you can use to monitor your aircraft systems, otherwise there are some apps that run a web server so you can connect with any tablet including iPad or other pc if on the same network and monitor through a browser. If you have a Streamdeck, you can also use that for monitoring engines using something like the Flight Tracker plug in. A couple of options which I love…

Love this aircraft, could we get a fix for the copilot showing in VR, they are visible when VR loads into aircraft, but disappear when the camera centre button is selected. I know the Dev team has indicated this may be a bug with MSFS however Kodiak and Cessna 310R have a solution.


This thing ahs me tubelining way too much.


Ok, just oooooone more :stuck_out_tongue: Final into KLAX


I noticed while I was flying today that lightning in the clouds bellow was visible through the cockpit.

A note to anyone that purchased the 146 on the Marketplace - the latest version (v0.1.5) should be available on Marketplace later today.

Martyn - Just Flight


What are the routes you guys are flying? Does someone know some Realworld-Routes that are still active?
Ive found the Pionar and Cobham are still operating in Australia, SumitAir and North Cariboo in Canada. In EU, i dont think there are any left?

Thats me, getting the grips of this masterpiece, short flights in AU, still in training :sweat_smile:


Would love to see a firefighting version someday.