Released: MD-80

Thank you, I couldn’t find any information of any past sale online so I kind of expect that, thanks for your answer, I’ll keep an eye on it to see if they ever decide to do it.

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Ok so I have an issue that basically makes the MD-80 unflyable. new to forums, please don’t troll me too bad lol (so new I can’t post this as its own thread). So I recently purchased the Leonardo MD-82, and while the aircraft is excellent, I’ve had significant issues with framerate. My PC can easily run the PMDG 737 and DC-6 at 40+ fps, but the Maddog struggles to get above 20. I feel like there must be some issue because other graphically demanding add-ons work fine. Is there something I can do to fix this?

GPU is a nvidida GeForce gtx 1650 and processor is an AMD FX 8320 eight-core, and I have 16 GB of RAM.

Thanks for the help!

one thing I forgot to add - as soon as I turn the engines off, the framerate increases significantly, usually around a 5 fps jump

Is this plane ever on sale?

It’s Black Friday and it’s still full price :frowning:

Yes, in current state it’s overpriced in my opinion, and no sale :frowning:

I wish it would be cheaper so more people would get it. But I dunno, could be that sales are rare the same as pmdg planes. If it wouldn’t be about the price id say its the most fun airliner to fly yet.

I’ve spent about an hour following a Video Tutorial on how to Cold Start the MD-82, but don’t have the time to run through that sequence each time I want to fly it, so are there instructions anywhere on how to set it up for a “Hot Start”?

Run the Fly The Mad Dog software, set it ready for take off, or map an auto start button.


I love the MD80 but I won’t buy a ported aircraft when all other quality aircraft for MFS that compete for my money are built from the ground up to take advantage of the new features MFS allows for. I don’t want a port with subpar textures, inside the cockpit or the external model. And charging more for the MD-80 than say, the PMDG 737, and providing less in return… not a good look. I hope another dev makes an MD-80 that’s worth our money and looks as good as MFS deserves.


If I remember correctly a lot of the PMDG stuff was also ported but I might be wrong there. And I doubt there will be a another MD-80 on the same level in system depth, etc., but thats a personal preference. And the company behind it is a lot friendlier to their customers in my experience. I think tfdi might make a 717, so that could be an alternative in the future.

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How do you ditch the copilot next to you, it looks she crawled around in cargo, and changed hydraulic fluid, she has dirty hand ps and her outfit is all dirty looking.

It would be cool if someone could clean up the cockpit, and make it look like new. We have a private MD80 at my home airport, its super nice in the cockpit.

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Also you probably want to check if you’ve gotten the last two updates this week.

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Does anyone get the Avionics hum cockpit sound cutting in and out sometimes?

They might be friendly devs, doesn’t change the fact they took the easy way out with the model then overcharged for it like it’s a state of the art, built from the ground up, MFS aircraft. Sets a bad standard and on principle alone I won’t buy it for that reason. Same with the Majestic Q400, just announced, it’s a port. And they took a beating on the forum page for it.


Hi guys, I hope you can help me.
I have installed the latest update and the plane is involable, to be premised that before this update I had about 45 50 fps, now barely 25, I leave you 2 comparison photos, the first with the Maddog and the second with the A310, same airport (ENGM) and same runway, do you know how to solve? thank you very much.

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Does anyone know how to activate the gpu, I tried clinking the button and it doent not turn blue at all. Am I missing somthing in settings. Anyone have that issue… a bit frustrating.

Have you activated the GPU on the ground–via the ground tab on the EFB?

I’ve just gone for this. Graphically, you wouldn’t think it was a port over from something else. I think it looks superb. If the systems depth is on par with the 737’s then it should be a lot of fun. I am fond of the older MD jets, I have a real soft spot for the MD-11 and the DC-10 too.


Then you will really like this MD.
It isn’t cheap, but it is quite well done.


Share your thoughts after you’ve flown it a bit, I want a good MD-80 but the port-over thing is keeping me away. If you can’t tell that its a port and the graphics have been updated, the flight model is realistic, then i might go for it at some point

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