Released: MD-80

Same here, just took her up in the skies for the first time. Default ATC sound is garbled
@spiredComic878 thanks for the link.

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Thatā€™s correct

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Hold TAB substitutes in 2d, so I suppose might also work in vr. I have a similar problem in 2d because I use the right mouse button as freelook (hold)

Edit - using right mouse button is a bit of a pain here actually

i also had the audio stutter @requesting pushback, got it solved by clicking in the ATC window on the second Com tab and back to the first.

Can anyone tell me why my tablet is not working? i cannot power it on :roll_eyes:

Hold the on button for 3 seconds should work

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I had the same issue on first load. I was holding it down but nothing. It happened on first load of the plane. Restarting the SIM helpedā€¦ But obviously only if it wonā€™t come on even after holding the button for +5 seconds.

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the MD80 totally breaking the ATC is such a huge bug, itā€™s driving me insane. I canā€™t believe such an enormous bug could find its way into a 90ā‚¬ productā€¦

Ok, so hereā€™s my take on this after spending over 100$ cad $ on thisā€¦

Hereā€™s what I got for spending around 20$ less (BAE-146)

And hereā€™s what we get for free with the game :slight_smile: A320 original

Now my question is, which one is worth the most ? Depends on what is important to you but I judge I will get a good ROI with the BAE-146. Donā€™t get me wrong, the Maddog is an amazing aircraft to fly but we should all get a discount for buying it twice (P3D and MSFS)


But the textures are such a small part of it all. I mean the system depth on the MD80 far and above out classes anything before it. I guess if eye candy is your thing then ok, dont get me wrong I am flying the 146 right now and I love it, but it isnt as in depth as the MD80. The MD80 is a milestone in MSFSā€™s path, the BAE is also, but the MD80 has just taken MSFS to the next level, and shows it can now trade punches with other sims, just as the CRJ proved complex and custom FMC planes can be done in this sim and just as FBW proved before anybody else.

Been flying her for a day now, still learning (which is what I love about this ā€œoldā€ bird). Just when I thought I got it all figured out, nope, something else comes up that I didnā€™t configureā€¦lol

ā€œSheā€™s a beaut, Clark.ā€

*** If youā€™re on the fence, BUY IT. I promise youā€™ll love it. Also, I canā€™t wait for PMDG 737 next week, please hurry please.


MD-82 experts or experts overall ā€“

In my landing speeds, what do all of these mean? Iā€™m still trying to figure out when to deploy all these flap settings.

Vman 0/EXT
Vman 11/EXT
Vref 28/EXT
*** why is there no Vref40?

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You donā€™t have to convince me. The BAE 146 is stunning with graphics and sound. They were redone up to MSFS graphics standards. The Leonardo fan club will say graphics and sound donā€™t matter. For the most expensive plane in MSFS (plus $$ for a 3rd party sound pack add-on to come) it is really an embarrassment. Yes, the system depth is great but most people are not blind and deaf to think that this is the pinnacle of MSFS for the money.


BAE146 is very in depth. Where specifically does it fall down compared to the MD82 in systems depth? We all know the MD82 does not compare in the same league as BAE146 for graphics and sound. So please be more specific when you compare the system depth of the BAE146 to the MD82. Exactly in which areas/systems are we talking about here?


Iā€™ve now bought them both and need two lives to even try to get into these to any depth. Iā€™m not worried by the textures on the MD-80, but completely understand those who are. Done just a couple of flights in each so far, and the MD-80 definitely feels that bit more involved somehow - hard to describe. That said, Iā€™ve also really enjoyed the 146.

Whichever you prefer (or neither) they both seem great in depth aircraft to me. Great that we have choice and great that we are getting this level of complexity and depth.

They are expensive - in the UK, Ā£50 for the 146 and Ā£75 for MD-80. But I do feel they are both money well spent.

But we are all allowed opinions, and if people feel the MD-80 is too expensive and not good value, especially given the textures, thatā€™s totally fine - and you shouldnā€™t buy it of course.

EDIT - and when the 737 comes, I will need three livesā€¦


Oh how true this is . We need 9 lives like cats with all of these aircraftā€™s coming out . Very well said Gordon . Cheers and good luck finding the time .

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where can I modify it, flashing of strobes in clouds and on ground? cannot find this option inside load manager. Thx.

I never said the 146 isnā€™t in depth, and I donā€™t have to justify or be specific about anything, it just is. The FMC is fully functional where as the BAE one is added as a convenience and is a cut down version of the WT CJ4 one for a start.

If you own both you will see for yourself. Donā€™t get defensive, and start trying to justify your own feelings.

Both are great but the MD80 is just that bit more involved, you can agree or disagree I donā€™t really care.

Agree with you

The system of MD82 is amazing but the texture just like a P3D aircraft.

just fly a P3D airfract in MSFS

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The VMAN is maneuvering speed for each of the associated flap settings. There is no VREF40, because in the calculator section at the top you have selected 11/28, not 11/40. 28 is the normal landing flap config for most airports.

@SpideryCupid123 Iā€™m not in front of the sim at the moment but I recall seeing this in the desktop Aircraft Manager application. I will have to check though because it could be possible that it may not be working even with the option ticked on.

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