Released: MD-80

I see that PMDG lnav 2.0 is planned after Asobo releases the debugger. I don’t know if there’s a date for that yet.

I Bought the MD-80, however cant fly until after the weekend :pleading_face::pleading_face: as well as another aircraft…as working all weekend. Was hoping for some great pics on this thread.

To make me more envious…its a great time for MSFS.

They are really doing everything they can to make sure only a tiny few simmers get to experience this aircraft: 90 euros with more money later on if you want the ‘dlc’ for the plane of other variants and maintenance options, not available on marketplace so never available on xbox.


It is already #4 alltime best selling aircraft for MSFS in Simmarket, so I mean…

I think i will have to pass as well because of the steep pricetag.
I actually find it somewhat surprising that it is that high.

edit: hmmm thats weird, its listed at 75eur on my simmarket. thats at least a little better.


Flying her now from KBOS-KORD. It is so wonderful to fly an aircraft without any obvious bugs so far. Everything just works. This aircraft also includes an included performance calculator which will calculate optimum takeoff flaps as well as flex thrust. PMDG has never given us a way to calculate flex thrust departures. This is high level stuff! This is all included. Completely worth the price.

P.S. - the texture resolution of various panels changes with the sim settings. Aka - make sure your global texture resolution in the sim is set to ULTRA. If it is not, the text will look fuzzy in some areas. Overall, it looks fantastic in my system!

One happy customer here.


Thanks…now I can see some great pics

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Here, you can see the crisper textures of the FMC buttons, the ND control panel, etc. In previous shots they were blurrier. I presume that’s because the user wasn’t using ULTRA in their settings. Keep in mind, I’m also using a NVIDIA filter.

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Not trying to fight about anything here, I just want to understand the leap in thinking that how do you go from people begging for quality aircraft to talking about springs and dust particles like they are separate things? If people are begging for quality aircraft then I would assume that would not include having texture issues or is quality just subjective and you’re deciding that it’s not an issue? I would assume if people are paying good money especially to a “seasoned” developer then at a minimum I would think you are paying for soup to nuts but apparently that seems to be the exception and not the rule. I personally am purchasing the aircraft and I am relying on Leonardo to fix the issues in due time, but it doesn’t mean that it isn’t disappointing right out of the gate with another addon with basic issues at delivery time.


Bit disappointed for this price tag, textures are still not satisfying, cockpit texturing aswell- more like in Prepar3D, sadly. Lack of cabin / wingview sounds- no sound at all, no flap movement sounds, no engine sounds- nothing! FBW does a much better job in texturing, modelling, immersion. Sad!


that’s because it’s very quiet IRL. The engine are way back.

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Fantastic bug free flight tonight from BOS-ORD


strobe lights not visible on ground, no in cloud reflections (strobes). Poor performance with 3090 & 12900k

seems they only port it over to make it msfs compatible

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Now I am envious…

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Edit: The strobes don’t flash on the ground. They are designed that way. As in the real plane. As for performance, I have the same as you, and it is buttery smooth on my end.

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Here’s one with some ground equipment.


Darn it, if PMDG didn’t say anything that their 737 will be likely released “before next weekend”, I could have already been in this cockpit!

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It’s kinda disappointing that a 75 eur product doesn’t even have animated switches. Hope they add it in future updates.


Do you recommend that I buy this product? I finally decided on the Bae 146 and I think I was right!