Released: MD-80

I think I’m over Delaware? lol I’m a bad pilot but having fun

lol not even over Long Island

All my twinkle fly buddies

I’m not angry I’ve just got places to go!

I’m still having difficulty trying to buy it because sim marketplace is not US friendly to US users by putting everything in pounds and not having an option to switch currency

Everything converts before you hit purchase and

If you think you can fly a near study level jet I think you can handle google
Oh and it isnt Pounds it Euros

I’ll look into doing it because i was hoping to learn the MD 80 after I complete my bae 146 world flight

The TCAS in the MD-80 just tickles me pink, it’s way ahead of ATC but this still happens LOL

Feels so good getting better at landing this plane it wants NOTHING to do with slowing down on final.

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Does the Maddog have a terrain radar?

Let me buy the posters glasses who say the cockpit texture resolution and quality is beautiful

This plane (developer) will go the way of the CRJ for MSFS (at lease the textures are much better on the CRJ).

Personally, I’m looking forward to the Fokker planes from Just Flight. That will be quality all round.

I did 2 flights today in it. Obsolete because there’s an Airbus and 737’s out now? Nah. This plane is different. Just because you don’t enjoy it doesn’t mean noone else does. This is still my top airliner. Not to say I wouldn’t cheat from time to time if a 717 or 757 came out.


The pricing vs quality is obsolete though


That can be subjective, if you just want to look around the cockpit and play around for a few flights, sure. I have spent untold hours in the Rotate version for XP11 before this, and I would guess 30-40 hours in MSFS with this Leonardo version. Per hour of fun, I feel like it’s not too bad and keeps getting better. It’s still less than the price of 1 hour of fuel for a piston single IRL.

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It’s more obsolete in the context of MSFS.

You have study level planes starting at 20$ now (247D), access to PMDG for 35$, etc.

In fact, the dev seems to be stuck into another era:

  • pricing from the old days, when the market was far smaller (high prices, low sales volume)
  • simmarket (the website directly from the 90") exclusive
  • snub influencers (twitcher / youtuber, even Fabio didn’t get a response from them to be able to show the plane)

Personally, I’m interested by the plane for a very long time, but I will not buy it since it’s the most expensive plane and it’s not the best in town, and that at this price I will also have to use an obsolete way to release addons (I prefer using some modern platforms like the marketplace, Orbx or Contrail).

And according to the (small) number of Maddog we can see ingame, it seems I’m not the only one thinking this way.

In fact, even in my VA (and we buy almost all new releases), we were many to be interested, and… no one bought it in the end.


‘stuck in another era’ is the perfect way to describe the developer.


Did the developers of the MD80 ever comment on if they are planning to update/improve the visuals and/or sounds of this aircraft?

I’m interested in buying the MD80 but I’m not going to pay full price for a product with outdated/ported graphics or lackluster sound…


Sadly, other than minor alterations, I don’t think a major overhaul is in sight…

Which is a shame, because this product is in desperate need of a “Version 2”,… far more so than the BB Islander ever needed!

For me, it’s not even the graphics/sounds that killed my appetite. Where MY problem with this product lies is that I feel Leonardo have been down-right obtuse with the way they’ve set up cockpit interactivity. They are the only devs I can think of who’ve not made any anticlockwise clickable spots in the cockpit. Instead it’s hover-over/mousewheel or right click (and of course, a lot of us non-VR flyers use right click to pan, so it doesn’t work unless you want to re-map the pan assignment just for this one add-on). This is just one example of several fiddly/time-consuming things in the cockpit, which overall takes the joy out of using it (IMO).

In short, whilst this product remains a “port”, I can’t see many people using it for the foreseeable. Leonardo simply not on the same page as everyone else.

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Yes that´s sad because it´s such a cool and iconic plane!
There are two visual bugs in the cockpit I have noticed (but not contacted Leonardo software yet because my schedule planner was competely filled with getting up in the morning and thinking of the Fenix Airbus, watching Fenix Airbus tutorial videosl flying the Fenix, more tutorial videos, posting the most awesome Fenix screenshots, praising the Fenix in all Discord channels Facebook sites etc, and watching some Fenix tutorial before going to sleep :smiley:

Not much time for other airplanes in the previous months.

Maybe the MD-80 is worth a look and some nice cockpit overhaul.

CM.170 by AzurPoly in an interception mission over France after Radio Failure !

Hello! Did the MD-80 have a pop out display like the PMDG 737? By the way, i do not found answer too if the md-80 use the basic keybind from MSFS for external light, autopilot etc… I had a bad disciveing when i purchase the CRJ from Aerosoft and discover than many switches and buttons are not bind with the basic key.

Hello, I would like to ask if the MD-80 has ever been on sale on SimMarket, and if yes, what was the minimum price it reached. I would like to buy it but I don’t think I’d get enough use to justify the price (91,50€ in Italy), especially considering the lower price of other add-ons I am interested in for this and similar games (for example DCS). Thank you and have a good day

No, it has never been on sale and I wouldn’t expect that ever happens this year.

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