RELEASED! Just Flight Bae146 "the Little Jumbojet" April 29th

Oh yeah, would love that.

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Are there any bindings for TMS TGT C? I find that horrendously fiddly to use.

I use these in Axis and Ohs to map the TMS TGT temperature dials to toggle switches. Agree, they are very fiddly with the mouse.

(L:R_TMS_TGT_dig3,·Number)·--·0·max·(>L:R_TMS_TGT_dig3,·Number)  -> TMS TGT ONE dec
(L:R_TMS_TGT_dig3,·Number)·++·9·min·(>L:R_TMS_TGT_dig3,·Number)  -> TMS TGT ONE inc
(L:R_TMS_TGT_dig2,·Number)·--·0·max·(>L:R_TMS_TGT_dig2,·Number)  -> TMS TGT TEN dec
(L:R_TMS_TGT_dig2,·Number)·++·9·min·(>L:R_TMS_TGT_dig2,·Number)  -> TMS TGT TEN inc
(L:R_TMS_TGT_dig1,·Number)·--·6·max·(>L:R_TMS_TGT_dig1,·Number)  -> TMS TGT HUNDRED dec
(L:R_TMS_TGT_dig1,·Number)·++·8·min·(>L:R_TMS_TGT_dig1,·Number)  -> TMS TGT HUNDRED inc

Updated my 146 landing challenges upload, adding Lugano, Queenstown and Sumbergh


Sorry if this has already been asked. Is it possible to select a GPS route from the globe/world map? Or is this plane like the CRJ, where the FMS needs to be programmed?

Just wanted to hand out this little lifehack for MSFS as I see some (great pics) with ATC-menus minimized for ease of acces.

You can also assign a (joystick) key to the ATC Option 1 in the MSFS controls menu. On 90% of communications, I just use my honeycomb yoke button to reply to instructions given without opening the menu.

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I haven’t tried it because I get mine from simbrief, but I think IDX-NEXT-Route menu-FPLN RECALL ( GAME ) does it.

Yes. Like the FMS in the CJ-4, hit IDX, go to page 2, route, load flight plan.

You can use the default FS world map flight planner to load a flightplan in to this aircraft FMS, it works. (not sure anyone has spelled that out).

You can also load a simbrief flightplan into the FMS too. (directly via a sub menu in fms or indirectly via loading it into the default FS world map).

You will need to check sids and stars are present and also make sure any discontinuities are removed. If you use simbrief direct import to fms, you will definitely need to add departure runway/sid and star/approach in manually.

The FMS is very easy to interact with though. Same as the working title CJ4 mod and also has a lot of similarities to the CRJ FMS too.

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Yes. Make flightplan on worldmap (or load PLN).

Then two ways :

Turn off FMS in EFB completely and turn HSI to RNAV

Or go into the FMS as others have mentioned and load the PLN from worldmap. Also in this method turn HSI to RNAV.

Then you can fly a Route from the Worldmap.

How to use the FMS on your Mobile device

In order to get the MCDU/FMS show up on your Mobile device (and use it from there) use this addon from Github :

This addon originally works for the WT CJ4 MCDU/FMS. You may already have this addon if you came across it for the WT CJ4. (maybe not)

  • Once you have it unzipped it somewhere safe and installed the part in community that needs to be in community make a copy/paste of the part in community and rename it to something with the BAe146 but in a way that it loads after justflight…I have it called “z BAe146 MCDU Addon”

  • Then in the addon in community, go down in the folder hierarchy until you find the CJ4 folder in the Airliners folder and rename that CJ4 folder to JF_146.

  • Then recompile the layout.json with the MSFS Layout Generator.

  • Then start the sim and once you have the aircraft loaded and up and running (start at a runway for demonstartion purposes this time) , run the cj4-mcdu-server-0.2.0.exe in the part that you unzipped from the original download. Allow it in your firewall.

  • Now call up the IP address it shows you on your Mobile device.

  • Add it to your Homescreen for easier use (right upper corner in Safari or Chrome)

From the second flight onwards, just run the cj4-mcdu-server-0.2.0.exe and call up the Widget you placed on the Homescreen of your iPad.

I have no affiliation with the addon.


Thanks so much for this! Flying with it right now and it works a treat. Had been wondering about the possibility and was planning to contact dementedmonkey about it. This has now ticked my second big wish list item for this aircraft, after JF also enabled independent nosewheel steering.


Such a joy to fly this thing. Keeps you involved. Departure from KLAX


This is one of the best things of this plane. Being able to load it all in just 1 click is just a major time saver.


So I’m back after a 4 month break or so and lots of aircraft now have been released, including this one which I have been REALLY looking forward to.

Can’t wait to get it purchased and in the game - your pics on here and the comments are great news, I was hoping it was going to be good.

Will pick it up next week.

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What does it do with the info though? Does it get used by FMS?

No, it’ll set up the payload & fuel from the imported plan - if you want to import a FP into the FMS there’s a link in the FMS ( it’s the WT CJ4 FMS, it’s no more fleshed out than that is ).

For some reason it never sets the right passenger count for me though.

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Will this ever be coming to Xbox? I can’t afford a PC and rig unfortunately

So the WT FMS doesn’t use the load values, but the sim /flight model presumably still does?
Just getting my head around differences since eg. the 737 FMS needs/uses the load values etc